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ai powered cyberattacks adversarial ai
AI powered cyberattacks – adversarial AI

In the last post, we discussed an outline of AI powered cyber attacks and their defence strategies. In this post, we will discuss a specific type of attack which is called adversarial attack.

Adversarial attacks are not common now because there are not many deep learning systems in production. But soon, we expect that they will increase. Adversarial attacks are easy to describe. In In 2014, a group of researchers found that by adding a small amount of carefully constructed noise, it was possible to fool CNN/ computer vision. For example, as below, we start with an image of a panda, which is correctly recognised as a  “panda” with 57.7% confidence. But by adding the noise, the same image is recognised as a gibbon with 99.3% confidence. For the human eye, both images look the same but for the neural network, the result is entirely different. This type of an attack is called an adversarial attack and it has implications for self driving cars where traffic signs could be spoofed.  

Source: Explaining and Harnessing Adversarial Examples, Goodfellow et al, ICLR 2015.

There are three scenarios for this type of attack:

  1. Evasion attack: this is the most prevalent sort of attack. During the testing phase, the adversary tries to circumvent the system by altering harmful samples. This option assumes that the training data is unaffected.
  1. Poisoning assault: This form of attack, also known as contamination of the training data, occurs during the machine learning model’s training phase. An opponent attempts to poison the system by injecting expertly produced samples, so jeopardizing the entire learning process.
  1. Exploratory attack: Exploratory attacks have no effect on the training dataset. Given Blackbox access to the model, they aim to learn as much as they can about the underlying system’s learning algorithm and patterns in the training data – so as to subsequently undertake a poisoning or an evasion type of attack

The majority of attacks including the above mentioned takes place in the training phase are carried out by directly altering the dataset to learn, influence, or corrupt the model. Based on the adversarial capabilities, attack tactics are divided into the following categories:

  1. Data injection: The adversary does not have access to the training data or the learning algorithm, but he does have the capacity to supplement the training set with new data. By injecting adversarial samples into the training dataset, he can distort the target model.
  2. Data manipulation: The adversary has full access to the training data but no access to the learning method. He directly poisons the training data by altering it before it is used to train the target model.
  3. Corruption of logic: The adversary has the ability to tamper with the learning algorithm. It appears that devising a counter strategy against attackers who can change the logic of the learning algorithm, so manipulating the model, becomes extremely tough.

During testing, adversarial attacks do not interact with the intended model, but rather push it to provide inaccurate results. The quantity of knowledge about the model available to the opponent determines the effectiveness of an assault. These assaults are classified as either Whitebox or Blackbox attacks. We present a formal specification of a training procedure for a machine learning model before considering these assaults.

White-Box Attacks


An adversary in a Whitebox assault on a machine learning model has complete knowledge of the model used (for example, the type of neural network and the number of layers). The attacker knows what algorithm was used in training (for example, gradient descent optimization) and has access to the training data distribution. He also understands the whole trained model architecture’s parameters . This information is used by the adversary to analyze the feature space in which the model may be vulnerable, i.e., where the model has a high mistake rate. The model is then exploited by modifying an input utilizing the adversarial example creation method, which we’ll go through later. A Whitebox assault that has access to internal model weights is equivalent to a very strong adversarial attack.

Black Box Attacks

A Blackbox attack assumes no prior knowledge of the model and exploits it using information about the settings and prior inputs. ‘In an oracle attack, for example, the adversary investigates a model by supplying a series of carefully constructed inputs and observing outputs.

Adversarial learning poses a serious danger to machine learning applications in the real world. Although there are certain countermeasures, none of them can be a one-size-fits-all solution to all problems. The machine learning community still hasn’t come up with a sufficiently robust design to counter these adversarial attacks.


A survey on adversarial attacks and defences

Source Prolead brokers usa

japan is struggling to keep covid 19 at bay at the olympics
Japan is struggling to keep covid-19 at bay at the Olympics

世界最高のアスリートが4年ごとにオリンピックに集まるとき、彼らは走ったり、ジャンプしたり、泳いだりする以上のことをします。前回の東京大会の後に発表された回想録で、1964年、オーストラリアの水泳選手であるドーンフレーザーは、オリンピックのバブルの中での生活の幕を閉じました。 「オリンピックのモラルは、部外者が予想するよりもはるかに緩いです」と彼女は書いています。堕落に対する村の評判はそれ以来成長してきました。主催者は1988年にアスリートにコンドームを配り始め、表面上はHIVについての意識を高めました。 2016年にリオデジャネイロで開催された最後の夏季オリンピックで、彼らは記録的な45万人を配りました。元オリンピックスキーヤーの1人がアメリカのスポーツ出版物であるespnThe Magazineに書いたように、オリンピック村は「「不思議の国のアリス」のように、すべてが可能な魔法のようなおとぎ話のような場所です。金メダルを獲得でき、本当に熱い男と一緒に寝ることができます。」………




















Source Prolead brokers usa

here how ai is changing the way people use coupons
Here How AI is Changing the Way People Use Coupons

Coupons are the small vouchers or tickets issued by the sellers to offer customers discounts when they shop from them. Coupons have been used for many years to increase customer traffic at stores by attracting them with multiple discounts and offers. They are not just beneficial for customers but also for the sellers. Coupons have proved themselves time and again to be an important aspect of the eCommerce industry. 

Importance of coupons in digital marketing

Coupons are an integral component of online shopping. They not only reduce the cost of orders for the customers, but they also attract more customers to your online store. According to the latest coupon statistics, 90% of consumers use them at least once in their life. This data reveals that every second customer tends to use an online coupon while making an online purchase. 

