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feeding your inner panda pandas and numpy for data science part 1
Feeding Your Inner Panda: Pandas and NumPy for Data Science (Part 1)

Every Data Scientist knows that Pandas and NumPy are very powerful libraries, due its capabilities and flexibilities. In this article, we’re going to advanced concepts discuss in detail and how to utilize the same during Data Science implementation.

This article would really help you all during Data Processing/Data Analytics in the Data Science/Machine Learning projects.

Every Data Scientist should be a master those topics to handle the data because data comes from multiple sources and huge files. You supposed to bring all the required data into one place and arrange them physically for your data analysis and visualization point of view. In this regard, we are going to discuss few advanced concepts with effective steps. 

Let’s Start!

Let’s starts with Pandas, 

pandas offering excellent features as below mentioned in the picture. 

Panel + Data = Pandas

  • It provides well-defined data structures and their functions.
    • It translates complex operations by using simple commands.
      • Easy to group, filtering, concatenating data,
      • Well, organized way of doing time-series functionality.
      • Sorting, Aggregations, Indexing and re-indexing, and Iterations.
      • Reshape the data and its structure,
      • Quick slice, and dice the data based on our necessity.
  • Time is taken for executing the commands very fast and expensive.
  • Data manipulation capabilities are very similar to SQL.
  • Handling data for various aspects like missing data, cleaning, and manipulating data is with a simple line of code.
  • Since it has very powerful it can handle Tabular data, Ordered and Unordered time series data, and fit for Un-labelled data.

Why don’t we go through few capabilities from the codebase, so that you could understand better.

Series and DataFrame

“Series” and “DataFrame” are the primary “Data Structures” components of pandas. Series is a kind of dictionary and collection of series, if you merging the series, we could construct the dataframe. Data Frame is a structured dataset, and you can play with that.

  • Series
    • One Dimensional Array with Fixed Length.
  • DataFrame
    • Two-Dimensional Array
    • Fixed Length
    • Rectangular table of data (Column and Rows)

Building Series
import pandas as pd


1 Apple
2 Ball
3 Cat
4 Dall
dtype: object

Building Pandas

import pandas as pd
Eno=[100, 101,102, 103, 104,105]
Empname= [‘Raja’, ‘Babu’, ‘Kumar’,’Karthik’,’Rajesh’,’xxxxx’]
Eno_Series = pd.Series(Eno)
Empname_Series = pd.Series(Empname)
df = { ‘Eno’: Eno_Series, ‘Empname’: Empname_Series }
employee = pd.DataFrame(df)

Since we’re targeting “Advanced pandas features”, let’s discuss the below capabilities without wasting the time.

As we know that the pandas is a very powerful library that expedites the data pre-processing stage during the Data Science/Machine Learning life cycle. Below mentioned operations are executed on DataFrame, which represents a tabular form of data with defined rows and columns (We’re clear from the above samples). With this DataFrame only, we use to do much more analytics by applying simple code. 

A. Reshaping DataFrames

There are multiple possible ways to reshape the dataframe. Will demonstrate one by one with nice examples.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#building the Dataframe

IPL_Team = {‘Team’: [‘CSK’, ‘RCB’, ‘KKR’, ‘MUMBAI INDIANS’, ‘SRH’,
‘Punjab Kings’, ‘RR’, ‘DELHI CAPITALS’, ‘CSK’, ‘RCB’, ‘KKR’, ‘MUMBAI INDIANS’, ‘SRH’,
‘Punjab Kings’, ‘RR’, ‘DELHI CAPITALS’,’CSK’, ‘RCB’, ‘KKR’, ‘MUMBAI INDIANS’, ‘SRH’,
‘Punjab Kings’, ‘RR’, ‘DELHI CAPITALS’],
‘Year’: [2018,2018,2018,2018,2018,2018,2018,2018,2019,2019,2019,2019,2019,2019,2019,2019,2020,2020,2020,2020,2020,2020,2020,2020],
IPL_Team_df = pd.DataFrame(IPL_Team)



groups_df = IPL_Team_df.groupby(‘Team’)

for Team, group in groups_df:
print(“—– {} —–“.format(Team))

Here Groupby feature used to split up DataFrames into multiple groups based on Column. 


Transposing feature swaps a DataFrame’s rows with its columns.



The stacking feature transforms the DataFrame into compressing columns into multi-index rows.

IPL_Team_stack_df = IPL_Team_df.stack()


Melt transforms a DataFrame from wide format to long format. Melt gives flexibility around how the transformation should take place. In other words, melt allows grabbing columns and transforming them into rows while leaving other columns unchanged (my favourite) 

IPL_Team_df_melt = IPL_Team_df.melt(id_vars =[‘Team’, ‘Points’])

I believe you all are very familiar with the pivot_table. Let’s move.

B. Combining DataFrames

Combining DataFrames is one of the important features to combine DataFrames for different aspects as listed in the below picture.


Concatenation is a very simple and straightforward operation on DataFrames, using concat() function along with parameter ignore_index as True. And to identify the sub dataframe from concatenated frames we can use additional parameter keys.

Dataframe -1

import pandas as pd
Eno=[100, 101,102, 103, 104,105]
Empname= [‘Raja’, ‘Babu’, ‘Kumar’,’Karthik’,’Rajesh’,’Raju’]
Eno_Series = pd.Series(Eno)
Empname_Series = pd.Series(Empname)
df = { ‘Eno’: Eno_Series, ‘Empname’: Empname_Series }
employee1 = pd.DataFrame(df)

Dataframe -2

Eno1=[106, 107,108, 109, 110]
Empname1= [‘Jack’, ‘John’, ‘Peter’,’David’,’Davis’]
Eno_Series1 = pd.Series(Eno1)
Empname_Series1 = pd.Series(Empname1)
df = { ‘Eno’: Eno_Series1, ‘Empname’: Empname_Series1 }
employee2 = pd.DataFrame(df)

(i-a).Concatenation Operation

df_concat = pd.concat([employee1, employee2], ignore_index=True)

(i-b).Concatination Operation with Key Option

frames_collection = [employee1,employee2]
df_concat_keys = pd.concat(frames_collection, keys=[‘Section-A’, ‘Section-B’])


We can merge two different DataFrames with different kinds of information and link with some common feature/column. To implement we have to pass dataframe names and additional parameter “on” with the name of the common column.

Dataframe -1

Eno1=[106, 107,108, 109, 110]
Empname1= [‘Jack’, ‘John’, ‘Peter’,’David’,’Davis’]
Eno_Series1 = pd.Series(Eno1)
Empname_Series1 = pd.Series(Empname1)
df = { ‘Eno’: Eno_Series1, ‘Empname’: Empname_Series1 }
employee2 = pd.DataFrame(df)

Dataframe -2

Eno1=[106, 107,108, 109, 110]
Designation= [‘Programmer’, ‘Architect’, ‘Project Manager’,’Data Scientists’,’Business Analyst’]
Eno_Series1 = pd.Series(Eno1)
Designation_Series1 = pd.Series(Designation)
df = { ‘Eno’: Eno_Series1, ‘Designation’: Designation_Series1 }
Designation_df = pd.DataFrame(df)

df_merge_columns = pd.merge(employee2, Designation_df, on=’Eno’)

Similar to SQL even in the Merge feature as well come up with different options like Outer Join, Left Join, Right Join with parameter how=” join type” will see all these options now.

Defining two dataframes

df1 = pd.DataFrame({‘Eno’: [100,101,102,103,104],’Ename0′: [‘David’, ‘John’, ‘Raj’, ‘Jack’,’Shantha’]})

df2 = pd.DataFrame({‘Eno’: [100,101,102,103,105],’Salary’: [1000, 1200, 1500, 1750,2000],
                                       ‘Designation’: [‘Developer’, ‘Sr.Developer’, ‘Project Lead’, ‘PM’,’SM’]})


(I)Merging two dataframe using common data with common column available in both dataframe

df_join = pd.merge(df1, df2, left_on=’Eno’, right_on=’Eno’)

(ii) Full Outer-join

df_outer = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=’Eno’, how=’outer’)


df_left = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=’Eno’, how=’left’)


df_right = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=’Eno’, how=’right’)


df_inner = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=’Eno’, how=’inner’)

with JOIN feature which is available under Combining DataFrames.

Note: Even we can merge the dataframe by specifying left_on and right_on columns to merging the dataframe.


As mentioned above JOIN is very similar to the Merge option. By default, .join() will do left join on indices. 

df1 = pd.DataFrame({‘Eno’: [100,101,102,103],
‘Ename0’: [‘David’, ‘John’, ‘Raj’, ‘Jack’]},
index = [‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’])
df2 = pd.DataFrame({‘Salary’: [1000, 1200, 1500, 1750],
‘Designation’: [‘Developer’, ‘Sr.Developer’, ‘Project Lead’, ‘PM’]},
index = [‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’])

Hope we learned so many things, very useful for you everyone, and have to go long way, Here I am passing and continue in my next article(s). Thanks for your time and reading this, Kindly leave your comments. Will connect shortly!

Until then Bye and see you soon – Cheers! Shanthababu.

Source Prolead brokers usa

top 10 reasons on how digital transformation is enhancing businesses
Top 10 Reasons on How Digital Transformation is Enhancing Businesses

Regardless of the industry and size of the business, whatever the vision of a business is for the future, it must necessarily include proper digital transformation to grow rapidly. 

Due to the whole pandemic, the way businesses operate drastically changed. What was supposed to take many years took only a few months, and businesses were mandatorily bound to transform themselves digitally. Here are some facts to prove it:

  • Eight in every ten organizations rapidly fast-tracked their entire digital transformation as per the Digital Transformation Index 2020. Over 4000 business leaders were used for the survey.
  • 89% of the people who were a part of the survey said it was due to the pandemic, highlighting the dire need for a scannable agile environment.

Here are the top 10 reasons how digital transformation is enhancing businesses today:

  • Improved customer strategy

Thanks to the latest technological and operations developments that create capabilities to help the businesses to retain, acquire and help clients while minimizing the marketing spend at the same time. Today, the clients are pretty well informed and demanding besides fleeting attention. In the social media era, the voice of the clients has increased for sure. In the B2B space also the technology has impacted various touchpoints.

