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whats in a name
What’s In a Name?

I wrote on this topic way back in 2016, but when a recent reader indicated that the original article didn’t have images anymore (it happens), it seemed like a good opportunity to write about it again.

I am Kurt Cagle, or, according to my birth certificate, Kurt Alan Cagle. My name is Kurt Cagle.

Now, think about that for a bit. The to be verb is remarkably slippery, and it is slippery in almost every language on the planet that has such a construct. For instance, consider the following statements:

I am Kurt Cagle.

I am a writer.

These are two of the most fundamental assertions in language. The first statement can be broken down as:

There exists a label associated with the referenced entity that (at least locally) identifies that entity to differentiate it from other entities.

The second statement can also be restated as:

There exists a set associated with the referenced entity that indicates membership of that entity within that set, which in turn has a label.

Makes sense, right? Welcome to the world of ontology!

The shape of names evolved over time. The concept goes way back- the proto-indo-european word for name (which had its origins in the Crescent Valley) was nomen (nuh-min) , and outside of that family tree, the Chinese root for name is ming, which many linguists would recognize as a cognate form of nomen meaning that people have been using names for at least six thousand years, and possibly for far longer.

The first names were likely given names, and were in essence “gifted” names: the name bestowed by others (typically the parent) to signify a given aspiration – such as Grace, Hope, Luke (shining) – or a beseechment or dedication to a deity, such as Mark (Mars-like or martial) or Michael (gift of God) or Gabriel (strength of God), with the suffix “el” in the latter two cases meaning Lord or Ruler (from the Sumerian and Phoenician Ba’el, reflected in the name Al-lah in Arabic and Muslim cultures).

Women’s names were typically diminutives of men’s names, where a diminutive was a shortened or “softened” form of a man’s name that often stemmed from the roots for small, such as Gabriella or Marcia, softened forms of Gabriel and Mark respectively. They were also given names that reflected beauty, such as plant names (e.g., Holly, Ivy, or Lily), or gem names (Ruby, Pearl). Occasionally male names in different languages than the naming language would become feminized variants, such as the French Jean (John, in English) becoming the feminine form of John in England. In general, there are many more variants of female names than male one.

Within family groups, this differentiation was sufficient to ensure uniqueness most of the time, though in small groups you might have adjectives that qualify these names – Big John, Tall John, Red John, and so forth. In some cases, especially among rulers, these qualifiers became parts of their name – Charlemagne was, as an example, Charles the Great. The word nickname, by the way, has nothing to do with the devil (Old Nick) but instead started out as ekename in Old English, where eke meant “also” or “alternative”. As eke fell out of usage in comparison to also in OE, eke became nekename, with the middle syllable eventually lost to become nickname. Alternative names, synonyms, or aliases, tend to be weaker because they generally have weaker authority (a lesson that ontologists should pay especially close attention to).

Once cultures reached a certain size, given names were no longer adequate to fully differentiate members of that population. One solution to this, seen especially in northern cultures, was to use familial relationships: John, Son of James (John Jameson), was different from John, Son of John (John Johnson). Admittedly, this made more sense in villages where people knew one another’s families reasonably well. but it also accounts for the reason that Johnson is one of the most common surnames in regions with strong Nordic roots. In other places (especially in England and Germany) profession names were used to differentiate family lines – Smith, Sawyer (a person who used saws to cut down trees, or a lumberjack), Miller, Tinker (a tin smith), Carpenter, and so forth often uniquely identified a person in that profession, and as family trades were frequently handed down, so too were the differentiating surnames.

Finally, family names also tended to echo prominent place features – Lake, Brook, Craig (a mountain), Fields, etc. – associated with the family (this was especially true of nobles). This was especially true of nobles and other officals, who often took the name of a given property or city that they had dominion over, though the use of originating cities or regions as qualifiers also goes way back.

The use of both a given name and a family or surname almost invariably was tied into tax collection. For instance, after the invasion of England by Willelm of Normandy (a.k.a,. William the Conqueror) in 1066, one of the first orders of business was to identify the wealthy people and assets in the country, in a survey called the Domesday Book. These tax records served to freeze what had been until that time colloquial names (such as the use of professional names such as Smith or Miller as differentiators), while also formalizing “House Names” such as the Houses of York or Lancaster (lampshaded in George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones series as House Stark and House Lanister respectively).

It’s worth noting that taxonomists and ontologies refer to the given + family or sur-names as qualified names; the surname qualifies the given (or local) name. In a more formal code standpoint, the qualified name acts as a namespace for the terms (names) within that space, and the qualifier typically denotes set or class membership. Such a system dramatically reduces the likelihood that a name may refer to more than one person. As such, it is a mechanism for determining uniqueness in a broader set.

Note that beyond the emergence of given and surnames, there are other qualifiers that can differentiate a name, such as patronymics (senior, junior, the third, elder, younger, etc.), and honorifics that ironically also qualify a person by profession or distinction (sir, which is a contraction of Senior, doctor, reverend, etc.) as well as gender identifiers, up to and including the latest fashion of specifying pronouns for address purposes.