There are reports that suggest that people are more likely to complete their online orders when they use coupons. And more than 50% of new customers are likely to visit your shop when they get a welcoming discount. Digital marketing is thriving on online coupons at the moment and it will become more dependent on digital coupons in the coming years. 

Considering the importance of coupon marketing, there should be some procedures and means to effectively use them. The most important technology impacting this mode of marketing is artificial intelligence AI.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning in coupon marketing

It is the age of artificial intelligence that has been driving all the businesses at a noticeable place and in no time will take over most of the industries. Artificial intelligence has been transforming the domain of digital marketing. AI offers instant personal customer services that help customers find the right products and discounts. 

The internet is brimming with data from people all over the world and AI is utilizing this (with the user’s permission) to bring the best products and offers to them. AI provides this information to the sellers and with its machine learning techniques, this information is used in the future as well. This makes it easy for businesses to organize their coupon marketing campaigns according to the likes and dislikes of their shoppers.

Backing up customers data for future coupons

AI is a complex system of programs that work by extracting patterns and insights from a large collection of data and uses it to make decisions. It collects data from the websites people use, unify it, and makes assumptions about their interests. This information, predicts what type of products the people would be interested in and provides them with coupons to shop for them.

This data is very useful for online businesses to attract their customers with their desired deals. The more data your AI acquires, the better it’ll be able to bring people to their desired page and desired discounts. 

AI using coupons for customer retention

It is not a hard task to attract people to business by giving them coupons. The real task is to make them stay after their first purchase. Many customers tend to avail their first order coupons and never return. It is tiresome for them to look for coupons, so they don’t spend more time in your store. Many businesses fail to retain their customers after the first purchases. Some customers even compare the coupons with other coupon offering websites to get maximum discounts. 

AI is helping businesses solve this problem. Instead of making customers search for the best coupons on their orders, AI automatically provides the best suitable coupons at the time of check out at one platform and makes it easier for customers. In this way, they become returning customers.

Predict worthwhile targets to send coupons

It is important for online businesses to send coupons to customers that are worth sending them. By repeatedly sending coupons to people that don’t benefit the business can actually result in loss. AI predicts customers that will use coupons but that is not enough. Coupons should be sent to the customers that will return to the store. 

If not, you will end up sending them to “coupon hungry” customers and it will create negative feedback on your business. Instead, the focus of your coupon campaign should be those loyal customers that will return to your store after getting a discount. That’s why AI intelligence analyzes the customer’s information using machine learning to find those “coupon-worthy” customers.

Purchase history to focus coupon marketing campaign

It is important to know the purchase history of the customers targeted in your coupon campaign. Specifically, their history regarding their behavior before and after they receive a coupon. The important details about the purchase history of a customer that AI collects are:

  • The number of purchases that a customer has made
  • Sum of money the customer has spent on the products
  • How many products the customer has bought without coupons and discounts
  • How often the customer visits the store
  • How often does the customer use coupons
  • How much money the customer has saved through coupons

This amount of data from various customers helps AI analyze the onsite behavior of the customers. AI predicts the moves of these customers and filters out the ones that are worth sending coupons to and increases the business’s revenue. This will reduce the amount the business spends on coupon marketing campaigns.

Make hesitant buyers your regular customers

One of the best features of artificial intelligence is that it can analyze the customer’s on-site behavior by the time they spend on the store, the pages they move around, and the time they spend on particular sections. In this way, the AI can predict the hesitant buyers who spend their time browsing through the online stores, “window shopping”, wondering if they should buy a particular item or not. 

Whatever the reason might be for their not completing the orders, these buyers can generate great revenues if they are encouraged to make the purchase. With the help of AI, these hesitant buyers can receive occasional coupons which will encourage them to shop from the store. This is just another way how AI can help you build efficient digital coupon marketing campaigns.

Automation of coupon marketing:

To extend the business and make it available for a larger audience, using and searching coupons should be made easier. Just like the logistics business, coupon searching should be a point on. With the implementation of AI in digitalized coupon marketing, the coupons should be available with a simple search of a query. 

There should be a self-learning algorithm that will update itself regularly according to the changing trends in discounts to let the customers avail of the maximum discounts. An enhancement would be to have the most suitable coupon according to the order automatically added at the time of check-out.

Chatbots helping in coupon marketing

One of the most significant advances brought by AI in customer-facing business is the emergence of chatbots. These chatbots have altered the outlook on customer-seller interactions. These chatbots reduce the human slack up to 90% as they provide 24/7 customer service. They instantly respond to the questions and queries of the customers. 

But in addition to that, they perform another vital task. They analyze the behavior of their customers and extract intricate information about them. This could lead to the creation of personable digital coupons in the e-commerce marketing industry. The chatbots will interact with their customers and will be able to create personable coupons specifically made for them. In this way, the old physical coupons with online codes will be in the past and the chatbots created, QR code scannable coupons, privately sent to customers will take charge of the digital coupon marketing.

Voice-activated assistants in coupon marketing

In the era of artificial intelligence, coupon marketing has become more conversational. The emergence of voice-activated assistants will prove to be a great incentive towards the digitalization of coupons. In 2018, Target issued 15$ voice-activated coupons to the customers who ordered through google express and said “spring into Target” into the voice-activated coupon option at the time of checkout. This opened gates for new possibilities in the field of online coupon marketing. 

With the emergence of voice-activated coupons, a larger audience would be able to benefit from them. It is estimated that by the end of next year, almost 50% of all the searches would be done through voice. It means AI providing us voice-generated coupons will be inevitable.

Wrapping up

The introduction of AI to the e-commerce business not only has sprouted it to grow but it has been providing new and innovative ideas. It has been proved by various points how AI has strengthened the coupon marketing campaign especially by the use of chatbots and voice searches. Now that you have the right information about building more efficient coupons with AI, it is now your job to utilize them efficiently and explore new horizons in business technologies.