  •  Reduced expenses

When a business tends to optimize the business technology and operations revolving around digital technology, it means cost per transaction is minimized, and sales are increasing. Hence one can say that digital transformation reduces business costs.

  •  Consolidated operations

Thanks to introducing cost-effective and customer-focused digital tasks that help streamline the company’s workflows and remove the expenses related to outdated solutions. The companies need to undergo a digital change to enhance the critical processes in the company. The fragmented systems mainly lead to a lack of efficiency in operations or lack of transparency. The board of management needs to understand that investing is crucial to minimize IT complexity. You need to position it as a betterment process.

  •  Analytics

The best part about digitalization is that it allows the companies to combine data from all the clients and previously unstructured data in a valuable and actionable strategy to make the most of the customer experiences.

  • Correct market segmentation

The latest technology allows the companies to discover better adaptive and agile models based on the patron’s parameters that weren’t possible to cover or track a few years back.

  •  Digitized economy

The ever-increasing digitization of all elements in life and enterprise aspects is another element for digital transformation. Data is mainly stored digitally, which means both systems and processes need to be revamped to highlight the same. The latest technological advancements, including faster broadband connections, have eradicated the lines between the physical and virtual world. In contemporary economies, the latest innovations are due to the digital touches in the consumer and business world. The 4G and 5G networks are the following essential elements, with 5G networks might open a world of opportunities for the digital economy to expand.

  •  Future-proofing

The term is ideally heard in the business consulting in future-proofing, and executives are curious to know that the digital transformations made now will be available to withstand the test of time. Some of the industries also tend to use technologies, including artificial intelligence, for financial services.

  • The company’s changing culture

A company is most likely to find it challenging to do everyday things, and it is pretty understandable. The processes and culture can get set and go stale and can be challenging to change. One of the most common reasons for justifying the digital change like revamping the department’s culture or the entire organization. One also needs to motivate the start-up mentality and start a completely new company with its management.


  • The external forces are changing

Some of the technologies mentioned above are not likely to remove the complete businesses, but they indeed retain the potential to disrupt them heavily. Thanks to the advent of cloud computing and the internet have given companies, including Amazon, that have disrupted all the industries they work in. Some of the new companies have the sheer scale and ability to enter the new sectors. The recent changes are meant for the current players in companies.


  •  A new direction for customer management

Thanks to the advancement and ubiquity of technology in the consumer-driven world, there has been a change in how businesses engage in the business-to-consumer world. The clients are informed and demanding. Above all, there are loyalty programs across the digital and physical world to hire and retain clients. The systems tend to streamline the interior handling of the queries. Marketing automation also helps in automating communications before important renewal dates.


Transformative and newer technologies had been entering the market, enabling all businesses to thrive hard and explore the digital world. Hence, digitalization has helped businesses drastically. 

Source Prolead brokers usa

electrical flexibility how is it made
Electrical Flexibility: How Is It Made?
Slide by author
NEURAL POWER [W]: qualitative and economic description of the subject matter.
GOAL: Discuss solutions, methodologies, systems, projects to support the Energy Transition towards Energy Convergence.
TARGET: Operators, Customers, Regulators, Lawmakers, Inventors, Academics, Scientists, Enthusiasts.
MARKET: Energy Market
TAG: #ElectricalFlexibility #Profiling #Scheduling #Baseline #Balancing #NegaWh #EnergyAsAService #Blockchain #EnergyTransition #FlexibilityReady #Baseload #Demand #Digitization
CREDITS: [1] Photo of Ann H by Pexels; [2] Photo of Kampus Production by Pexels; [3] Photo of Markus Spiske by Pexels.
Photo  by Pexels


Transmission System Operator (TSO). Transmission System Operator is a natural or legal person responsible for operating, ensuring the maintenance of and, if necessary, developing the transmission system in a given area and, where applicable, its interconnections with other systems, and for ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the transmission of electricity.[1]
Balancing Service Provider (BSP). Balancing Service Provider (BSP) in the European Union Internal Electricty Market is a market participant providing balancing services to its Connecting TSO, or in case of the TSO-BSP Model, to its Contracting TSO.[2]
Mixed Virtual Enabled Unit (MVEU). Aggregate (also known as industrial districts) consisting of production, consumption and storage plants that participate in the `#ElectricalFlexibility` processes, governing the use of energy according to the actual power needs. Storage systems functional to electric mobility are also part of the MVEU pilot project, as these are considered to be completely comparable to other storage systems.[3]
Distribution System Operator (DSO). Distribution System Operator (DSO) in the European Union Internal Electricity Market is legally defined in Article 2(29) of the Directive (EU) 2019/944 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on common rules for the internal market in electricity (recast), and stands for a ‘natural or legal person who is responsible for operating, ensuring the maintenance of and, if necessary, developing the distribution system in a given area and, where applicable, its interconnections with other systems, and for ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the distribution of electricity.[4]
ISOPROD. Electric load profile of the Consumption Units (CU) (mapped within the industrial-type production process) built respecting all the constraints of the process itself, i.e. the production performance index (Qty/h).
ISOCONF. Electric load profile of the Consumption Units (CU) (mapped within the supply chain responsible for providing environmental services) built respecting all system constraints, i.e. the environmental conditions to be supplied (*temperature, humidity,…*).


Photo of Ann H by Pexels
To realize the #ElectricalFlexibility:
  • which technology?
  • what architecture?
  • which platform?
The question is not which, but how this is achieved by avoiding tactical approaches that introduce other issues (e.g. batteries) instead of providing a system solution.
How to create the #ElectricalFlexibility:
  • virtualize the electrical #Demand, through the #Digitization process;
  • optimize the consumption profile (#Profiling) of the Consumption Units (CU), both single and aggregated (MVEU / industrial districts);
  • execute the consumption program (#Baseline) scheduling (#Scheduling) the activities of the Consumption Units that compose it;
  • build the map of the CUs, within the #Baseline, which are proposed (pay-as-bid) to the TSO to solve the problems of Network imbalances (#Balancing) through modulating its consumption and respecting all the constraints of the system and the program itself;
  • sell the #NegaWh the modulation program of the CUs, which are proposed as resources of #ElectricalFlexibility.
#NegaWh measures the flexibility (energy to “increase in consumption “and / or” decrease in consumption “) of the CU, within the baseline, which are proposed to market (pay-as-bid) as resources for services reserve (primary, secondary, tertiary) in dispatching sessions, in order to resolve the imbalances in the electricity grid.
Slide by author
A further step forward, to realize the flexibility’s paradigm, is to build, through the #Digitization process, the services that maximize the values related to the #ElectricalFlexibility making the Consumption Units ready to be used from the TSO as resources to be used in the stock market sessions (#FlexibilityReady).
The #Digitization transforms electrical energy from commodities into technological services (#EnergyAsAService), aiming to eliminate the risks associated with non-compliance with the electrical programming of the CU and to maximize the opportunities related to its own #ElectricalFlexibility. The new digital energy services have the following objectives:
  • reduce the marginal costs associated with its use;
  • optimize consumption;
  • maximize the revenues able to pursue by participating in the #ElectricFlexibility market.
The push towards the energy service model is given by the following market trends:
  • De-carbonization of the economy, i.e. maximization of renewable energy and the minimization of its marginal cost;
  • Digitization: the total interconnection of decentralized, disintermediated and distributed systems and data, according to the #Blockchain model. The #Digitization opens up the values and methods of physical and mathematical optimization and new business models to the world of energy.
The #EnergyAsAService model focuses on the specific satisfaction of the Customer by creating new economic values in harmony with the objectives defined by the #EnergyTransition:
  • Earning from the Grid: economic enhancement of the #ElectricFlexibility extracted from the CU and that the Customer can offer to the electricity system;
  • Minimization of marginal costs: optimization of electricity consumption profiles;
  • Economic and environmental sustainability of the production cycle.
Photo of Kampus Production by Pexels


The three services that make CU #FlexibilityReady are:
  1. Energy Professional Assessment
  2. Energy Professional Modeling
  3. Energy Flexibility Enhancement

Energy Professional Assessment

Marginal cost optimization service for electricity and gas supplies.


  • Preparation of monthly digital reports based on data related to electricity and gas supplies;
  • Identification of any errors in the bill;
  • Optimization of the marginal costs of supplies by identifying the best tariff opportunities compared to actual market prices.


The data related to energy supplies are collected from various data sources and inserted into a digital reporting platform that analyzes multiple aspects belonging to the following areas: physical, economic, financial, environmental.
In addition to identifying any errors in the bill, the calculations obtained allow the identification of an optimal supply proposal through an analytical methodology based on the “Load Shaping” model, determining the tariff profile of the electricity contract that best reflects the real needs consumption of the Customer, considering all the factors (endogenous / exogenous) that can modify its trend.


Digital reporting

[monthly update]
  • Physical area;
  • Analysis of consumption profiles;
  • Analysis of generation profiles (where available);
  • Economic area;
  • Analysis of the costs in the bill;
  • Identification of any errors in the bill;
  • Check requirements for defi-scaling;
  • Verify contributions in exchange account on the spot (where available);
  • Identification of marginal cost optimization strategy;
  • Financial area;
  • Power budget;
  • Environmental area;
  • Environmental impact analysis.
Slide by author

Analysis for tariff adjustment

[Approximately once a year, based on the trend in market prices]
  • Identification of the most important contractual parameters;
  • Identification of the tariff profile most suited to the actual mode of consumption;
  • Research and selection of gas and / or electricity operators;
  • Comparison of offers from different operators with performance simulation; with respect to the contractual parameters previously identified;
  • Support for the selection and subsequent activation of the new supply (renegotiation with the current supplier or change of supplier).