Western European styles also reflect a cultural preference for putting the given name first in narrative prose, though in legal contracts and other communications, the reverse order of surname and given name, separated by a comma is frequently used to facilitate sorting by family name. Asian countries,, on the other hand (with notable exceptions including Thailand and the Philippines), always use the qualifying (sur) name first. As such, it is typical to store a common usage name in the Western-style while also storing given names and surnames separately in order to facilitate sorting using either convention.

Cardinality and Reification

It is dangerous to assume that there is always a one-to-one correspondence between an individual and a name. Indeed, for fifty percent of the population, it is likely that their name will change at least once in their lifetime. That segment, of course, is women. Until comparatively recently (the 1960s in the United States) if a woman married, she was expected to take the surname of her husband. The feminist movement started changing that, in part as a reflection of shifting expectations about property ownership, taxation, and a weakening of the ecclesiastical view of marriage and divorce. While still a fairly low percentage, women in more marriages than ever are choosing to keep their “maiden names” if they marry, or both partners (especially in same-sex relationships) are choosing to create hyphenated surnames that differ from their pre-marriage surnames.

Nonetheless, in modeling individuals, the assumption should be that surnames especially will change over time, and given names may very well change too. Once again, gender plays a role. A person may very well either physically change their sex through surgery or may at least publicly present themselves as the opposite gender, with names reflecting this event.

It’s worth noting that there are always political dimensions when it comes to data modeling, and nowhere is that as intense as with identity modeling. Any modeling involves making certain assumptions, assumptions that are often informed by cultural norms and expectations. We are now entering an era where identity is fluid: it changes over time based upon gender intent, relational status, professional appelation (The Artist Formerly Known as Prince) and even social context. For instance, you are increasingly seeing gender pronoun preferences (he,him,his;she,her,her;ze,zir,zis) in social media.

Yet at the same time this adds to the complexity of the model. From a semantics perspective, this recreates a structure that occurs whenever you have temporal evolution, what I’d call the now-then pattern.

The now part of the pattern is an assertion that, at the time the assertion is made, is true:

Her name is Jane Doe

The then part of the pattern, on the other hand, is a set of assertions that specify a range (possibly open-ended) identifying an event or state:

This is an event.
This event refers to a property called name.
The value of this property is Jane Doe.
This event began on March 16, 1993.
This event ended on June 17, 2021.
This event was reported by Kurt Cagle.

This second structure is known in semantic circles as an example of reification, meaning that the second set of assumptions describes a single relationship. The this in this case is in fact the statement Her name is Jane Doe. For those familiar with SQL, reification typically describes 3rd Normal Forms (or 3NF).

In more abstract terms, the initial statement can be broken down as:

r = {s->[p]->o}

where q is a reference to a subject entity, p is a reference to a relationship or property, and o is a reference to an object or value relative to that relationship. The reification is then a set of other relationships that refer to the given assertion or statement q:

r is a reification.
r has property p.
r has subject s.
r has object o.
r starts at time t1
r optionally ends at time t2.
r was reported by m.

The reification is significant because it specifies the time to live of a given relationship between two things. Reifications can also hold other metadata (for instance, specifying a pronoun type indicating preferred gender designation). However, it’s also worth noting that you can have a great deal of information within a reification, but that also adds significantly to the number of assertions (triples) bound to that reification.

In terms of a graph, a reification is in fact the metadata associated with the information about an edge, when given two objects. For instance, if s is an airport, o is also an airport, and p is an indication that a route exists between s and o, then r:{s->[p] ->o} is in fact the route between ?s and ?o:

airport:_SEA airport:hasRoute airport:_DEN (Seattle has a route to Denver).

The route is in effect a reification (especially as routes, which are largely ephemeral and abstract entities, change far more quickly than airports do).

The route can assign a mean travel time as a property on the reification. This is, effectively, contextual information, information that belongs not to either airport but rather to the relationship that exists between the two.

With regard to names, this introduces some interesting modeling issues. A personal name goes from being a simple label to being something with a structure, a presence, and a role or type. More on that in a bit, but before digging into the weeds, its time to emphasize an important point here:

Reifications are almost invariably trade-offs between the need to deal with transients and the complexity of combinatorics. In the case of names, for instance, a given individual may have multiple names, though some may be birth names, some nicknames, some professional names, and some due to change in marital status or presentation status. A person may even have multiple names simultaneously. Names are, of course, not necessarily unique, but they still serve as one of the most commonly used identifiers for people, and for this reason as much as any other, this kind of reification makes sense.

Modeling Names (and a Sneak Peak of Templeton)

Given all of this, what would the best model for names look like? The now-then pattern suggests a two pronged approach: first, model what a Personal Name should look like, then, from the set of all such names for the individual, choose the primary name for that person from the set, the name that is currently used to best represent that individual.