Source Prolead brokers usa

how ai is changing the way people use coupons
How AI is Changing the Way People Use Coupons

Coupons are the small vouchers or tickets issued by the sellers to offer customers discounts when they shop from them. Coupons have been used for many years to increase customer traffic at stores by attracting them with multiple discounts and offers. They are not just beneficial for customers but also for the sellers. Coupons have proved themselves time and again to be an important aspect of the eCommerce industry. 

Importance of coupons in digital marketing

Coupons are an integral component of online shopping. They not only reduce the cost of orders for the customers, but they also attract more customers to your online store. According to the latest coupon statistics, 90% of consumers use them at least once in their life. This data reveals that every second customer tends to use an online coupon while making an online purchase. 

There are reports that suggest that people are more likely to complete their online orders when they use coupons. And more than 50% of new customers are likely to visit your shop when they get a welcoming discount. Digital marketing is thriving on online coupons at the moment and it will become more dependent on digital coupons in the coming years. 

Considering the importance of coupon marketing, there should be some procedures and means to effectively use them. The most important technology impacting this mode of marketing is artificial intelligence AI.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning in coupon marketing

It is the age of artificial intelligence that has been driving all the businesses at a noticeable place and in no time will take over most of the industries. Artificial intelligence has been transforming the domain of digital marketing. AI offers instant personal customer services that help customers find the right products and discounts. 

The internet is brimming with data from people all over the world and AI is utilizing this (with the user’s permission) to bring the best products and offers to them. AI provides this information to the sellers and with its machine learning techniques, this information is used in the future as well. This makes it easy for businesses to organize their coupon marketing campaigns according to the likes and dislikes of their shoppers.

Backing up customers data for future coupons

AI is a complex system of programs that work by extracting patterns and insights from a large collection of data and uses it to make decisions. It collects data from the websites people use, unify it, and makes assumptions about their interests. This information, predicts what type of products the people would be interested in and provides them with coupons to shop for them.

This data is very useful for online businesses to attract their customers with their desired deals. The more data your AI acquires, the better it’ll be able to bring people to their desired page and desired discounts. 

AI using coupons for customer retention

It is not a hard task to attract people to business by giving them coupons. The real task is to make them stay after their first purchase. Many customers tend to avail their first order coupons and never return. It is tiresome for them to look for coupons, so they don’t spend more time in your store. Many businesses fail to retain their customers after the first purchases. Some customers even compare the coupons with other coupon offering websites to get maximum discounts. 

AI is helping businesses solve this problem. Instead of making customers search for the best coupons on their orders, AI automatically provides the best suitable coupons at the time of check out at one platform and makes it easier for customers. In this way, they become returning customers.

Predict worthwhile targets to send coupons

It is important for online businesses to send coupons to customers that are worth sending them. By repeatedly sending coupons to people that don’t benefit the business can actually result in loss. AI predicts customers that will use coupons but that is not enough. Coupons should be sent to the customers that will return to the store. 

If not, you will end up sending them to “coupon hungry” customers and it will create negative feedback on your business. Instead, the focus of your coupon campaign should be those loyal customers that will return to your store after getting a discount. That’s why AI intelligence analyzes the customer’s information using machine learning to find those “coupon-worthy” customers.

Purchase history to focus coupon marketing campaign

It is important to know the purchase history of the customers targeted in your coupon campaign. Specifically, their history regarding their behavior before and after they receive a coupon. The important details about the purchase history of a customer that AI collects are:

  • The number of purchases that a customer has made
  • Sum of money the customer has spent on the products
  • How many products the customer has bought without coupons and discounts
  • How often the customer visits the store
  • How often does the customer use coupons
  • How much money the customer has saved through coupons

This amount of data from various customers helps AI analyze the onsite behavior of the customers. AI predicts the moves of these customers and filters out the ones that are worth sending coupons to and increases the business’s revenue. This will reduce the amount the business spends on coupon marketing campaigns.

Make hesitant buyers your regular customers

One of the best features of artificial intelligence is that it can analyze the customer’s on-site behavior by the time they spend on the store, the pages they move around, and the time they spend on particular sections. In this way, the AI can predict the hesitant buyers who spend their time browsing through the online stores, “window shopping”, wondering if they should buy a particular item or not. 

Whatever the reason might be for their not completing the orders, these buyers can generate great revenues if they are encouraged to make the purchase. With the help of AI, these hesitant buyers can receive occasional coupons which will encourage them to shop from the store. This is just another way how AI can help you build efficient digital coupon marketing campaigns.

Automation of coupon marketing:

To extend the business and make it available for a larger audience, using and searching coupons should be made easier. Just like the logistics business, coupon searching should be a point on. With the implementation of AI in digitalized coupon marketing, the coupons should be available with a simple search of a query. 

There should be a self-learning algorithm that will update itself regularly according to the changing trends in discounts to let the customers avail of the maximum discounts. An enhancement would be to have the most suitable coupon according to the order automatically added at the time of check-out.

Chatbots helping in coupon marketing

One of the most significant advances brought by AI in customer-facing business is the emergence of chatbots. These chatbots have altered the outlook on customer-seller interactions. These chatbots reduce the human slack up to 90% as they provide 24/7 customer service. They instantly respond to the questions and queries of the customers. 

But in addition to that, they perform another vital task. They analyze the behavior of their customers and extract intricate information about them. This could lead to the creation of personable digital coupons in the e-commerce marketing industry. The chatbots will interact with their customers and will be able to create personable coupons specifically made for them. In this way, the old physical coupons with online codes will be in the past and the chatbots created, QR code scannable coupons, privately sent to customers will take charge of the digital coupon marketing.