[At the start of business]
  • Electricity supply contract in force (original document in pdf format);
  • Gas supply contract in force (original document in pdf format);
  • Technical specifications for interfacing with smart meters dedicated to the acquisition of total plant consumption (where available).
[Every month]
  • Quarterly distribution curves (source: distributor portal);
  • Quarter-hour absorption curves (source: supplier portal);
  • Invoiced consumption (source: supplier portal);
  • Bills (original document in pdf format, including detailssource: supplier’s portal);
  • If photovoltaic or other generation plants are available:
    • Quarter-hour electricity input curves (source: distributor portal);
    • Withdrawal and injection measurements sent by TSO to the DSO (source: distributor portal);
    • Plant production data (source: plant manufacturer’s portal).
[Every semester]
If photovoltaic or other generation plants are available:
  • On-site exchange contributions (source: DSO portal);
  • Administrative costs (source: DSO portal).


  • Awareness of the energy costs associated with supplies (electrical / thermal) divided by components;
  • Request to the Supplier for any refunds for billing errors and / or application of charges and taxes;
  • Constant adjustment of supply tariffs in relation to market price trends;
  • Reduction of the cost of the unbalancing component of the supplier’s portfolio thanks to the #Profiling of the site (max 2.5 €/MWh).
Photo of Markus Spiske by Pexels

Energy Professional Modeling

Service for the optimization of the electricity consumption profile of the Consumption Units (CU).


  • Identification of the electrical load profiles of the main Consumption Units.
  • Optimization of the total electrical load profile through:
  • Elimination of consumption peaks;
  • Scheduling of the systems responsible for the environmental service (HVAC, AHU, lights, etc);
  • Definition of the energy program based on the industrial production plan;
  • Identification of the potential of #ElectricalFlexibility.


  • Mapping of the Consumption Units;
  • Description of the phases of the operational process;
  • Identification of the CU involved;
  • Mapping of CU in virtual areas;
  • Categorization of CUs based on the type of consumption:
    • repetitive (#Baseload);
    • discontinuous (dependent on constraints of ISOPROD and ISOCONF);
    • ancillary (supporting the discontinuous component).
  • Creation of the Characteristic Energy Profile (PEC) of the CU;
  • Dynamic acquisition of the consumptions of each CU;
  • Dynamic acquisition of the operating parameters that impact on the consumption of each CU;
  • Mapping of the #Electrical Flexibility of CU, virtual areas and sites.

ISOCONF service (environmental services)

  • Identification of the ISOCONF constraints to be respected in each area to maximize usage needs;
  • Definition of the setpoint #Scheduling logics for the environmental service in compliance with the ISOCONF conditions previously defined;
  • Dynamic implementation of schedules;
  • Verification of the impacts of the schedules implemented on the consumption of the individual CU and virtual areas.

ISOPROD service (production programs)

  • Identification of the ISOPROD constraints to be respected for each single production phase;
  • Definition of the logic of correlation between production cycles and related energy programs in compliance with the previously defined ISOPROD conditions;
  • Dynamic creation of energy programs associated with production plans.


Description of the production process

  • Classification of types of products;
  • Processing flow of each product with average duration of each step
  • Machining programs;
  • Load classification based on the impact on the production process:
    • Direct;
    • Live;
    • None (handling and storage).

Description of environmental services

  • Hours of activity;
  • Environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, lighting, etc):
  • System constraints (operating range of loads);
  • Any regulatory requirements;
  • Optimal comfort conditions with tolerance range.
  • Classification of loads based on the impact on environmental services:
    • Direct;
    • Live;
    • None (other services).

Technical details of electrical loads

  • Type;
  • Power supply (single-phase / three-phase);
  • Voltage [V];
  • Current [A];
  • Minimum power [kW];
  • Power at full speed [kW];
  • Peak power [kW];
  • Supervision mode (manual / computerized);
  • Positioning (building, floor, area);
  • Hours of operation.

Technical details of the control systems

  • Loads managed;
  • Communication interfaces and protocols;
  • Description of the current control modes.

Map of installed meters

  • Measured loads;
  • Communication interfaces and protocols.

Data network

  • Network type (LAN / Wi-Fi / not present);
  • Remote access capability (VPN / public IP / not available).


  • Reduction of associated costs in bills for profiled consumption areas;
  • Savings in the bill from the elimination of consumption peaks for exceeding the 80% deductible;
  • #Scheduling of electricity consumption redistributed over time to the best supply conditions;
  • Identification of minimum consumption (#Baseload) useful for building the #Baseline (#ElectricalFlexibility).
Photo by Pexels

Energy Flexibility Enhancement Service

Service for the enhancement of #ElectricalFlexibility.


  • Definition of the #ElectricalFlexibility profile;
  • Identification of strategies for enhancing the #ElectricalFlexibility profile with greater yield;
  • Technical validation of the operational process to implement the identified strategies;
  • Active participation in a Mixed Virtual Enabled Unit (MVEU).


The analysis of the energy programs of each Consumption Unit allows the definition of the #ElectricalFlexibility profile of the site and simulation scenarios with indication of costs and benefits deriving from flexibility management.
After selecting the best performance scenarios and carrying out the appropriate technical checks through modulation programs, #ElectricalFlexibility parameters and operational constraints are established that are preparatory for the administrative and technological steps necessary to actively participate in a MVEU.
A dynamic data flow is therefore activated towards the Balancing Service Provider (BSP) for the enhancement of #ElectricalFlexibility by modulating the Consumption Units at a pay-as-bid price.


  • Creation of the #ElectricalFlexibility profiles of the Consumption Units, virtual areas and sites;
  • Definition of scenarios for enhancing #ElectricalFlexibility on the electricity market;
  • Simulation of costs and benefits of the identified scenarios;
  • Technical verification of modulation for higher performance scenarios;
  • Definition of #ElectricalFlexibility parameters and operational constraints;
  • Balancing Service Provider (BSP) detection:
    • Predisposition for continuous data flow to the BSP;
    • Consumption schedule (#Baseline);
    • Availability of #ElectricalFlexibility;
    • Actual consumption profile;
    • Economic constraints of participation.
  • Registration for MVEU participation through BSP;
  • MVEU qualification test with TSO;
    • Start of active participation in the MVEU:
    • Sending data streams to the BSP;
    • Implementation of modulation order received from BSP;
    • Reporting of operations and reporting.


  • Completion of the Energy Professional Modeling Service activity;
  • Electricity supply rates (if not already communicated for the activity Energy Professional Assessment Service).


  • Remuneration of flexibility capacities (max price € 30,000/year/MW) through the TSO incentive;
  • Remuneration of the #ElectricFlexibility placed on the ancillary services market (max price 400 €/MWh).
“The power grid is made intelligent by the #Demand which indicates to production its needs, that are generated of human mind”
Roberto Quadrini

[1] “Directive (EU) 2019/944 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on common rules for the internal market for electricity and amending Directive 2012/27/EU, Article 2(35)”.
[2] “According to Article 2(6) of the Electricity Balancing Network Code (Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing – EBGL), Balancing Service Provider is a market participant with reserve-providing units or reserve-providing groups able to provide balancing services to Transmission System Operators (TSOs)”.
[3] “ARERA Directive 422/2018/R/eel, 300/2017“.
[4] “This definition is left unchanged by the so-called ‘Winter Energy Package’ proposed by the European Commission in December 2016 – the identical wording was previously used in Article 2(6) of Directive 2009/72/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/EC. Update: [CEER Paper on DSO Procedures of Procurement of Flexibility, Distribution Systems Working Group, Ref: C19-DS-55-05](”.

Source Prolead brokers usa

modernizing document data extraction with ai
Modernizing Document Data Extraction with AI

Extracting data from documents has evolved significantly since the OCR days of the 1990s. Template-based approaches have been replaced with AI- (artificial intelligence) and NLP- (natural language processing) guided systems, offering intelligent data extraction from complex unstructured documents. Intelligent Data Extraction (IDE) typically is a component of an overall Intelligent Automation (IA) strategy that combines various processes to give the organization a complete, automated end-to-end solution. Following the steps outlined below can simplify the journey to a successful IDE solution as part of a more comprehensive, overall Intelligent Automation solution.

Most IDE solutions support various inputs — such as multiple languages, handwriting, signature validation, barcodes, free-form and tabular data, and numerous image formats. Using low-code GUI-based applications, the non-data scientist can build extraction processes for basic inputs.

For more complex documents, your planning process will include an in-depth review of the documents and their attributes, determining the fields to extract, and deciding on the downstream processes post-extraction. Other common planning tasks include; processes for exception handling, Validation, and exporting the data, including inserting the extracted data into downstream systems.

A successful IDE implementation requires an understanding of these tasks and planning for their execution.

The extraction process is broken down into three main processes: Read, Refine, Apply. Each process includes a series of tasks. The tasks themselves may lend themselves to more than one process, making the delineation between the main processes a bit fuzzy, but the tasks remain. These tasks are commonly automated within the IDE system but can be configured to enhance the data capture process:

1. Document Import — Documents flow to the IDE platform from multiple source systems through various methods, including different automation options, workflow queues, managed folders, or direct feeds,

2. Image Enhancement — Not all documents will be clean PDFs or images. Document images, including faxes and pictures, may be captured at lower resolutions making the extraction process less accurate. Your IDE solution should automatically evaluate the image resolution and enhance it as needed. You may need to plan for an exception process for low-quality or heavily marked-up images.

3. Document Classification — Your IDE platform works across multiple use cases with a wide variety of documents. Incoming documents are classified based upon page attributes. Plan a clear document hierarchy to delineate your use cases. Defining document attributes allows for better classification. Identify unique characteristics for each document type to assist in the classification process,

4. Character / Word Recognition — Your IDE platform supports multiple languages, handwriting, barcodes, word recognition in both key-value pairs and unstructured text. Take advantage of this by defining the characteristics of the data to extract from the document. The location of a data element is no longer required but defining these characteristics, including the use of regular expressions (Regex), are key components and will require significant planning. Your IDE platform may help you by automating some of the discovery processes but working with your stakeholders and SMEs is recommended. Data elements extracted will be assigned a confidence score, which can be aggregated to an overall document confidence score. Defining confidence level cut-offs will determine the quality of the recognition process and the level of effort to plan for in Validation.

5. Recognition — This step includes technologies such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR), Optical Mark Recognition (OMR), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Natural Language Understanding (NLU). Barcode recognition combined with database lookups and pre-set rules and translations allow the IDE system to both extract and supplement the data with additional information.