The following example is in what I’m calling Templeton (short for RDF Template Notation).

?PersonalName a Class:_PersonalName;

      PersonalName:hasType ?PersonalNameType;

      PersonalName:hasFullName ?fullName;

      PersonalName:hasGivenName ?givenName; #+

      PersonalName:hasSecondaryName; #*

      PersonalName:hasSignatoryName; #? ## Name used on a legal document

      PersonalName:hasFamilyName ?familyName; #*

      PersonalName:hasFamilySortName ?sortName; #? ## For convenient sorting

      PersonalName:hasHonorific ?honorofic; #* ## Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.

      PersonalName:hasPatronymic ?patronyic; #* ## Sr, Jr, III

      PersonalName:hasDistinction ?distinction; #* ## PhD, JD

      PersonalName:hasNominativePronoun ?nominativePronoun; #? ## he, she, ze

      PersonalName:hasPosessivePronoun ?possessivePronoun; #? ## his,hers,zes

      PersonalName:hasObjectivePronoun ?objectivePronoun; #? ## him,her,zem

      PersonalName:hasStartDate ?startDate; #? xsd:date

      PersonalName:hasEndDate ?endDate; #? xsd:date

      PersonalName:hasLanguage; #? ## indicates the language code of the name (en,de,es,cn, etc.)


PersonalName:hasFullName a Class:_Property;

      rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label


?Person a Class:_Person;

      Person:hasPrimaryPersonalName ?PersonalName;

      Person:hasPersonalName ?PersonalName; #+

      Person:hasPrimaryNameString ?fullName;


?PersonalNameType a Class:_PersonalNameType.










]% a Class:_PersonalNameType.

First a few words about the notation. The core of it (just as with SPARQL) is Turtle as a way of describing assertions (triples here). Variable names (beginning with a question mark) provide a label, and in some cases (such as ?fullName) a value used in multiple assertion templates. If a line is indented (and the preceding line ends with a semicolon) then the un-indented first term remains in force. For instance,

?PersonalName a Class:_PersonalName;

      PersonalName:hasType ?PersonalNameType;


is short for

?PersonalName a Class:_PersonalName;

?PersonalName PersonalName:hasType ?PersonalNameType;

The hash mark (#) is a comment, but in the template it’s used to signal cardinality. Thus #* indicates that the previous assertion may be repeated zero or more times, #+ indicates a one-or-more repetition, and #? indicates an optional assertion. If a variable starts with an uppercase letter, it indicates an IRI (or reference pointer), if it indicates a lowercase letter, though, then the value is an atomic value, defaulting to a string. Thus,

?PersonalName personalName:hasStartDate ?startDate; #? xsd:date

indicates that ?startDate in this particular case is a date.

The notation

%[a,b,c,…]% a class:PersonalNameType.

indicates that the list of items are each subjects to the associated predicate and object, and is very useful for specifying type enumerations. Finally the single a is a shorthand for rdf:type.

Note: Templeton is a shorthand templating notation I’ve been developing as a way of creating schemas that can be expanded to OWL, SHACL, XML Schema, or JSON-Schema. I’m working on a parser for it now.

Of Compositions, Associations, and the Now/Then Pattern.

The modeling of PersonalName should seem straightforward, with a few caveats. First, it has been my observation working with dozens of ontologies over the years that almost every time you define a class, there is usually some kind of intent indicator needed. Such indicators do not materially change the definition of the class, but they do provide a level of context about what a particular instance is intended to do. For instance, PersonalNameType identifies whether something is a birth name, a married name, an alias, or a professional name (among others) These are differentiated from being subclasses because they do not change any other properties.

The second caveat has to do with modeling. UML differentiates between a composition and an association. An association typically describes a relationship between two disparate entities, and in the semantic parlance could be considered the same as a reification (or third normal form construction in SQL) . A composition, on the other hand, occurs when there is an existential dependency between the subject and object. For instance, even if you have two people who have the same personal name, these two instances are distinctive (having different start and end dates, for instance). Should a person be deleted from the database, all of the names associated with that person would also need to be deleted (which is not true for associations).

In my own modeling, compositions should always belong to the reference subject, or, put another way, the relationship points from the subject to the object semantically. Associations, on the other hand, generally are reifications – there is a reifying object such as the route in our airport example, that binds two entities together. If you delete the reification (the route, here), you don’t in this case delete the associated entities (the airports),

There are some objects that seem to skirt the boundaries. An address is a good example. If a person has an associated address, a naive modeling would make an address a composition. However, it’s not. Multiple people can live at the same address. If one person moves away, that does not cause the address itself to “disappear”. This also means that the association of a person with an address should be seen as being a reification. I use the term Habitation as the class for that reification, one that points to both a person and an address:

?Habitation a Class:_Habitation;

     Habitation:hasType ?HabitationType;

     Habitation:hasTenant ?Person;

     Habitation:hasAddress ?Address;

     Habitation:hasStartDate ?startDate;

     Habitation:hasEndDate ?endDate; #?