Voice-activated assistants in coupon marketing

In the era of artificial intelligence, coupon marketing has become more conversational. The emergence of voice-activated assistants will prove to be a great incentive towards the digitalization of coupons. In 2018, Target issued 15$ voice-activated coupons to the customers who ordered through google express and said “spring into Target” into the voice-activated coupon option at the time of checkout. This opened gates for new possibilities in the field of online coupon marketing. 

With the emergence of voice-activated coupons, a larger audience would be able to benefit from them. It is estimated that by the end of next year, almost 50% of all the searches would be done through voice. It means AI providing us voice-generated coupons will be inevitable.

Wrapping up

The introduction of AI to the e-commerce business not only has sprouted it to grow but it has been providing new and innovative ideas. It has been proved by various points how AI has strengthened the coupon marketing campaign especially by the use of chatbots and voice searches. Now that you have the right information about building more efficient coupons with AI, it is now your job to utilize them efficiently and explore new horizons in business technologies.

Source Prolead brokers usa

AI Robotization with InterSystems IRIS Data Platform

Fixing the terminology

A robot is not expected to be either huge or humanoid, or even material (in disagreement with Wikipedia, although the latter softens the initial definition in one paragraph and admits virtual form of a robot). A robot is an automation, from an algorithmic viewpoint, an automation for autonomous (algorithmic) execution of concrete tasks. A light detector that triggers street lights at night is a robot. An email software separating e-mails into “external” and “internal” is also a robot.

Artificial intelligence (in an applied and narrow sense, Wikipedia interpreting it differently again) is algorithms for extracting dependencies from data. It will not execute any tasks on its own, for that one would need to implement it as concrete analytic processes (input data, plus models, plus output data, plus process control). The analytic process acting as an “artificial intelligence carrier” can be launched by a human or by a robot. It can be stopped by either of the two as well. And managed by any of them too.

Interaction with the environment

Artificial intelligence needs data that is suitable for analysis. When an analyst starts developing an analytic process, the data for the model is prepared by the analyst himself. Usually, he builds a dataset that has enough volume and features to be used for model training and testing. Once the accuracy (and in less frequent cases, the “local stability” in time) of the obtained result becomes satisfactory, a typical analyst considers his work done. Is he right? In the reality, the work is only half-done. It remains to secure an “uninterrupted and efficient running” of the analytic process – and that is where our analyst may experience difficulties.

The tools used for developing artificial intelligence and machine learning mechanisms, except for some most simple cases, are not suitable for efficient interaction with external environment. For example, we can (for a short period of time) use Python to read and transform sensor data from a production process. But Python will not be the right tool for overall monitoring of the situation and switching control among several production processes, scaling corresponding computation resources up and down, analyzing and treating all types of “exceptions” (e.g., non-availability of a data source, infrastructure failure, user interaction issues, etc.). To do that we will need a data management and integration platform. And the more loaded, the more variative will be our analytic process, the higher will be set the bar of our expectations from the platform’s integration and “DBMS” components. An analyst that is bred on scripting languages and traditional development environments to build models (including utilities like “notebooks”) will be facing the near impossibility to secure his analytical process an efficient productive implementation.

Adaptability and adaptiveness

Environment changeability manifests itself in different ways. In some cases, will change the essence and nature of the things managed by artificial intelligence (e.g., entry by an enterprise into new business areas, requirements imposed by national and international regulators, evolution of customer preferences relevant for the enterprise, etc.). In the other cases – the information signature of the data coming from external environment will become different (e.g., new equipment with new sensors, more performant data transmission channels, availability of new data “labeling” technologies, etc.).

Can an analytic process “reinvent itself” as the external environment structure changes? Let us simplify the question: how easy is it to adjust the analytic process if the external environment structure changes? Based on our experience, the answer that follows is plain and sad: in most known implementations (not by us!) it will be required to at least rewrite the analytic process, and most probably rewrite the AI it contains. Well, end-to-end rewriting may not be the final verdict, but doing the programing to add something that reflects the new reality or changing the “modeling part” may indeed be needed. And that could mean a prohibitive overhead – especially if environment changes are frequent.

Agency: the limit of autonomy?

The reader may have noticed already that we proceed in the direction of a more and more complex reality proposed to artificial intelligence. While taking a note of possible “instrument-side consequences”. In a hope for our being finally able to provide a response to emerging challenges.

We are now approaching the necessity to equip an analytic process with the level of autonomy such that it can cope with not just changeability of the environment, but also with the uncertainty of its state. No reference to a quantum nature of the environment is intended here (we will discuss it in one of our further publications), we simply consider the probability for an analytic process to encounter the expected state at the expected moment in the expected “volume”. For example: the process “thought” that it would manage to complete a model training run before the arrival of new data to apply the model to, but “failed” to complete it (e.g., for several objective reasons, the training sample contained more records than usually). Another example: the labeling team has added a batch of new press in the process, a vectorization model has been trained using that new material, while the neural network is still using the previous vectorization and is treating as “noise” some extremely relevant information. Our experience shows that overcoming such situations requires splitting what previously used to be a single analytic process in several autonomous components and creating for each of the resulting agent processes its « buffered projection » of the environment. Let us call this action (goodbye, Wikipedia) agenting of an analytical process. And let us call agency the quality acquired by an analytical process (or rather to a system of analytical processes) due to agenting.

A task for the robot

At this point, we will try to come up with a task that would need a robotized AI with all the qualities mentioned above. It will not take as a long journey to get to ideas, especially because of a wealth of some very interesting cases and solutions for those cases published in the Internet – we will simply re-use one of such cases/solutions (to obtain both the task and the solution formulation). The scenario we have chosen is about classification of postings (“tweets”) in the Twitter social network, based on their sentiment. To train the models, we have rather large samples of “labeled” tweets (i.e. with sentiment specified), while classification will be performed on “unlabeled” tweets (i.e. without sentiment specified):

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Figure 1 Sentiment-based text classification (sentiment analysis) task formulation

An approach to creating mathematical models able to learn from labeled texts and classify unlabeled texts with unknown sentiment, is presented in a great example published on the Web.