6. Validation — Does the candidate document have required data elements? Are there specific validation rules to follow? Mistakes can happen; required elements can be missing, characters can be misread, and/or words can be ignored. Validation is essential to obtain accurate results. Validation rules include check digits, length checks, format checks, cross-totaling calculations, value comparison, MDM matching and data lookups. Failing a Validation rule should result in the routing of the document to an exception queue.

7. Routing — Defining routing rules is a crucial component to successful IDE implementation. What does ‘straight through processing’ look like? Are different document types routed differently? When exceptions occur, what happens? Routing should be managed, allowing for document flow based on a combination of factors such as document type, confidence score, anomalies, load balancing, follow-the-sun and more.

8. Verification – The main goal of an IDE system is to reduce or eliminate manual processes. However, when Validations fail, exceptions occur, or the IDE platform assigns a low confidence score. The IDE system will route the document to a validation queue for human intervention and Validation. Defining what that will look like, including the user interface, will improve the process. Once a document is verified, does it continue processing or exit the system? What happens when a document can’t be verified?

9. Export — The IDE system is commonly part of an overall IA solution. Both the original document and the data extracted will be exported to external systems — such as a content repository, an Intelligent Automation (IA) interface, or exported to various file formats or databases. Planning these connections will ensure your IDE system is fully integrated into the overall solution.

Other items to consider include:

  • Throughput KPIs at the page/document level — When combined with document volumes, KPIs will help you plan out the necessary infrastructure for the IDE platform.
  • Platform location — Whether your IDE platform is cloud-based or local is a foundational decision with far-reaching implications. Cloud offerings can be more flexible when scaling your data capture operation, but security and governance concerns may come into play.
  • Data enhancement options exist for both Validation and allowing the addition of external data to your process. Understanding where and how data enhancement occurs will result in a more complete solution.

NTT DATA Services has deep experience in these processes and stands ready to work with you to create a successful IDE implementation. Check out our intelligent data and automation solutions.

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neural translation machine translation with neural nets with keras python
Neural Translation – Machine Translation with Neural Nets with Keras / Python

In this blog, we shall discuss about how to build a neural network to translate from English to German. This problem appeared as the Capstone project for the coursera course “Tensorflow 2: Customising your model“, a part of the specialization “Tensorflow2 for Deep Learning“, by the Imperial College, London. The problem statement / description / steps are taken from the course itself. We shall use the concepts from the course, including building more flexible model architectures, freezing layers, data processing pipeline and sequence modelling.

Image taken from the Capstone project

Here we shall use a language dataset from to build a neural translation model. This dataset consists of over 200k pairs of sentences in English and German. In order to make the training quicker, we will restrict to our dataset to 20k pairs. The below figure shows a few sentence pairs taken from the file.

Our goal is to develop a neural translation model from English to German, making use of a pre-trained English word embedding module.

1. Text preprocessing

We need to start with preprocessing the above input file. Here are the steps that we need to follow:

  • First let’s create separate lists of English and German sentences.
  • Add a special “” and “” token to the beginning and end of every German sentence.
  • Use the Tokenizer class from the tf.keras.preprocessing.text module to tokenize the German sentences, ensuring that no character filters are applied.

The next figure shows 5 randomly chosen examples of (preprocessed) English and German sentence pairs. For the German sentence, the text (with start and end tokens) as well as the tokenized sequence are shown.

  • Pad the end of the tokenized German sequences with zeros, and batch the complete set of sequences into a single numpy array, using the following code snippet.
padded_tokenized_german_sentences = tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(tokenized_german_sentences, maxlen=14, padding='post', value=0) padded_tokenized_german_sentences.shape #(20000, 14) 

As can be seen from the next code block, the maximum length of a German sentence is 14, whereas there are 5743 unique words in the German sentences from the subset of the corpus. The index of the <start> token is 1.

max([len(tokenized_german_sentences[i]) for i in range(20000)]) # 14 len(tokenizer.index_word) # 5743 tokenizer.word_index[''] # 1 

2. Preparing the data with

Loading the embedding layer

As part of the dataset preproceessing for this project we shall use a pre-trained English word-embedding module from TensorFlow Hub. The URL for the module is

This embedding takes a batch of text tokens in a 1-D tensor of strings as input. It then embeds the separate tokens into a 128-dimensional space.

Although this model can also be used as a sentence embedding module (e.g., where the module will process each token by removing punctuation and splitting on spaces and then averages the word embeddings over a sentence to give a single embedding vector), however, we will use it only as a word embedding module here, and will pass each word in the input sentence as a separate token.

The following code snippet shows how an English sentence with 7 words is mapped into a 7×128 tensor in the embedding space.

 embedding_layer(tf.constant(["these", "aren't", "the", "droids", "you're", "looking", "for"])).shape # TensorShape([7, 128]) 

Now, let’s prepare the training and validation Datasets as follows:

  • Create a random training and validation set split of the data, reserving e.g. 20% of the data for validation (each English dataset example is a single sentence string, and each German dataset example is a sequence of padded integer tokens).
  • Load the training and validation sets into a object, passing in a tuple of English and German data for both training and validation sets, using the following code snippet.
 def make_Dataset(input_array, target_array): return, target_array)) train_data = make_Dataset(input_train, target_train) valid_data = make_Dataset(input_valid, target_valid) 
  • Create a function to map over the datasets that splits each English sentence at spaces. Apply this function to both Dataset objects using the map method, using the following code snippet.
 def str_split(e, g): e = tf.strings.split(e) return e, g train_data = valid_data = 
  • Create a function to map over the datasets that embeds each sequence of English words using the loaded embedding layer/model. Apply this function to both Dataset objects using the map method, using the following code snippet.
 def embed_english(x, y): return embedding_layer(x), y train_data = valid_data = 
  • Create a function to filter out dataset examples where the English sentence is more than 13 (embedded) tokens in length. Apply this function to both Dataset objects using the filter method, using the following code snippet.
 def remove_long_sentence(e, g): return tf.shape(e)[0] <= 13 train_data = train_data.filter(remove_long_sentence) valid_data = valid_data.filter(remove_long_sentence) 
  • Create a function to map over the datasets that pads each English sequence of embeddings with some distinct padding value before the sequence, so that each sequence is length 13. Apply this function to both Dataset objects using the map method, as shown in the next code block. 
 def pad_english(e, g): return tf.pad(e, paddings = [[13-tf.shape(e)[0],0], [0,0]], mode='CONSTANT', constant_values=0), g train_data = valid_data = 
  • Batch both training and validation Datasets with a batch size of 16.
 train_data = train_data.batch(16) valid_data = valid_data.batch(16) 
  • Let’s now print the element_spec property for the training and validation Datasets. Also, let’s print the shape of an English data example from the training Dataset and a German data example Tensor from the validation Dataset.
 train_data.element_spec #(TensorSpec(shape=(None, None, 128), dtype=tf.float32, name=None), # TensorSpec(shape=(None, 14), dtype=tf.int32, name=None)) valid_data.element_spec #(TensorSpec(shape=(None, None, 128), dtype=tf.float32, name=None), #TensorSpec(shape=(None, 14), dtype=tf.int32, name=None)) for e, g in train_data.take(1): print(e.shape) #(16, 13, 128) for e, g in valid_data.take(1): print(g) #tf.Tensor( #[[ 1 11 152 6 458 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 11 333 429 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 11 59 12 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 990 25 42 444 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 4 85 1365 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 131 8 22 5 583 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 4 85 1401 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 17 381 80 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 2998 13 33 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 242 6 479 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 35 17 40 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 11 30 305 46 47 1913 471 3 2 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 5 48 1184 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 5 287 12 834 5268 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 5 6 523 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # [ 1 13 109 28 29 44 491 3 2 0 0 0 0 0]], shape=(16, 14), dtype=int32) 

The custom translation model

The following is a schematic of the custom translation model architecture we shall develop now.

Image taken from the Capstone project

The custom model consists of an encoder RNN and a decoder RNN. The encoder takes words of an English sentence as input, and uses a pre-trained word embedding to embed the words into a 128-dimensional space. To indicate the end of the input sentence, a special end token (in the same 128-dimensional space) is passed in as an input. This token is a TensorFlow Variable that is learned in the training phase (unlike the pre-trained word embedding, which is frozen).

The decoder RNN takes the internal state of the encoder network as its initial state. A start token is passed in as the first input, which is embedded using a learned German word embedding. The decoder RNN then makes a prediction for the next German word, which during inference is then passed in as the following input, and this process is repeated until the special <end> token is emitted from the decoder.

Create the custom layer

Let’s create a custom layer to add the learned end token embedding to the encoder model:

Image taken from the capstone project

Now let’s first build the custom layer, which will be later used to create the encoder.

  • Using layer subclassing, create a custom layer that takes a batch of English data examples from one of the Datasets, and adds a learned embedded ‘end’ token to the end of each sequence.
  • This layer should create a TensorFlow Variable (that will be learned during training) that is 128-dimensional (the size of the embedding space).
 from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential, Model from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer, Concatenate, Input, Masking, LSTM, Embedding, Dense from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam from tensorflow.keras.losses import SparseCategoricalCrossentropy class CustomLayer(Layer): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(CustomLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.embed = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.zeros(shape=(1,128)), trainable=True, dtype='float32') def call(self, inputs): x = tf.tile(self.embed, [tf.shape(inputs)[0], 1]) x = tf.expand_dims(x, axis=1) return tf.concat([inputs, x], axis=1) <em>#return Concatenate(axis=1)([inputs, x])</em> 
  • Let’s extract a batch of English data examples from the training Dataset and print the shape. Test the custom layer by calling the layer on the English data batch Tensor and print the resulting Tensor shape (the layer should increase the sequence length by one).
 custom_layer = CustomLayer() e, g = next(iter(train_data.take(1))) print(e.shape) # (16, 13, 128) o = custom_layer(e) o.shape # TensorShape([16, 14, 128]) 

Build the encoder network

The encoder network follows the schematic diagram above. Now let’s build the RNN encoder model.