Regardless of whether something is a composition or an association, there are times where you just want to know what a person’s current primary name is, without having to build complex queries to find it. This is where inferred triples come into play. An inferred triple is typically generated, either through a SPARQL Update query or as part of a CONSTRUCT (these are more or less the same, depending upon how inferred triples are persisted).

For instance, the following SPARQL Query will change the primary name for a person to the specified value:

# Update Primary Name

delete {

    ?Person Person:hasPrimaryName ?oldPrimaryName;

            Person:hasPrimaryNameString ?oldFullName.


insert {

    ?Person Person:hasPrimaryName ?newPrimaryName;

            Person:hasPrimaryNameString ?newFullName.


where {

    values (?Person ?newPrimaryName) {(Person:_JaneDoe PersonName:_JaneDoeBirthName)}

    ?Person Person:hasPrimaryName ?oldPrimaryName

    ?Person Person:hasPrimaryNameString ?oldFullName.

    ?newPrimaryName PersonName:hasFullName ?newFullName.




Inferred triples are frequently transitory assertions – they reflect the default value from a set of objects, but that can change, and frequently they provide a way of shortcircuiting complex queries. For instance Person:hasPrimaryNameString is the string representation of the default personal name, This can be made even more powerful by making that particular property the subproperty of something like skos:prefLabel (assuming a basic inference engine), so that a naive query, such as:

select ?s ?name where {

    ?s skos:prefLabel ?name.

    filter (contains(?name,’Jane Doe’))


will return a list of all entities which have a primary label of “Jane Doe” in them. Note that this isn’t a terribly efficient query, but it can be handy, nonetheless.

So when you’re thinking about the design of your models, identify those properties that you’d intuitively want to see for the classes in question that can be inferred or derived, and in effect pre-generate or update these properties as the state of the object changes so that your users don’t have to build complex queries. Remember, a triple store is an index, and such actions can be thought of as optimizing that index.


Modeling, when it comes right down to it, is the process of questioning your assumptions and optimizations. A big issue that arises with most traditional SQL systems is that many database modelers optimize for complexity by reducing the number of database tables and joins, but this also reduces the contextual metadata that is increasingly a requirement in today’s data rich world.

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an overview of logistic regression analysis
An Overview of Logistic Regression Analysis
An Intuitive study of Logistic Regression Analysis

Logistic regression is a statistical technique to find the association between the categorical dependent (response) variable and one or more categorical or continuous independent (explanatory) variable.

We can define the regression model as,

G(probability of event)=β01x12x2+…+βkxk

We determine G using link function as following,

Y={1 ; β01x1+ϵ>0

{0 ; else

There are three types of link fuction. They are,

  • Logit
  • Normit (probit)
  • Gombit


An Intuitive study of Logistic Regression Analysis

Why we use logistic regression?

We use it when there exists,

  • One Categorical response variable
  • One or more explanatory variable.
  • No linear relationship between dependent and independent variables.

Assumptions of Logistic Regression

  • The dependent variable should be categorical (binary, ordinal, nominal or count occurrences).
  • The predictor or independent variable should be continuous or categorical.
  • The correlation among the predictors or independent variable (multi-collinearity) should not be severe but there exists linearity of independent variables and log odds.
  • The data should be the representative part of population and record the data in the order its collected.
  • The model should provide a good fit of the data.

Logistic regression vs Linear regression

  • In the case of Linear Regression, the outcome is continuous while in the case of logistic regression outcome is discrete (not continuous)
  • To perform linear regression, we require a linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables. But to perform Logit we do not require a linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables.
  • Linear Regression is all about fitting a straight line in the data while Logit  is about fitting a curve to the data.
  • Linear Regression is a regression algorithm for Machine Learning while Logit  is a classification Algorithm for machine learning.
  • Linear regression assumes Gaussian (or normal) distribution of the dependent variable. Logit assumes the binomial distribution of the dependent variable.

*Logit=logistic regression


There are four types of logistic regression. They are,

  • Binary logistic: When the dependent variable has two categories and the characteristics are at two levels such as yes or no, pass or fail, high or low etc. then the regression is called binary logistic regression.
  • Ordinal logistic: When the dependent variable has three categories and the characteristics are at natural ordering of the levels such as survey results (disagree, neutral, agree) then the regression is called ordinal logistic regression.
  • Nominal logistic: When the dependent variable has three or more categories but the characteristics are not at natural ordering of the levels such as colors (red, blue, green) then the regression is called nominal logistic.
  • Poisson logistic: When the dependent variable has three or more categories but the characteristics are the number of time of an event occurs such as 0, 1, 2, 3, …, etc.  then the regression is called Poisson logistic regression.


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defining value the key to ai success
Defining “Value” – the Key to AI Success

I recently conducted a 3-day, remote “Data Monetization: Thinking Like a Data Scientist” workshop for a transportation agency in the Middle East.  Doing this training remotely is a personal challenge as I miss the face-to-face interaction in ideating, validating, and prioritizing the business areas that can benefit from data and analytics.  However, conducting the workshop remotely did provide some valuable learnings for me.