The data for our scenario has been kindly made available from the Web.

With all the above at hands, we could be starting to “assemble a robot” – however, we prefer complicating the classical task by adding a condition: both labeled and unlabeled data are fed to the analytical process as standard-size files as the process “consumes” the already fed files. Therefore, our robot will need to begin operating on minimal volumes of training data and continually improve classification accuracy by repeating model training on gradually growing data volumes.

To InterSystems workshop

We will demonstrate, taking the scenario just formulated as an example, that InterSystems IRIS and ML Toolkit, a set of extensions, can robotize artificial intelligence. And achieve an efficient interaction with the external environment for the analytic processes we create, while keeping them adaptable, adaptive and agent (the «three А»).

Let us begin with agency. We deploy four business processes in the platform:

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Figure 2 Configuration of an agent-based system of business processes with a component for interaction with Python

  • GENERATOR – as previously generated files get consumed by the other processes, generates new files with input data (labeled – positive and negative tweets – as well as unlabeled tweets)
  • BUFFER – as already buffered records are consumed by the other processes, reads new records from the files created by GENERATOR and deletes the files after having read records from them
  • ANALYZER – consumes records from the unlabeled buffer and applies to them the trained RNN (recurrent neural network), transfers the “applied” records with respective “probability to be positive” values added to them, to the monitoring buffer; consumes records from labeled (positive and negative) buffers and trains the neural network based on them
  • MONITOR – consumes records processed and transferred to its buffer by ANALYZER, evaluates the classification error metrics demonstrated by the neural network after the last training, and triggers new training by ANALYZER

Our agent-based system of processes can be illustrated as follows:

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Figure 3 Data flows in the agent-based system

All the processes in our system are functioning independently one from another but are listening to each other’s signals. For example, a signal for GENERATOR process to start creating a new file with records is the deletion of the previous file by BUFFER process.

Now let us look at adaptiveness. The adaptiveness of the analytic process in our example is implemented via “encapsulation” of the AI as a component that is independent from the logic of the carrier process and whose main functions – training and prediction – are isolated one from another:

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Figure 4 Isolation of the AI’s main functions in an analytic process – training and prediction using mathematical models

Since the above-quoted fragment of ANALYZER process is a part of the “endless loop” (that is triggered at the process startup and is functioning till the whole agent-based system is shut down), and since the AI functions are executed concurrently, the process is capable of adapting the use of AI to the situation: training models if the need arises, predicting based on the available version of trained models, otherwise. The need to train the models is signaled by the adaptive MONITOR process that functions independently from ANALYZER process and applies its criteria to estimate the accuracy of the models trained by ANALYZER:

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Figure 5 Recognition of the model type and application of the respective accuracy metrics by MONITOR process

We continue with adaptability. An analytic process in InterSystems IRIS is a business process that has a graphical or XML representation in a form of a sequence of steps. The steps in their turn can be sequences of other steps, loops, condition checks and other process controls. The steps can execute code or transmit information (can be code as well) for treatment by other processes and external systems.

If there is a necessity to change an analytical process, we have a possibility to do that in either the graphical editor or in the IDE. Changing the analytical process in the graphical editor allows adapting process logic without programing:

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Figure 6 ANALYZER process in the graphical editor with the menu open for adding process controls

Finally, it is interaction with the environment. In our case, the most important element of the environment is the mathematical toolset Python. For interaction with Python and R, the corresponding functional extensions were developed – Python Gateway and R Gateway. Enabling of a comfortable interaction with a concrete toolset is their key functionality. We could already see the component for interaction with Python in the configuration of our agent-based system. We have demonstrated that business processes that contain AI implemented using Python language, can interact with Python.

ANALYZER process, for instance, carries the model training and prediction functions implemented in InterSystems IRIS using Python language, like it is shown below:

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Figure 7 Model training function implemented in ANALYZER process in InterSystems IRIS using Python

Each of the steps in this process is responsible for a specific interaction with Python: a transfer of input data from InterSystems IRIS context to Python context, a transfer of code for execution to Python, a return of output data from Python context to InterSystems IRIS context.

The most used type of interactions in our example is the transfer of code for execution in Python:

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Figure 8 Python code deployed in ANALYZER process in InterSystems IRIS is sent for execution to Python

In some interactions there is a return of output data from Python context to InterSystems IRIS context:

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Figure 9 Visual trace of ANALYZER process session with a preview of the output returned by Python in one of the process steps

Launching the robot

Launching the robot right here in this article? Why not, here is the recording from our webinar in which (besides other interesting AI stories relevant for robotization!) the example discussed in our article was demoed. The webinar time being always limited, unfortunately, and we still prefer showcasing our work as illustratively though briefly as possible – and we are therefore sharing below a more complete overview of the outputs produced (7 training runs, including the initial training, instead of just 3 in the webinar):

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Figure 10 Robot reaching a steady AUC above 0.8 on prediction

These results are in line with our intuitive expectations: as the training dataset gets filled with “labeled” positive and negative tweets, the accuracy of our classification model improves (this is proven by the gradual increase of the AUC values shown on prediction).