  • Using the keras functional API, build the encoder network according to the following spec:
    • The model will take a batch of sequences of embedded English words as input, as given by the Dataset objects.
    • The next layer in the encoder will be the custom layer you created previously, to add a learned end token embedding to the end of the English sequence.
    • This is followed by a Masking layer, with the mask_value set to the distinct padding value you used when you padded the English sequences with the Dataset preprocessing above.
    • The final layer is an LSTM layer with 512 units, which also returns the hidden and cell states.
    • The encoder is a multi-output model. There should be two output Tensors of this model: the hidden state and cell states of the LSTM layer. The output of the LSTM layer is unused.
 inputs = Input(batch_shape = (<strong>None</strong>, 13, 128), name='input') x = CustomLayer(name='custom_layer')(inputs) x = Masking(mask_value=0, name='masking_layer')(x) x, h, c = LSTM(units=512, return_state=<strong>True</strong>, name='lstm')(x) encoder_model = Model(inputs = inputs, outputs = [h, c], name='encoder') encoder_model.summary() # Model: "encoder" # _________________________________________________________________ # Layer (type) Output Shape Param # # ================================================================= # input (InputLayer) [(None, 13, 128)] 0 # _________________________________________________________________ # custom_layer (CustomLayer) (None, 14, 128) 128 # _________________________________________________________________ # masking_layer (Masking) (None, 14, 128) 0 # _________________________________________________________________ # lstm (LSTM) [(None, 512), (None, 512) 1312768 # ================================================================= # Total params: 1,312,896 # Trainable params: 1,312,896 # Non-trainable params: 0 # _________________________________________________________________ 

Build the decoder network

The decoder network follows the schematic diagram below.

image taken from the capstone project

Now let’s build the RNN decoder model.

  • Using Model subclassing, build the decoder network according to the following spec:
    • The initializer should create the following layers:
      • An Embedding layer with vocabulary size set to the number of unique German tokens, embedding dimension 128, and set to mask zero values in the input.
      • An LSTM layer with 512 units, that returns its hidden and cell states, and also returns sequences.
      • A Dense layer with number of units equal to the number of unique German tokens, and no activation function.
    • The call method should include the usual inputs argument, as well as the additional keyword arguments hidden_state and cell_state. The default value for these keyword arguments should be None.
    • The call method should pass the inputs through the Embedding layer, and then through the LSTM layer. If the hidden_state and cell_state arguments are provided, these should be used for the initial state of the LSTM layer. 
    • The call method should pass the LSTM output sequence through the Dense layer, and return the resulting Tensor, along with the hidden and cell states of the LSTM layer.
 class Decoder(Model): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Decoder, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.embed = Embedding(input_dim=len(tokenizer.index_word)+1, output_dim=128, mask_zero=True, name='embedding_layer') self.lstm = LSTM(units = 512, return_state = True, return_sequences = True, name='lstm_layer') self.dense = Dense(len(tokenizer.index_word)+1, name='dense_layer') def call(self, inputs, hidden_state = None, cell_state = None): x = self.embed(inputs) x, hidden_state, cell_state = self.lstm(x, initial_state = [hidden_state, cell_state]) \ if hidden_state is not None and cell_state is not None else self.lstm(x) x = self.dense(x) return x, hidden_state, cell_state decoder_model = Decoder(name='decoder') e, g_in = next(iter(train_data.take(1))) h, c = encoder_model(e) g_out, h, c = decoder_model(g_in, h, c) print(g_out.shape, h.shape, c.shape) # (16, 14, 5744) (16, 512) (16, 512) decoder_model.summary() #Model: "decoder" #_________________________________________________________________ #Layer (type) Output Shape Param # #================================================================= #embedding_layer (Embedding) multiple 735232 #_________________________________________________________________ #lstm_layer (LSTM) multiple 1312768 #_________________________________________________________________ #dense_layer (Dense) multiple 2946672 #================================================================= #Total params: 4,994,672 #Trainable params: 4,994,672 #Non-trainable params: 0 

Create a custom training loop

custom training loop to train your custom neural translation model.

  • Define a function that takes a Tensor batch of German data (as extracted from the training Dataset), and returns a tuple containing German inputs and outputs for the decoder model (refer to schematic diagram above).
  • Define a function that computes the forward and backward pass for your translation model. This function should take an English input, German input and German output as arguments, and should do the following:
    • Pass the English input into the encoder, to get the hidden and cell states of the encoder LSTM.
    • These hidden and cell states are then passed into the decoder, along with the German inputs, which returns a sequence of outputs (the hidden and cell state outputs of the decoder LSTM are unused in this function).
    • The loss should then be computed between the decoder outputs and the German output function argument.
    • The function returns the loss and gradients with respect to the encoder and decoder’s trainable variables.
    • Decorate the function with @tf.function
  • Define and run a custom training loop for a number of epochs (for you to choose) that does the following:
    • Iterates through the training dataset, and creates decoder inputs and outputs from the German sequences.
    • Updates the parameters of the translation model using the gradients of the function above and an optimizer object.
    • Every epoch, compute the validation loss on a number of batches from the validation and save the epoch training and validation losses.
  • Plot the learning curves for loss vs epoch for both training and validation sets.
 @tf.function def forward_backward(encoder_model, decoder_model, e, g_in, g_out, loss): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: h, c = encoder_model(e) d_g_out, _, _ = decoder_model(g_in, h, c) cur_loss = loss(g_out, d_g_out) grads = tape.gradient(cur_loss, encoder_model.trainable_variables + decoder_model.trainable_variables) return cur_loss, grads def train_encoder_decoder(encoder_model, decoder_model, num_epochs, train_data, valid_data, valid_steps, optimizer, loss, grad_fn): train_losses = [] val_loasses = [] for epoch in range(num_epochs): train_epoch_loss_avg = tf.keras.metrics.Mean() val_epoch_loss_avg = tf.keras.metrics.Mean() for e, g in train_data: g_in, g_out = get_german_decoder_data(g) train_loss, grads = grad_fn(encoder_model, decoder_model, e, g_in, g_out, loss) optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, encoder_model.trainable_variables + decoder_model.trainable_variables)) train_epoch_loss_avg.update_state(train_loss) for e_v, g_v in valid_data.take(valid_steps): g_v_in, g_v_out = get_german_decoder_data(g_v) val_loss, _ = grad_fn(encoder_model, decoder_model, e_v, g_v_in, g_v_out, loss) val_epoch_loss_avg.update_state(val_loss) print(f'epoch: {epoch}, train loss: {train_epoch_loss_avg.result()}, validation loss: {val_epoch_loss_avg.result()}') train_losses.append(train_epoch_loss_avg.result()) val_loasses.append(val_epoch_loss_avg.result()) return train_losses, val_loasses optimizer_obj = Adam(learning_rate = 1e-3) loss_obj = SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) train_loss_results, valid_loss_results = train_encoder_decoder(encoder_model, decoder_model, 20, train_data, valid_data, 20, optimizer_obj, loss_obj, forward_backward) #epoch: 0, train loss: 4.4570465087890625, validation loss: 4.1102800369262695 #epoch: 1, train loss: 3.540217399597168, validation loss: 3.36271333694458 #epoch: 2, train loss: 2.756622076034546, validation loss: 2.7144060134887695 #epoch: 3, train loss: 2.049957275390625, validation loss: 2.1480133533477783 #epoch: 4, train loss: 1.4586931467056274, validation loss: 1.7304519414901733 #epoch: 5, train loss: 1.0423369407653809, validation loss: 1.4607685804367065 #epoch: 6, train loss: 0.7781839370727539, validation loss: 1.314332127571106 #epoch: 7, train loss: 0.6160411238670349, validation loss: 1.2391613721847534 #epoch: 8, train loss: 0.5013922452926636, validation loss: 1.1840368509292603 #epoch: 9, train loss: 0.424654096364975, validation loss: 1.1716119050979614 #epoch: 10, train loss: 0.37027251720428467, validation loss: 1.1612160205841064 #epoch: 11, train loss: 0.3173922598361969, validation loss: 1.1330692768096924 #epoch: 12, train loss: 0.2803193926811218, validation loss: 1.1394184827804565 #epoch: 13, train loss: 0.24854864180088043, validation loss: 1.1354353427886963 #epoch: 14, train loss: 0.22135266661643982, validation loss: 1.1059410572052002 #epoch: 15, train loss: 0.2019050121307373, validation loss: 1.1111358404159546 #epoch: 16, train loss: 0.1840481162071228, validation loss: 1.1081823110580444 #epoch: 17, train loss: 0.17126116156578064, validation loss: 1.125329852104187 #epoch: 18, train loss: 0.15828527510166168, validation loss: 1.0979799032211304 #epoch: 19, train loss: 0.14451280236244202, validation loss: 1.0899451971054077 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) plt.xlabel("Epochs", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("Loss", fontsize=14) plt.title('Loss vs epochs') plt.plot(train_loss_results, label='train') plt.plot(valid_loss_results, label='valid') plt.legend() 

The following figure shows how the training and validation loss decrease with epochs (the model is trained for 20 epochs).

Use the model to translate

Now it’s time to put the model into practice! Let’s run the translation for five randomly sampled English sentences from the dataset. For each sentence, the process is as follows:

  • Preprocess and embed the English sentence according to the model requirements.
  • Pass the embedded sentence through the encoder to get the encoder hidden and cell states.
  • Starting with the special "<start>" token, use this token and the final encoder hidden and cell states to get the one-step prediction from the decoder, as well as the decoder’s updated hidden and cell states.
  • Create a loop to get the next step prediction and updated hidden and cell states from the decoder, using the most recent hidden and cell states. Terminate the loop when the "<end>" token is emitted, or when the sentence has reached a maximum length.
  • Decode the output token sequence into German text and print the English text and the model’s German translation.
 indices = np.random.choice(len(english_sentences), 5) test_data =[english_sentences[i] for i in indices])) test_data = test_data = test_data = test_data.filter(lambda x: tf.shape(x)[0] <= 13) test_data = x: tf.pad(x, paddings = [[13-tf.shape(x)[0],0], [0,0]], mode='CONSTANT', constant_values=0)) print(test_data.element_spec) # TensorSpec(shape=(None, 128), dtype=tf.float32, name=None) start_token = np.array(tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([''])) end_token = np.array(tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([''])) for e, i in zip(test_data.take(n), indices): h, c = encoder_model(tf.expand_dims(e, axis=0)) g_t = [] g_in = start_token g_out, h, c = decoder_model(g_in, h, c) g_t.append('') g_out = tf.argmax(g_out, axis=2) while g_out != end_token: g_out, h, c = decoder_model(g_in, h, c) g_out = tf.argmax(g_out, axis=2) g_in = g_out g_t.append(tokenizer.index_word.get(tf.squeeze(g_out).numpy(), 'UNK')) print(f'English Text: {english_sentences[i]}') print(f'German Translation: {" ".join(g_t)}') print() # English Text: i'll see tom . # German Translation: ich werde tom folgen . # English Text: you're not alone . # German Translation: keine nicht allein . # English Text: what a hypocrite ! # German Translation: fuer ein idiot ! # English Text: he kept talking . # German Translation: sie hat ihn erwuergt . # English Text: tom's in charge . # German Translation: tom ist im bett . 