One learning was my “Thinking Like a Data Scientist” visual was outdated (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Original “Thinking Like a Data Scientist” (TLADS) Visual

Figure 1 portrayed the “Thinking Like a Data Scientist” (TLADS) process as a linear process, where you would complete one step and then cleanly move onto the next step.  But in reality, the process is highly iterative where it is common for learnings from one step to impact an earlier step such as refining the KPIs against which the targeted business initiative’s progress and success will be measured.  So, I created an updated “Thinking Like a Data Scientist” visual in Figure 2 to reflect the highly iterative nature of the TLADS process.

Figure 2: Updated “Thinking Like a Data Scientist” Visual

One other learning from the workshop was the need to spend more time thoroughly understanding and defining the “value” that the business initiative sought to create.  And that’s where things get tricky.  Too many organizations limit how they define and measure “value”.  And defining a robust and diverse set of KPIs and metrics against which to measure business initiative progress and success becomes critically important as we apply AI to continuously-optimize the business initiative.

To understand the AI “value” quandary, one must first understand how an AI model works:

  1. The AI model interacts with its environment to gain feedback in order to continuously learn and adapt its performance (using backpropagation and stochastic gradient descent).
  2. AI model’s continuously learn and adapt process is guided by the AI Utility Function, which are the metrics and KPIs that define AI model progress and success.
  3. The AI model seeks to continuously make the “right” decisions, as framed by the AI Utility Function, as the AI model continuously interacts with its environment.
  4. In order to create an AI model that makes the “right” decisions, the AI Utility Function must be comprised of a holistic and robust definition of “value” including financial, economic, operational, customer, society, environmental, and maybe even spiritual.

Bottom-line: the AI model determines “right and wrong” actions based upon the definition of “value” as articulated in the AI Utility Function (Figure 3).

Figure 3: AI Rational Agent Makes the “Right” Decisions based on AI Utility Function

Consequently, we must invest the effort across a diverse set of stakeholders to thoroughly explore and validate a diverse set of metrics and KPIs against which the AI model is seeking to optimize.  And that’s exactly one of the key objectives of the TLADS process.

If we want AI to work for us humans (versus us humans working for AI), then we must thoroughly define “value” before we start building our AI ML models. Consequently, I expanded the TLADS process to drive a more thorough exploration and definition of “value” (Figure 4).

Figure 4: How Does Your Organization Define “Value”

A more holistic suite of “value” dimensions that today’s organizations need to consider are represented in red in Figure 4.  To support the ideation around the exploration of these expanded value dimensions, I updated TLADS Step #1 and Template #1 (Figure 5) to include:

  • What is the targeted Business Initiative? A clear statement about what the business initiative is trying to accomplishment.
  • What are the KPIs or metrics against which business initiative progress and success will be measured? There should be at least 6 – 8 KPIs and metrics against which the organization is measuring the progress and success of the targeted business initiative.
  • What are the Ideal Outcomes from this business initiative? This is a “future visioning” exercise to envision what successful execution of the business initiative looks like.
  • What are the Benefits from the business initiative from the value perspectives of financial, customer, product, operational, environmental, societal? There should be at least 6 to 8 benefits across the broader dimensions that define value.
  • What are the Potential Impediments to successful execution of the business initiative? There should be at least 6 to 8 potential impediments across technology, data, skills, personnel, competitive, market, and organizational factors.
  • What are the Ramifications of the Failure of this business initiative? This one is the most fun because it gives everyone a chance to envision and explore all the different ways where things can go wrong.

Note: capturing a robust set of KPIs, benefits and impediments should not be difficult if 1) you have a diverse group of stakeholders participating in the brainstorming process and 2) you ensure that everyone has an equal voice in the ideation process.

See Figure 5 for an updated Template #1 using my traditional Chipotle example, where the items in red are related to the expanded definition of “value” for Chipotle.

Figure 5:  Updated Template 1 of the “Thinking Like a Data Scientist” methodology

By the way, how your organization defines “value” probably says more about your organization than whatever your charter and mission statement states.  Or said another way:

You are what you measure, and you measure what you reward

Yea, you may say that your organization’s charter is such and such, but your organization’s charter is actually defined by the metrics and KPIs against which you measure (and reward) business success.  Period.

Value definition is critical from an AI execution perspective.  Unfortunately, in a rush to get to the fun part of the AI job and start playing with the AI algorithms, organizations sometimes shortchange the upfront work in thoroughly and holistically defining the value (metrics and KPIs) against which business initiative progress and success will be measured.

Organizations must be thoughtful and thorough in how it defines the values against which the operations of the business will be measured.  Getting those “values” wrong can lead to unintended, biased, and disastrous consequences in your AI models (check out Terminators, VIKI, and ARIIA…your homework assignment for my next blog).