What conclusions can we make at the end of the article:

• InterSystems IRIS is a powerful platform for robotization of the processes involving artificial intelligence

• Artificial intelligence can be implemented in both the external environment (e.g., Python or R with their modules containing ready-to-use algorithms) and in InterSystems IRIS platform (using native function libraries or by writing algorithms in Python and R languages). InterSystems IRIS secures interaction with external AI toolsets allowing to combine their capabilities with its native functionality

• InterSystems IRIS robotizes AI by applying “three A”: adaptable, adaptive and agent business processes (or else, analytic processes)

• InterSystems IRIS operates external AI (Python, R) via kits of specialized interactions: transfer/return of data, transfer of code for execution, etc. One analytic process can interact with several mathematical toolsets

• InterSystems IRIS consolidates on a single platform input and output modeling data, maintains historization and versioning of calculations

• Thanks to InterSystems IRIS, artificial intelligence can be both used as specialized analytic mechanisms, or built in OLTP and integration solutions

For those who have read this article and got interested by the capabilities of InterSystems IRIS as a platform for developing and deploying machine learning and artificial intelligence mechanisms, we propose a further discussion of the potential scenarios that are relevant to your company, and a collaborative definition of the next steps.

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what are the top mathematical technologies that traders use today
What Are the Top Mathematical Technologies That Traders Use Today

Algorithmic formulas are allowing quant trading to take over the financial capitals of the world. Math technologies are helping even the most novice traders conquer the stock market. But with so many trading software in the market, how do you choose the best one to use? The programming language on which the software is built is an excellent place to start.

Which Programming Language Is Best for Trading Software

The best programming language for trading is, by and large, determined by the transparency and ready-made features that the software built on it makes possible. Other things to consider are its strategy parameters, resiliency, general performance, and cost.

Excellent algorithmic trading software should include second-to-none research tools, execution engine, risk manager, and portfolio optimizer. Faulty software or one lacking the necessary features could be the reason you incur huge losses of your hard-earned cash. The following are some of the most preferred programming languages for trading software.


R programming language has been a choice language for statisticians and academics for over two decades. It is often the go-to programming language for statistical analysis. Primarily, R does what spreadsheets do, but faster and with greater ease.

What makes it stand out as a trading software is its benefits in data wrangling (tidying up data for use), data transformation (creating custom data sets), data analysis (executing statistical models), and practically all machine learning and visualization forms. R makes algorithmic trading a somewhat straightforward undertaking. That said, some intrinsic limitations show up as a trader’s needs increase.


Python easily stands out as a trading programming language because of the ease with which it can be deployed in automated trading systems and machine learning. It is quite easy and straightforward for beginners to learn. It also has exclusive library functions that make it easy to code strategies in algorithmic trading.

Many traders prefer Python over C because it is faster in evaluating mathematical models. Given the centrality of speed in high-frequency trading, the less trading strategy time that Python affords the trader is a big part of its allure. However, it is somewhat slower than C++.


Like R, MATLAB is a programming language of choice for quantitative traders and researchers. Because of its focus on technical computing, MATLAB is an excellent choice for automated trading. What’s more, MATLAB is an integrated development platform with a user-friendly interface and debugger.

MATLAB easily stands out in backtesting compared to Visual Basic or Excel because it has an extensive database of built-in functions that are extremely helpful mathematical computations. For traders analyzing a large number of stocks simultaneously, MATLAB’s matrix manipulation and processing make such calculations as easy as analyzing a single stock. That said, it can be restrictive and somewhat risky when it comes to availability.


MetaQuotes Language 5 (MQL5) is designed for algorithmic trading and is supported by a powerful community of helpful, highly skilled developers. It is an excellent programming language for creating utility applications, trading robots, and technical indicators that automate financial trading. Unlike other programming languages, MQL5 is designed primarily for financial trading. It, therefore, comes with an impressive list of built-in technical analysis functions and trade management features.

On top of its ease of use and extensive features, MQL5 is also fully compatible with R and Python. What that means is you can leverage the power of the most advanced programming languages within the MQL5 development environment. With that, you have the best of both worlds.

MQL5 makes it relatively easy to create automated financial trading and market analysis applications. Through the use of MLQ5 and other languages like R and Python, you can perform practically any type of data analysis and trade operation you can think of. On top of that, it makes it easy for traders to carry out trading operations and technical analysis in stock and forex exchange markets.

How to Choose the Best Trading Software

The best automated algorithmic trading software makes it easy to trade and increases profitability. Instead of creating custom trading software and platforms, the better approach is finding a trading application that checks all the necessary boxes to turn a profit. Here are some of the things to check for in trading software:

Supports all markets

The software you choose for financial trading should accept feeds in different formats, including FIX, Multicast, and TCP/IP. Go for algorithmic trading applications with the ability to process aggregated market feeds from an array of exchanges.

The best trading software should allow you to trade in different markets over multiple accounts while leveraging several strategies simultaneously. For instance, MetaTrader 5 enables hedge funds to diversify their trades and, as a result, spread their risk over many instruments and markets.

Offers data analysis tools

Traders have to keep tabs on the goings-on in the market in real-time. Without up-to-date information, the decisions you make as a trader could result in losses that could have been avoided. Go for trading software with data analysis tools that give you insights into what’s happening on trading floors live. Well-designed trading software like MetaTrader 5 goes a notch further; they show you visual trading representations through bars, broken lines, and Japanese candles.

Full transparency

Any trading software whose market and company data is not readily available for you to review is a no-go-zone. Algorithmic trading uses your hard-earned cash. You must ensure you know enough about the software you’re about to use for trading as well as the company that built it.

Go for trading software that values transparency. Work with a company that explains how they invest their money and the profit your investment is making—the ability to see the company data should be a built-in feature in the software.

Automated and fully prepared robots

The whole idea of leveraging mathematical technologies in trading is to make an otherwise tricky trading process possible and easy even for novice traders. Therefore, working with a trading platform with automated robots that do all the heavy lifting makes sense. For instance, MetaTrader 5 trading robots can analyze financial instruments quotes and execute trade operations on exchange and Forex markets.