The above output shows the sample English sentences and their German translations predicted by the model.

The following animation (click and open on a new tab) shows how the predicted German translation improves (with the decrease in loss) for a few sample English sentences as the deep learning model is trained for more and more epochs.

Source Prolead brokers usa

dsc weekly digest may the 4th be with you 2021
DSC Weekly Digest May the 4th Be With You (2021)

Become A Data Science Leader

The Paths to AI

There are three paths to “artificial intelligence” – algorithmic, heuristic, and inferential. Algorithmic learning is essentially programming – telling someone (or a computer) how to accomplish a particular task. It requires an expert (a programmer), but once the algorithm is written, it generally works very fast with comparatively little data required.

Heuristics involve the process of teaching someone (or something) how to learn by the examination of data to create models. Heuristics encompasses the use of statistics (data science) to determine the likelihood of specific events happening, in order to create decision trees, and machine learning in order to perform better classifications. Heuristics tends to be computation- and data-heavy to create the models, but can significantly cut down on classification times.

Inferencing isn’t talked about as much but is in many ways just as important. Inferencing involves the use of graphs to store, identify, and query logical patterns. Inferencing is useful in determining least-distance type problems when the number of data points is comparatively small, and it provides ways of encoding and classifying abstract properties and relationships that can be difficult to encode in more heuristic approaches. Moreover, inferencing involves the indexing of relationships so that they can be retrieved quickly with comparatively minimal complexity.

It is becoming increasingly evident that none of these approaches, taken by themselves, is sufficient to develop a good artificial intelligence system. Algorithms provide performance but at the cost of flexibility. Heuristics gives flexibility but at the cost of both explainability (complexity) and computation. Inferencing provides performance and speed in execution, at the cost of significant setup costs. The optimal solution takes place when all three are used together: heuristics can simplify the initial classification domain while relying upon inferencing to keep complexity down and provide a connection to human knowledge systems. Algorithms can both optimize the heuristic systems and reduce the overall computational load. Inferencing can capture this knowledge and store it for faster retrieval. Not surprisingly, there are indications that our own brain utilizes similar principles, making it possible for us to do incredible things with our three-pound human organic computers.  

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the key to business survival in the era of ai
The Key to Business Survival in the Era of AI

Build a Continuously Adaptive Learning Organization (CALO)

Among the most perplexing challenges facing CEOs in recent years is how best to compete in a data-driven economy that is becoming increasingly dominated by large and rapidly growing companies, often described as “superstar” firms. Although the most valuable superstar firms are in the technology industry, the group includes hundreds of corporations in other industries that have grown rapidly during globalization.

Over the course of several dozen discussions with superstar firms and their competitors, unique characteristics in each company have become apparent, as have commonalities. The combination of vast customer bases, increasingly intelligent enterprises, large-scale supply chains, top-tier teams that include the majority of leading AI scientists, and comparatively infinite capital make superstar firms formidable opponents. It is unsurprising then that business owners and managers in the path of superstar firms express concerns about their daunting future. One common growth strategy in superstar firms is to leverage strengths to enter new industries, which causes considerable risk for companies of all sizes.

Opportunities for competitors of superstars exist nonetheless. In order to continue to grow at the same pace over the next decade, the fastest growing superstars would need to rapidly expand in other large industries, such as finance and education, which are highly regulated industries, or healthcare, which are government monopolies in much of the world. Amazon’s revenue, for example, grew by over $105 billion in 2020. Revenue growth for the group of superstars we track exceeded $1 trillion in 2020.

The rapid growth and market power of superstars causes complex challenges for society and governments, leading to increased antitrust enforcement, fines, and increased regulation. The reactions by markets and regulators is the primary reason why superstars in one business cycle are knocked out of the top decile by the next business cycle, which was confirmed by McKinsey & Company’s research on superstar firms. Given these headwinds, it will become increasingly difficult for superstar firms to maintain a similar growth rate moving forward, providing an opportunity for competitors. In addition, tens of billions of dollars of investment in AI research and development over the last decade has resulted in sharply lower cost of adoption with much higher performance levels, opening the option for most organizations to adopt advanced AI systems.

Evolution from a Learning Organizations to a CALO

In 1987, Peter Senge and his team argued that if leaders could build learning organizations that shared knowledge, collectively learned, and adapted to changing conditions, the organization would significantly increase probabilities of success. Today’s superstar firms are modern versions of learning organizations that aggressively apply this concept across their networked enterprise. Given the volume of internal and external information in the network economy, the ability to learn, adapt and execute requires sophisticated data management systems. We describe modern versions of these organizations as Continuously Adaptive Learning Organizations, or CALOs.

One example of a CALO is Amazon and their AWS division. The world’s largest ecommerce retailer learned valuable lessons from its online operations, leading to the creation of AWS, which provided Amazon a superior business model that delivered about 90 percent of the company’s cash flow in 2020. Another example is NVIDIA, which invented the graphics processing unit (GPU) in 1999. In 2012, AlexNet won the ImageNet competition, leading to the use of GPUs and convolutional neural networks. NVIDIA has since adapted by seizing the opportunity in machine learning to overtake Intel as the most valuable semiconductor company.

In the parcel delivery business, UPS learned from decades of operations research, resulting in a route-optimization program ORION that saves the company hundreds of millions of dollars annually while reducing 100,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions every year.

Walmart learned from fierce competition with Amazon and other e-commerce leaders that they needed a new operating system (OS). Walmart reacted by making a bold decision to invest $3.3 billion to acquire, providing a key ecommerce component to Walmart’s new type of OS. Four years later ecommerce sales at Walmart surpassed $40 billion annually and the company produced a $5 billion quarterly profit.

Although each of these companies represent a different type of CALO, they all demonstrated the ability to learn and adapt to highly complex, rapidly changing conditions in the network economy. These companies made significant investments in technology, adapted within the competitive time window and seized opportunities. Management in CALOs must master systems thinking, which is the fifth discipline in Peter Senge’s book by the same name. Achieving a CALO today requires management to view their organizations as complex adaptive systems, increasingly enhanced with AI.

While no organization has achieved a perfect CALO, some are clearly much closer than others. If it were possible to access sufficient data to create a CALO index across the public and private sectors, our engagements suggest that the highest performing superstars would achieve somewhere around 80% of a perfect CALO, and the lowest performing organizations would be about 10%.

Some organizations lack external incentives to learn and adapt, while others face hypercompetitive environments that require a functional CALO to survive. Superstars enjoy a combination of scale, talent, and technology, all unified within a networked enterprise and interconnected with their global ecosystem. Those organizations lacking a competitive enterprise should assemble components through partnerships, scale, talent and technology.

New innovations and business models can also be effective. Costco, for example, is among the most successful superstar firms in the retail industry. The company manages a large global supply chain and sophisticated interconnected enterprise, yet isn’t known for technology or ecommerce. To date Costco has performed well even as its competitor Amazon has grown much larger. Tesla provides an interesting case of a new company that pioneered new products in electric vehicles to become a superstar, despite entrenched competition and an exceptionally high cost of entry.

These and many other successful companies owe their success in part to achieving a functional CALO. Given the entrance of enterprise-wide AI systems with the capacity to quickly learn, the bar is rapidly rising. The majority of organizations will therefore need to substantially increase the functionality of their CALO, including superstar firms, as AI-enhanced competitors rapidly learn and adapt.

Powering the CALO with AI Systems

Although low-cost commoditized computing is necessary, ubiquity has a very high cost — it provides no competitive advantage. This IT commoditization paradox favors superstar firms with sufficient scale, wealth, and talent to compete in advanced technology. Superstar firms typically invest heavily in custom systems and applications to remain competitive. An alternative approach is to adopt an enterprise-wide data management system pre-designed to optimize machine learning, which can provide some of the advantages of custom software without the high cost of custom AI systems. Precision data structure tailored to the needs of each entity can leverage and augment human capital in the organization, which is ultimately the most important competitive advantage all others depend on.

Principled Management for Enterprise AI

We recently disclosed our 15 enterprise AI management principles, providing brief rationale and implications for each, which can serve as a management guide for enterprise AI (EAI) systems. In the AI era, the implications of planning and execution are profound. Even those organizations historically protected by market dominance or legislation are at risk. Whether businesses or nations, those who fall behind may not be in a position to honor their full obligations in the future.

Principle 1: EAI should have governance, ethics, and security built-in from inception.

Rationale: Good system design is paramount. Governance is the foundation AI systems are built upon.

Implications: Attempting to add-on governance, ethics, and security after the fact is technically difficult, inefficient, and prone to error.

Principle 2: Design-in systemic data quality management. 

Rationale: AI systems are only as good as the data they train on.

Implications: Garbage-in / garbage-out; quality-in / quality-out.

Principle 3: Maintain strong security.

Rationale: EAI includes the most important human workflow in the enterprise, including strategy, planning, and intellectual property.

Implications: Compromised EAI systems can be devastating to the organization.

Principle 4: Embed integrity throughout AI systems.

Rationale: Enterprise-wide AI systems interacts with the entire organization, providing a foundation for integrity.

Implications: If EAI systems lack integrity, so too will the organization.

Principle 5: Maintain objectivity.