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what skills does an it business analyst need
What Skills Does an IT Business Analyst Need?

The success of an IT project largely depends on a Business Analyst – the intermediary between IT processes and a business. Thanks to the Business Analyst, products of the required quality prosper on the market. We’ll tell you what skills this specialist should have so that the above is true. 

The Business Analyst’s mission on a project 

The Business Analyst analyzes future products to figure out what needs to be improved so that the development is as useful to consumers and as profitable to the customer as possible. The Business Analyst performs the following tasks at different stages of the software development life cycle (SDLC):

  • studies the market and competitors to improve the product’s functionality if possible, 
  • communicates with customers to collect and document product requirements, 
  • approves the requirements with stakeholders,
  • advises the teams on the product, and more.

To summarize, the Business Analyst provides the teams with high-quality requirements, strives to avoid the development of useless features, and maximizes business value.

What skills the Business Analyst needs 

The following six skills help the Business Analyst ensure that the project is completed to good quality, on time, and within budget.

  • Technical skills.

IT Business Analysts should possess the following knowledge:

  • understand complex technologies and terms and know how to use different tools,
  • have a good understanding of the Big Data concept and ways to obtain information to analyze a business,
  • have an idea of software architecture, understand the basics of testing and programming, and know fundamental SQL queries.

This knowledge allows Business Analysts to elaborate development plans and strategies for improving the product at all stages of SDLC.

  • Research skills.

Every project begins with a request from a customer. The Business Analyst is to conduct research of the customer’s business, identify problems or opportunities, and recommend a solution. In the course of their work, Business Analysts study the market and competitors,  estimate possible benefits for the business, and suggest the best way to reach the customer’s goals.

  • Analytical skills.

The Business Analyst has to study lots of information: statistics, requirements, documentation, market conditions, and so on. The wealth of information that Business Analysts obtain after the research is completed needs to be analyzed. This allows them to estimate risks, forecast success, and choose the best solution for the business. 

  • Communication skills.

Since Business Analysts are intermediaries between customers and development teams, they have extensive constant communication with both these parties. 

The Business Analyst receives requirements forming the basis of a project through communication with the customer. The documentation that Business Analysts create must be clear, consistent, and without any ambiguity, as the product development is based on it.

As they know all the nuances of the project, Business Analysts also advise other employees. They receive feedback in the course of development and modify the product creation plan.

  • Leadership skills.

Business Analysts’ work is tied with management skills because they eliminate problems such as project delays and are responsible for the project results. All SDLC participants go to the Business Analyst with development-related issues as they are an authoritative source of knowledge. After all, it is hard to negotiate with a customer if you don’t have leadership skills. 

  • Negotiation skills. 

Negotiation and persuasion skills differ from the ability to simply communicate with teams. The Business Analyst interacts with managers of different levels and convinces them that some or other decision is correct. If the customer wants to have certain features in the app but the Business Analysts see a better option, they must prove their point and strike a balance between customer desires and business needs.

To sum up, we can say that competent Business Analysts balance expertise with interpersonal skills. These specialists combine technical and non-technical competence to ensure the competitive edge of products, which is needed in a world of rapid business development.

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fine tuning transformer model for invoice recognition
Fine-Tuning Transformer Model for Invoice Recognition
A step-by-step guide from annotation to training

                                                    Photo by Andrey Popov from Dreamstime


Building on my recent tutorial on how to annotate PDFs and scanned images for NLP applications, we will attempt to fine-tune the recently released Microsoft’s Layout LM model on an annotated custom dataset that includes French and English invoices. While the previous tutorials focused on using the publicly available FUNSD dataset to fine-tune the model, here we will show the entire process starting from annotation and pre-processing to training and inference.

LayoutLM Model

The LayoutLM model is based on BERT architecture but with two additional types of input embeddings. The first is a 2-D position embedding that denotes the relative position of a token within a document, and the second is an image embedding for scanned token images within a document. This model achieved new state-of-the-art results in several downstream tasks, including form understanding (from 70.72 to 79.27), receipt understanding (from 94.02 to 95.24), and document image classification (from 93.07 to 94.42). For more information, refer to the original article.

Thankfully, the model was open sourced and made available in huggingface library. Thanks, Microsoft!

For this tutorial, we will clone the model directly from the huggingface library and fine-tune it on our own dataset. But first, we need to create the training data.