The software also allows hedge funds to create, test, debug, implement, and optimize trading robots. And if the robots available are falling short of your requirements, there’s an option to order a trading robot to be custom-built for you.

One-click communications

Few things are as dreadful as investing money in an opaque trading platform where it’s impossible to tell where your money is and whether it’s returning a profit. To avoid the worry and uncertainty that such scenarios can bring, use trading software with one-click communications.

Trade with applications that make it easy to ask questions and get answers back. MetaTrader 5 goes a step further: it eliminates uncertainty by offering real-time fund performance with detailed reports to help you keep tabs on your algorithmic trading round the clock.

Final Thoughts

Building your own trading software is complex and often overwhelming, and most algorithmic trading software is costly. Yet, there are excellent options that live up to the pressures of exchange and forex trading and increase the chance that you’ll turn a profit. Few algorithmic trading software can match the power of MetaTrader 5 for hedge funds.

Users of this trading software can harness its capabilities by integrating it into practically any brokerage account. And with expert robotic advisors that implement automated strategies, the trading floor is open even for people with little or no programming and trading experience. In this highly competitive world, choosing the right mathematical technologies for trading is often the difference between making lots of money and wiping out your investment.

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central limit theorem for non independent random variables
Central Limit Theorem for Non-Independent Random Variables

The original version of the central limit theorem (CLT) assumes n independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables X1, …, Xn, with finite variance. Let SnX1 + … + Xn. Then the CLT states that

that is, it follows a normal distribution with zero mean and unit variance, as n tends to infinity. Here μ  is the expectation of X1.

Various generalizations have been discovered, including for weakly correlated random variables. Note that the absence of correlation is not enough for the CLT to apply (see counterexamples here). Likewise, even in the presence of correlations, the CLT can still be valid under certain conditions.  If auto-correlations are decaying fast enough, some results are available, see here.  The theory is somewhat complicated. Here our goal is to show a simple example to help you understand the mechanics of the CLT in that context. The example involves observations X1, …, Xn that behave like a simple type of time series: AR(1), also known as autoregressive time series of order one, a well studied process (see section 3.2 in this article).

1. Example

The example in question consists of observations governed by the following time series model: Xk+1ρXk + Yk+1, with X1 = Y1, and Y1, …, Yn are i.i.d. with zero mean and unit variance. We assume that |ρ|  <  1. It is easy to establish the following:

Here “~” stands for “asymptotically equal to” as n tends to infinity. Note that the lag-k autocorrelation in the time series of observations X1, …, Xn is asymptotically equal to ρ^k (ρ at power k), so autocorrelations are decaying exponentially fast. Finally, the adjusted CLT (the last formula above) now includes a factor 1 – ρ. If course if ρ = 0, it corresponds to the classic CLT when expected values are zero.

1.2. More examples

Let X1 be uniform on [0, 1] and Xk+1 = FRAC(bXk) where b is an integer strictly larger than one, and FRAC is the fractional part function. Then it is known that Xk also has a uniform distribution on [0, 1], but the Xk‘s are autocorrelated with exponentially decaying lag-k autocorrelations equal to 1 / b^k. So I expect that the CLT would apply to this case. 

Now let  X1 be uniform on [0, 1] and Xk+1 = FRAC(b+Xk) where b is a positive irrational number. Again, Xk is uniform on [0, 1]. However this time we have strong, long-range autocorrelations, see here. I will publish results about this case (as to whether or not CLT still applies) in a future article.

2. Results based on simulations

The simulation consisted of generating 100,000 time series X1, …, Xn as in section 1.1, with ρ = 1/2, each one with n = 10,000 observations, computing Sn for each of them, and standardizing Sn to see if it follows a N(0, 1) distribution. The empirical density follows a normal law with zero mean and unit variance very closely, as shown in the figure below. We used uniform variables with zero mean and unity variance to generate the deviates Yk.

Below is one instance (realization) of these simulated time series, featuring the first n = 150 observations. The Y-axis represents Xk, the X-axis represents k

It behaves quite differently from a white noise due to the auto-correlations.

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About the author:  Vincent Granville is a data science pioneer, mathematician, book author (Wiley), patent owner, former post-doc at Cambridge University, former VC-funded executive, with 20+ years of corporate experience including CNET, NBC, Visa, Wells Fargo, Microsoft, eBay. Vincent is also self-publisher at, and founded and co-founded a few start-ups, including one with a successful exit (Data Science Central acquired by Tech Target). He recently opened Paris Restaurant, in Anacortes. You can access Vincent’s articles and books, here.

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why saying we accept the null hypothesis is wrong an intuitive explanation
Why saying “We accept the Null Hypothesis” is wrong. – An Intuitive Explanation

We often come across YouTube videos, posts, blogs, and private courses wherein they say “We accept the Null Hypothesis” instead of saying “We fail to reject the Null hypothesis”.

If you correct them, they would say what s the big difference? “The opposite of ‘Rejecting the Null’ is ‘Accepting’ isn’t it ?”.

Well, it is not so simple as it is construed. We need to rise above antonyms and understand one crucial concept. That crucial concept is ‘opperian falsification.

This concept or philosophy also holds key to why we use the language “Fail to reject the Null”.

Basically, the Popperian falsification implies that ‘Science is never settled’. It keeps changing or evolving. Theories held sacrosanct today could be refuted tomorrow.

The Popperian falsification implies that ‘Science is never settled’. It keeps changing or evolving. Theories held sacrosanct today could be refuted tomorrow.

So under this principle, scientists never proclaim “X theory is true”. Instead what they try to prove that “the theory X is wrong”. This is called the principle of falsification.