Rationale: AI systems are an invitation for manipulation from political activists, fraud, and governments with totalitarian tendencies, resulting in misinformation that can lead to a dystopian future. Unless prevented, unconscious bias can also become embedded in AI through human workflow and algorithms.

Implications: Maintaining objectivity in EAI is essential. Cognitive bias is a significant risk in AI systems that has already been realized at scale.

Principle 6: Provide privacy, transparency and explainability.

Rationale: In order to earn and maintain trust, EAI systems should be transparent and explainable in a simple manner.
Implications: If employees, customers, and partners don’t trust the system, they are less likely to participate and/or attempt to work around the system.

Principle 7: Empower individuals.

Rationale: Organizations of every size and type consist of individuals.

Implications: Organizations that lose sight of the needs of individuals tend to experience low morale, high turn-over, and cultural deterioration.

Principle 8: Adopt enterprise-wide architecture.

Rationale: Value sometimes arises where least expected.

Implications: The one individual or sensor left out of EAI for the enterprise, supply chain, or ecosystem might be the one that recognized and alerted an existential risk.

Principle 9: Turbocharge prevention with EAI.

Rationale: The highest ROI possible is prevention of major crises.

Implications: Failure to prevent crises can lead to a negative spiral, failure, and collapse.

Principle 10: Accelerate discovery and productivity.

Rationale: Well-designed AI systems have a unique capacity to augment, enhance, and accelerate discovery, research, development, and execution.

Implications: It may not be possible to catch competitors that are more effective in applying EAI for productivity growth and R&D.

Principle 11: Establish and maintain a competitive advantage.

Rationale: AI systems learn quickly, innovation is accelerating, and the gap between AI leaders and laggards is rapidly expanding.

Implications: Organizations that fail to maintain competitive AI systems are at high-risk of falling behind, disruption, and displacement.

Principle 12: Leverage EAI for continuous human learning and improved decision making.

Rationale: Rapid machine learning only becomes an advantage when it improves human behavior.

Implications: Failing to rapidly learn in the AI era risks extinction.

Principle 13: Mitigate risk in development, auditing, and monitoring EAI.

Rationale: How and who designs, audits, and monitors AI systems can determine the outcome.
Implications: A significant percentage of large enterprise crises have been due to internal actors (“don’t try this at home”).

Principle 14: Incentivize accuracy and improvement with knowledge currency.

Rationale: Data intelligence within the system allows more accurate financial and psychological rewards with digital currency, which can serve to guide organizational and individual behavior.

Implications: Organizations that fail to recognize and reward top performers tend to lose them to competitors.

Principle 15: Continuously adapt.

Rationale: “The species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.” – Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species.

Implications: The pace of change appears to be accelerating. Organizational cultures that master AI systems for continuous adaptation are most likely to thrive in the future.

Balancing Ethics with Existential Risk

Organizations are faced with difficult strategic and ethical choices in the era of AI. At one extreme, governments from all over the world are currently faced with the decision of whether to allow their military to employ automated weapons at large scale. The rationale and implications for senior military officers are relatively simple – ethical considerations are not. Is it more ethical to embrace banning automated weapons given difficulties of enforcement and risk to nations, or authorize automated weapons and focus on precision governance?

Business leaders are faced with similar existential questions and must balance ethics with fiduciary responsibilities and perhaps even survival. Although most businesses are not yet faced with immediate extinction, strategic decisions on AI can have profound impacts. Machine learning is rapid and begins immediately upon adoption, providing an incentive to make bold investments early in the process of commercialization, yet some companies that jumped in early have wasted billions of dollars. Many other companies have experimented with machine learning projects rather than embarking on a bold journey in AI systems, just to learn that a systems approach is necessary to be competitive.

Regardless of size or type of organization, leaders will need to balance ethics with performance and strategic imperatives in the AI era. Otherwise, their organizations may not survive long enough to make future positive impacts for shareholders, employees, customers and society. In our many discussions with leaders surrounding enterprise AI systems, although a variety of different strategies have been executed and many mistakes made, the highest performers demonstrated the ability to quickly learn and adapt. Whether organizations have ambitions to become a superstar firm or must defend against them, the goal should be to first achieve a CALO enhanced with AI.


[1] “The Rise of Superstars,” The Economist, Special Report, September 17th, 2016.

[2] M. Bajgar, S. Calligaris, C. Criscuolo, l. Marcolin, and J. Timmis “Superstars Are Running Away With The Global Economy,” Harvard Business Review, November 14, 2019.

[3] D. Autor, D. Dorn, L. Katz, C. Patterson, J.V. Reenan, “The Fall of the Labor Share and Rise of Superstar Firms,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 135, no. 2 (May 2020): 645–709.

[4] J. Manyika, S. Ramaswamy, J. Bughin, J. Woetzel, M. Birshan and Z. Nagpal, “‘Superstars’: The dynamics of firms, sectors, and cities leading the global economy,” McKinsey Global Institute, October 24, 2018,

[5] R. Heston and R. Zwetsoot, “Mapping U.S. Multinationals’ Global AI R&D Activity,” Center for Security and Emerging Technology, December, 2020.

[6] P. Senge, “The Leader’s New Work: Building Learning Organizations,” MIT Sloan Management Review, October 15, 1990.

[7] S. Rosenbush, L. Stevens, “At UPS, the Algorithm is the Driver,” The Wall Street Journal, February 16, 2015.

[8] M. Montgomery, KYield, “Why Every Company Needs a New Type of Operating System Enhanced with AI,” September 10, 2017.

[9] “The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization,” P. Senge (New York: Doubleday Currency, 1990).

[10] J. S. Lansing, “Complex Adaptive Systems,” Annual Review of Anthropology, no. 32 (October, 2003): 183-2004

[10][10] J. Dastin, P. Dave, “U.S. commission cites ‘moral imperative’ to explore AI weapons,” Reuters, January 26, 2021.

[12]  T. Levin, “One of Uber’s earliest investors says the billions it spent on self-driving were a ‘waste of money’,” Business Insider, February 2, 2021.

[13]  B. Ghosh, P. R. Daugherty, H. J. Wilson, and A. Burden, “Taking a Systems Approach to Adopting AI” HBR, May 9, 2019.

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10 top mobile application development trends you cant miss
10 Top Mobile Application Development Trends You Can’t Miss

The years 2019 & 2020 saw unprecedented growth in Mobile App development. By our estimate, mobile app development will be the top area in the year 2021. However, are you aware of these trends? If not, you are at risk of losing out to your competitors, who are already doubling down on incorporating these trends into their mobile apps. Every business or brand wants to roll out a mobile app and is hiring a mobile app development company.

According to Statista, in 2021, over 140 billion mobile apps will be downloaded from both the App Store and Google Play store.

The data indicate the growing popularity and acceptance of mobile apps and are a requirement for a business today. In this blog, we will talk about a few areas or trends that you, as a business, must keep in mind so that you do not miss business growth. Ready or not, here we go with them!

#1. Internet of Things (IoT)

It is wonderful to have your assistant help you with mundane tasks. The growing mobile penetration and desire to integrate technology with every aspect of our lives has led to the prevalence of seamless integration and inter-connectedness of devices with the internet. As per the recent report by Global Data, 60% of the $220bn IoT market will come from software such as mobile apps.

Now, you can switch on your Air Conditioner, even before you reach your home, by accessing it on your mobile phone. The Smart House is probably the best example of that. With a swipe of your finger, you can control or access your house.

#2. Mobile e-Commerce

Though it is not exactly the latest trend; however, we feel it would see lots of improvement this year, and we felt we must discuss it in this blog. Today over 72.9% of the online purchases are done over mobile phones; no surprise that the e-commerce giants, SMEs, luxury brands, Personal brands are trying to edge past each other to reach the market.
Therefore, if you are running an e-commerce business, hire a top Mobile development company because you may not fully understand the Mobile app development process.

#3. Cloud-Based Apps

Cloud services have revolutionized the development process for everyone. From massive savings to portability, you can harness the cloud potential to grow your business. Cloud offers a virtual storage and access facility. It means that now you do not have to download the app on your mobile phones. You can access the mobile app from the cloud. An added advantage of Cloud-based apps is that you have to create one app for iOS and Android platforms, saving you development costs.

#4. Smart Wearable

If you are in a business, which sees potential in Smart Wearable technology, you better hustle to integrate the key potentialities of your smart wearable app with mobile. Just consider the fitness industry. People want to keep an eye on their health data, steps taken, etc. They wear bands or even have mobile applications to measure and monitor their health. As per, the market for Smart Wearable will increase by almost 20% in the next five years.

#5. Enterprise Mobile Apps

More and more businesses are investing in creating a customized mobile app for themselves. An enterprise mobile app gives you access to analytics and data on the go. We are not suggesting that the desktop applications will become passé. We feel that a business can gain an advantage by incorporating the mobile app along with the desktop apply to enhance work productivity and reduce costs.

#6 Decentralized Apps (DApps)

The blockchain platform is not ideal just for financial transactions. You can harness the salient features of the Blockchain platform to get a customized application for your business. You get robust security on the Blockchain platform, which keeps your data safe and secure. The decentralized feature of the platform ensures complete transparency and track of all the transactions.

#7 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

Apple Inc. is leading the race to utilize Machine Learning and AI technologies in its products. We are sure that you must have used ‘Siri’ or ‘Alexa’ to search for something or asked a query. There are rapid advancements in mobile app development, which will allow for incorporating more nuanced and enhanced features in mobile apps. There are camera-based apps with smart recognition features which are in use today.

#8 On-demand Apps

If you have ever ordered a ride on Uber or a snack on Zomato, you have already used an On-demand mobile app. In the future, you will see a whole bouquet of services that are ordered using their custom-built mobile application. Whether it’s yoga or a Salsa class, people are increasingly getting comfortable with online training. So, if you are in the Services business, you must have a customized mobile-based application, in addition to the standard website.

#9 5G Technology

Beyond the 4G technology, mobile network companies have already rolled out 5G technology that offers high-speed internet access to their customers. Even the mobile phone companies are offering 5G compatible smartphones. The future of the internet is a 5G network. The mobile apps that are developed must be 5G compatible to offer a seamless experience to the users.