Invoice Annotation

Using the UBIAI text annotation tool, I have annotated around 50 personal invoices. I am interested to extract both the keys and values of the entities; for example in the following text “Date: 06/12/2021” we would annotate “Date” as DATE_ID and “06/12/2021” as DATE. Extracting both the keys and values will help us correlate the numerical values to their attributes. Here are all the entities that have been annotated:


Here are a few entity definitions:

MONTANT_HT: Total price pre-tax
TTC: Total price with tax
TVA: Tax amount

Below is an example of an annotated invoice using UBIAI:

                                                             Image by author: Annotated invoice

After annotation, we export the train and test files from UBIAI directly in the correct format without any pre-processing step. The export will include three files for each training and test datasets and one text file containing all the labels named labels.txt:


2018 O
Sous-total O
en O
3,20 O
€ O
(0%) O
0,00 € S-TVA
Total B-TTC_ID
3,20 S-TTC
€ O
Services O
soumis O
au O
mécanisme O
d'autoliquidation O
- O

Train/Test_box.txt (contain bounding box for each token):

€ 912 457 920 466
Services 80 486 133 495
soumis 136 487 182 495
au 185 488 200 495
mécanisme 204 486 276 495
d'autoliquidation 279 486 381 497
- 383 490 388 492

Train/Test_image.txt (contain bounding box, document size, and name):

€ 912 425 920 434 1653 2339 image1.jpg
TVA 500 441 526 449 1653 2339 image1.jpg
(0%) 529 441 557 451 1653 2339 image1.jpg
0,00 € 882 441 920 451 1653 2339 image1.jpg
Total 500 457 531 466 1653 2339 image1.jpg
en 534 459 549 466 1653 2339 image1.jpg
EUR 553 457 578 466 1653 2339 image1.jpg
3,20 882 457 911 467 1653 2339 image1.jpg
€ 912 457 920 466 1653 2339 image1.jpg
Services 80 486 133 495 1653 2339 image1.jpg
soumis 136 487 182 495 1653 2339 image1.jpg
au 185 488 200 495 1653 2339 image1.jpg
mécanisme 204 486 276 495 1653 2339 image1.jpg
d'autoliquidation 279 486 381 497 1653 2339 image1.jpg
- 383 490 388 492 1653 2339 image1.jpg



Fine-Tuning LayoutLM Model:

Here, we use google colab with GPU to fine-tune the model. The code below is based on the original layoutLM paper and this tutorial .

First, install the layoutLM package…

! rm -r unilm
! git clone -b remove_torch_save
! cd unilm/layoutlm
! pip install unilm/layoutlm

…as well as the transformer package from where the model will be downloaded:

! rm -r transformers
! git clone
! cd transformers
! pip install ./transformers

Next, create a list containing the unique labels from labels.txt:

from torch.nn import CrossEntropyLoss
def get_labels(path):
with open(path, "r") as f:
labels =
if "O" not in labels:
labels = ["O"] + labels
return labels
labels = get_labels("./labels.txt")
num_labels = len(labels)
label_map = {i: label for i, label in enumerate(labels)}
pad_token_label_id = CrossEntropyLoss().ignore_index

Then, create a pytorch dataset and dataloader:

from transformers import LayoutLMTokenizer
from import FunsdDataset, InputFeatures
from import DataLoader, RandomSampler, SequentialSampler
args = {'local_rank': -1,
'overwrite_cache': True,
'data_dir': '/content/data',
'max_seq_length': 512,
'model_type': 'layoutlm',}
# class to turn the keys of a dict into attributes
class AttrDict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__dict__ = self
args = AttrDict(args)
tokenizer = LayoutLMTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/layoutlm-base-uncased")
# the LayoutLM authors already defined a specific FunsdDataset, so we are going to use this here
train_dataset = FunsdDataset(args, tokenizer, labels, pad_token_label_id, mode="train")
train_sampler = RandomSampler(train_dataset)
train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset,
eval_dataset = FunsdDataset(args, tokenizer, labels, pad_token_label_id, mode="test")
eval_sampler = SequentialSampler(eval_dataset)
eval_dataloader = DataLoader(eval_dataset,
batch = next(iter(train_dataloader))
input_ids = batch[0][0]

Load the model from huggingface. This will be fine-tuned on the dataset.

from transformers import LayoutLMForTokenClassification
import torch
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
model = LayoutLMForTokenClassification.from_pretrained("microsoft/layoutlm-base-uncased", num_labels=num_labels)

Finally, start the training:

from transformers import AdamW
from tqdm import tqdm
optimizer = AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=5e-5)
global_step = 0
num_train_epochs = 50
t_total = len(train_dataloader) * num_train_epochs # total number of training steps
#put the model in training mode
for epoch in range(num_train_epochs):
for batch in tqdm(train_dataloader, desc="Training"):
input_ids = batch[0].to(device)
bbox = batch[4].to(device)
attention_mask = batch[1].to(device)
token_type_ids = batch[2].to(device)
labels = batch[3].to(device)
# forward pass
outputs = model(input_ids=input_ids, bbox=bbox, attention_mask=attention_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids,
loss = outputs.loss
# print loss every 100 steps
if global_step % 100 == 0:
print(f"Loss after {global_step} steps: {loss.item()}")
# backward pass to get the gradients 
#print("Gradients on classification head:")
# update
global_step += 1

You should be able to see the training progress and the loss getting updated.