Now having tried your best and you still could not prove the theory X is wrong, what would you say? You would say “I failed to prove theory X is wrong”. Ah.. now can you see the parallels between “I failed to prove theory X is wrong” and “We fail to reject the Null ”.

Now let’s come to why you can’t say “we accept the Null hypothesis”.

We could not prove theory X is wrong. But does that really mean theory X is correct? No, somebody smarter in the future could prove theory x is wrong. There always exists that possibility. Remember above that we said, “science is never settled”.

A more classic example is that of the ‘Black Swan’. “Suppose a theory proposes that all swans are white. The obvious way to prove the theory is to check that every swan really is white — but there’s a problem. No matter how many white swans you find, you can never be sure there isn’t a black swan lurking somewhere. So, you can never prove the theory is true. In contrast, finding one solitary black swan guarantees that the theory is false.”

Note: The post is merely to drive home the point of how the language “we fail to reject” came about. It is not a post favoring inductive reasoning over deductive reasoning or vice versa. Neither it is an effort to prove or disprove Karl Popper’s falsification principle.

Reference (Black swan example):

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dsc weekly digest 13 july 2021
DSC Weekly Digest 13 July 2021

I talk to a lot of people involved in the data science and machine learning space every week – some vendors, some company CDOs, many just people in the trenches, trying to build good data models and make them monetizable.

When I ask what part of the data science pipeline they have the hardest part with, the answer is almost invariably “We can’t get enough good data.”

This is not just a problem with machine learning, however. Knowledge Graph projects have run aground because they discover that too much of the data that they have lacks sufficient complexity (read, connectivity) to make modeling worthwhile. The data is often poorly curated, poorly organized, and lacking in semantic metadata. Some data, especially personal data, is heavily duplicated, has keys that have been lost in context, and in many cases cannot in fact be collected without a court order. Large relational databases have been moved into data lakes or enterprise data warehouses, but the data within them often heavily reflects operational rather than contextual information, made worse by the fact that many programmers have at best only limited training in true data modeling practices.

What this means is that the content that drives the initial training of the data model is noisy, with the signal so weak that any optimizations made in the model itself may put the data scientist into a position where they are able to reach the wrong conclusions faster.

Effective data strategy involves assessing the acquisition of the data from the beginning, and recognizing that this acquisition will require the expenditure of money, time, and personnel. There are reasons why data aggregators usually tend to benefit heavily from being early adopters – they discovered this truth the hard way, and made the investment to make their businesses data scoops, with effective data acquisition and ingestion strategies rather than just assuming that the relational databases in the back office actually had worthwhile grist for the mill.

As data science and machine learning pipelines become more pervasive in organizations and become more automated, through MLOps and similar processes, this need for good source data is likely to be one that every organization’s CDO needs to attend to as soon as possible. After all, garbage in can only mean garbage out.

In media res,

Kurt Cagle
Community Editor,
Data Science Central

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plm as a backbone for disruptive digital thread
PLM as a backbone for Disruptive Digital Thread

Product complexity is on the rise. Manufacturers need to understand customer requirements, define, and design products, collaborate with global designers and suppliers, ensure material feed and recipe integration, use varied manufacturing techniques, seek regulatory approvals, make processes and products sustainable, keep pace with shorter product lifecycles…there are too many moving parts in manufacturing making it extremely challenging to meet quality, cost and time-to-market goals while staying competitive. What modern manufacturing needs is a giant can of WD-40 to make all the parts interact and work smoothly. That can is Product Lifecyle Management (PLM).

PLM is designed so that the domains of engineering, manufacturing, and distribution do not have to work in siloes. Industry 4.0 technologies such as IoT, AR, VR, and 3D Printing have become a catalyst to reduce the gap between these domains even further. Modern PLM integrates Industry 4.0 technologies, effectively stitching together once-isolated clusters of knowledge: PLM becomes the digital thread running across domains, like a system-of-systems, binding the value chain of development, manufacturing, and distribution.

Some of the world’s leading manufacturers know how difficult it can be to propagate changes made to one system or product configuration across domains. Every department, from supplies to manufacturing, marketing to sales, and distribution to service, needs up-to-the-minute information on product changes so that it can continue to meet its KPIs efficiently.

Achieving efficiency in a digital environment lies in channeling feedback from design, manufacturing, sales, service, recycling, etc., to rapidly evolve products and portfolios. As the clusters of knowledge grow, from design to end of life, PLM should allow the complex changes to flow flawlessly across the lifecycle of the product. Industry forecasts show that the demand for these capabilities, coupled with rapid digital adoption, will see the market for PLM grow from US$50.7 billion in 2019 to US$73.7 billion by 2024.[i]

While PLM has done well in discrete manufacturing, it is about to make a huge dent in process industries such as oil and gas, paper products, textiles, and chemicals. PLM is no longer constrained by on-premise infrastructure—which has traditionally taken long to get off the ground. Today, PLM has become available in the cloud, with attractive cost and time-to-implement models.

PLM will become central in process manufacturing to optimize operations and take rapid decisions. Manufacturers adopting PLM will also be able to examine the previously isolated clusters of wisdom—say, design, sourcing, and costing—with a right click of the mouse. They will be able to tell when a component in a plant is about to fail, the impact of the failure on downstream processes, and how they can avoid shutdowns. They will be able to navigate changes, from design and build to operations and recycle, in an instant. And they will be able to automate their decisions, change recipe cards and plant arrangements to meet dynamic demand changes with the least possible downtime. Manufacturers hoping to maximize ROI from their digital investments and industry 4.0 technologies will make PLM their ticket to success.




Adnan Ghauri

Director Enterprise Architect-PLM

Baker Hughes

Akhil Jain

Vice President-PLM

ITC Infotech

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