#10 Beacon Technology

Proximity Marketing will become the norm in the future. Businesses will market their product to the customers passing by their business. The technology relies on accessing the Bluetooth functionality of mobile phones to alert the customers about special discounts or flash sales.

We feel that for any business to stay relevant and grow, it is imperative to be aware of the future mobile app technology trends. We also understand that your business requires your constant attention, which is why we suggest that you rely on the expertise of a Mobile Application Development Company to help you breach the frontier of growth for your business. Now, there are many Mobile Application Development Companies in India. We suggest you hire one, which has over a decade of experience working with international clients. Do keep in mind to ask how many projects they have successfully delivered in the past five years and their industry footprint.

We hope that we could provide you with value with this read. We constantly strive to inform you about the latest in app development technology and process. Your feedback is our fuel. Do leave your comments about this blog. We will appreciate it that you share this blog with someone who cares about technology as much as you and we do.

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PLM of the future (look no further, it is here!)

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a massive shift in the way we work. With social distancing and frequent lockdowns to contend with, a large portion of the global workforce is operating from home. In the US, 58 percent are working remotely from home,[i] a clear reflection of the distributed nature of work that will dominate the future. Fortunately, most enterprise and other systems today can go virtual. Distance doesn’t matter. The Tour de Suisse, a bicycle race, has gone virtual with shades of Mixed Reality (MR)[ii]–and if that doesn’t surprise you, heavy duty mining equipment in Australia has been operated by experts sitting 1,500 km away, in the safety of their offices, for a few years now.[iii] The mining teams can just as easily do this sitting at a desk at home. If such a vast variety of roles and operations can go remote/ virtual, why should Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) be any different?

PLM has already helped organizations cut down costs and has enabled faster creation of innovative products. Now, as COVID-19 wreaks havoc across the globe, PLM can rise to the rescue of organizations operating in industries such as Manufacturing, Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), Retail, Life Sciences, etc. PLM applications are more critical today than ever before because they can help businesses rapidly adjust their production lines to meet changing customer needs.

The problem is that PLM has its roots in manufacturing with a closed set of users. The challenge is twofold: one, to extend PLM so it goes beyond the engineering team and becomes available for collaboration with other functions like manufacturing, quality, procurement, services, sales and marketing and the leadership as well; two, PLM was designed to manage product lifecycle integrating with upstream CAD and downstream ERP systems, however today it needs to integrate with new technologies like Mobility, Advance Analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), Automation/ RPA, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Additive Manufacturing etc.

Industries where PLM implementation is mature can easily make the necessary changes—this means an industry like Automotive and Transportation where 23.8% have adopted PLM or Industrial Equipment where 20.2% have adopted PLM can be first movers and lead the way.iv Forecasts suggest that industries such as Life Science, Consumer Goods and Retail will increase adoption, with PLM growing at the highest CAGR of around 8% across these industries. v These industries too should adjust their PLM strategies to become future ready. With technology partners, who are well versed in PLM implementations, this is not difficult to achieve.

A well-known business specializing in performance running shoes and athletic wear, based in Seattle, makes a good example of how even mid-sized companies can update their PLM quickly so they can continue to respect the health guidelines and social distancing norms imposed by COVID-19. The organization’s complex processes require designers to work with new materials and for teams to test these designs before they go for production. To do this, the organizations has incorporated 3D design and modelling into its PLM processes. Its designers use high resolution images of materials to create new products, cutting down on the need for sample Their real-time data platform and modern UIs, integrated with PLM, are at the core of better collaboration between teams that manage schedules, plans, sourcing, design, testing and design approvals for productions. Step-by-step they have overcome the limitations imposed by COVID-19. Now, they even have role-based applications to extend the ability of their PLM. These apps cater to the needs of individual users, improving collaboration, productivity, and agility (see figure below).

Improving productivity, efficiency and business agility by extending PLM with roles-based applications

Mobility Apps

Automation Apps

Process Apps

Reporting Apps

Tracker Apps

Provides flexibility to work from anywhere, over any device. Users can capture images and share across functions

Replaces repetitive tasks with RPA to provide 20 to 25% faster resolution for service requests

Creates end-to-end business processes to improve turnaround time

Provides end-to-end visibility and facilitates faster and more accurate decision-making by leveraging analytics

Enables status updates, helps identify bottlenecks and reduces delays by 15 to 20%

The strategy is easily replicable. The bigger challenge before organizations is to ensure that while these changes are being made and the ability of PLM is extended, it keeps the future firmly as a guidepost. The investments being made today must stay relevant to the business needs two to three years into the future. Businesses that do this will thrive in the long-term.




iv v vi


About the author: Akhil Jain is VP, PLM, at ITC Infotech. He is responsible for managing the PLM practice and delivery for Manufacturing and CPG globally and comes with strong technology consulting and implementation experience in PLM packages focused on Manufacturing, Retail and CPG. 


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what i learned from 25 years of machine learning
What I Learned From 25 Years of Machine Learning

Source: here

Here is what I learned from practicing machine learning in business settings for over two decades, and prior to that in the academia. Back in the nineties, it was known as computational statistics in some circles, and some problems such as image analysis were already popular. Of course a lot of progress has been made since, thanks in part to the power of modern computers, the cloud, and large data sets now being ubiquitous. The trend has evolved towards more robust and model free, data-driven techniques, sometimes designed as black boxes: for instances, deep neural networks. Text analysis (NLP) has also seen substantial progress. I hope that the advice I provide below, will be helpful in your data science job. 

11 pieces of advice

  • The biggest achievement in my career was to automate most of the data cleaning / data massaging / outlier detection and exploratory analysis, allowing me to focus on tasks that truly justified my salary. I had to write of few re-usable scripts to take care of that, but it was well worth the effort. 
  • Be friend with the IT department. In one company, much of my job consisted in producing and blending various reports for decision makers. I got it all automated (which required direct access via Perl code to sensitive databases) and I even told my boss about it. He said that I did not work a lot (compared to hard-workers) but understood and was happy to always receive the reports on time automatically delivered in his mailbox, even when I was in vacation.
  • Leverage API’s. In one company, a big project consisted of creating and maintain a list of the top 95% keywords searched for on the web, and attach a value / yield to each of them. The list had about one million keywords. I started by querying internal databases, then scraping the web, and develop yield models. There was a lot of NLP involved. Until I found out that I could get all that information from Google and Microsoft by accessing their API’s. It was not free, but not expensive either, and initially I used my own credit card to pay for the services, which saved me a lot of time. Eventually my boss adopted my idea, and the company reimbursed me for these paid API calls. They continued to use them, under my own personal accounts, long after I was gone. 
  • Document your code, your models, every core tasks you do, with enough details, and in such a way that other people understand your documentation. Without it, you might not even remember what a piece of your own code is doing 3 years down the road, and have to re-write it from scratch. Use simple English as much as possible. It is also good practice, as it will help you train your replacement when you leave.
  • When blending data from different sources, adjust the metrics accordingly, for each data source; metrics are likely to not be fully compatible or some of them missing, as things are probably measured in different ways depending on the source. Even over time, the same metric in the same database can evolve to the point of not being compatible anymore with historical data. I actually have a patent that addresses this issue.
  • Be wary of job interviews for a supposedly wonderful data science job requiring a lot of creativity. I was misled quite a few times, the job eventually turned out to be a coding job. It can be a dead-end, boring job. I like doing the job of a software engineer, but only as long as it helps me automate and optimize my tasks.
  • Working remotely can have many rewards, especially financial ones. Sometimes it also means fewer time spent in corporate meetings. I had to travel every single week between Seattle and San Francisco, for years. I did not like it, but I saved a lot of money (not the least because there is no employment tax in Washington state, and real estate is much less expensive). Also, walking from your hotel to your workplace is less painful than commuting, and it saves a lot of time. Nowadays telecommute makes it even easier. 
  • Embrace simple models. Use synthetic or simulated data to test them. For instance, I implemented various statistical tests, and used artificial data (many times from number theory experiments) to fine-tune and assess the validity of my tests / models on datasets for which the exact answer is known. It was a win-win: working on a topic I love (experimental and probabilistic number theory) and at the same time producing good models and algorithms with applications to real business processes.
  • Being a generalist rather than a specialist offers more career opportunities, within your company (horizontal move) or anywhere. You still need to be an expert in at least one or two areas. As a generalist, it will be easier for you to become a consultant or start your own company, should you decide to go that route. Also, it may help you understand the real problems that decision makers are facing in your company, and have a better, closer relationship with them. Or with any department (sales, finance, marketing, IT).
  • In data we trust. I disagree with that statement. I remember a job at Wells Fargo where I was analyzing user sessions of corporate clients doing online transactions. The sessions were extremely short. I decided to have my boss do a simulated session with multiple transactions, and analyze it the next day. It turned out that the session was broken down into multiple sessions, as the tracking services (powered by Tealeaf back then) started a new session anytime an HTTP request (by the same user) came from a different server (that is, pretty much for every user request). The Tealeaf issue was fixed when notified by Wells Fargo, and I am sure this was my most valuable contribution at the bank. In a different company, reports from a third party were totally erroneous, missing most page views in their count: it turned out that their software was cutting every URL that contained a comma: a glitch caused by bad programming by some software engineer at that third party company, combined with the fact that 95% of our URL’s had contained commas. If you miss those massive glitches (even though in some ways it is not your job to detect them), your analyzes will be totally worthless. One way to detect these glitches is to rely on more than just one single data source.
  • Get very precise definitions of the metrics you are dealing with. The fact that there are so many fake news nowadays is probably because the concept of fake news has never been properly defined, rather than a data / modeling issue.

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About the author:  Vincent Granville is a data science pioneer, mathematician, book author (Wiley), patent owner, former post-doc at Cambridge University, former VC-funded executive, with 20+ years of corporate experience including CNET, NBC, Visa, Wells Fargo, Microsoft, eBay. Vincent is also self-publisher at, and founded and co-founded a few start-ups, including one with a successful exit (Data Science Central acquired by Tech Target). He recently opened Paris Restaurant, in Anacortes. You can access Vincent’s articles and books, here.

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