                                                 Image by author: Layout LM training in progress

After training, evaluate the model performance with the following function:

import numpy as np
from seqeval.metrics import (
eval_loss = 0.0
nb_eval_steps = 0
preds = None
out_label_ids = None
# put model in evaluation mode
for batch in tqdm(eval_dataloader, desc="Evaluating"):
with torch.no_grad():
input_ids = batch[0].to(device)
bbox = batch[4].to(device)
attention_mask = batch[1].to(device)
token_type_ids = batch[2].to(device)
labels = batch[3].to(device)
# forward pass
outputs = model(input_ids=input_ids, bbox=bbox, attention_mask=attention_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids,
# get the loss and logits
tmp_eval_loss = outputs.loss
logits = outputs.logits
eval_loss += tmp_eval_loss.item()
nb_eval_steps += 1
# compute the predictions
if preds is None:
preds = logits.detach().cpu().numpy()
out_label_ids = labels.detach().cpu().numpy()
preds = np.append(preds, logits.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0)
out_label_ids = np.append(
out_label_ids, labels.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0
# compute average evaluation loss
eval_loss = eval_loss / nb_eval_steps
preds = np.argmax(preds, axis=2)
out_label_list = [[] for _ in range(out_label_ids.shape[0])]
preds_list = [[] for _ in range(out_label_ids.shape[0])]
for i in range(out_label_ids.shape[0]):
for j in range(out_label_ids.shape[1]):
if out_label_ids[i, j] != pad_token_label_id:
results = {
"loss": eval_loss,
"precision": precision_score(out_label_list, preds_list),
"recall": recall_score(out_label_list, preds_list),
"f1": f1_score(out_label_list, preds_list),

With only 50 documents, we get the following scores:

                                         Image by author: Evaluation score after training

With more annotations, we should certainly get higher scores.

Finally, save the model for future prediction:

PATH='./drive/MyDrive/trained_layoutlm/', PATH)


Now comes the fun part, let’s upload an invoice, OCR it, and extract relevant entities. For this test, we are using an invoice that was not in the training or test dataset. To parse the text from the invoice, we use the open source Tesseract package. Let’s install the package:

!sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
!pip install pytesseract

Before running predictions, we need to parse the text from the image and pre-process the tokens and bounding boxes into features. To do so, I have created a preprocess python file that will make it easier to preprocess the image:

import sys
sys.path.insert(1, './drive/MyDrive/UBIAI_layoutlm')
from layoutlm_preprocess import *
image, words, boxes, actual_boxes = preprocess(image_path)

Next, load the model and get word predictions with their bounding boxes:

word_level_predictions, final_boxes=convert_to_features(image, words, boxes, actual_boxes, model)

Finally, display the image with the predicted entities and bounding boxes:

draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
font = ImageFont.load_default()
def iob_to_label(label):
if label != 'O':
return label[2:]
return ""
label2color = {'data_id':'green','date':'green','invoice_id':'blue','invoice_number':'blue','montant_ht_id':'black','montant_ht':'black','seller_id':'red','seller':'red', 'ttc_id':'grey','ttc':'grey','':'violet', 'tva_id':'orange','tva':'orange'}
for prediction, box in zip(word_level_predictions, final_boxes):
predicted_label = iob_to_label(label_map[prediction]).lower()
draw.rectangle(box, outline=label2color[predicted_label])
 draw.text((box[0] + 10, box[1] - 10), text=predicted_label, fill=label2color[predicted_label], font=font)

Et voila:

                                               Image by author: Predictions on a test invoice

While the model made few mistakes such as assigning the TTC label to a purchased item or not identifying some IDs, it was able to extract the seller, invoice number, date, and TTC correctly. The results are impressive and very promising given the low number of annotated documents (only 50)! With more annotated invoices, we will be able to reach higher F scores and more accurate predictions.


Overall, the results from the LayoutLM model are very promising and demonstrate the usefulness of transformers in analyzing semi-structured text. The model can be fine-tuned on any other semi-structured documents such as driver licences, contracts, government documents, financial documents, etc.

If you have any question, don’t hesitate to ask below or send us an email at [email protected]

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The Modern Mathematics of Deep Learning

We describe the new field of mathematical analysis of deep learning. This field emerged around a list of research questions that were not answered within the classical framework of learning theory. We present an overview of modern approaches that yield partial answers to these questions.

We describe the new field of mathematical analysis of deep learning. This field emerged around a list of research questions that were not answered within the classical framework of learning theory. These questions concern: the outstanding generalization power of overparametrized neural networks, the role of depth in deep architectures, the apparent absence of the curse of dimensionality, the surprisingly successful optimization performance despite the non-convexity of the problem, understanding what features are learned, why deep architectures perform exceptionally well in physical problems, and which fine aspects of an architecture affect the behavior of a learning task in which way. We present an overview of modern approaches that yield partial answers to these questions. For selected approaches, we describe the main ideas in more detail.

A Survey of Transformers

Transformers have achieved great success in many artificial intelligence fields. Up to the present, a great variety of Transformer variants (a.k.a. X-formers) have been proposed. A systematic literature review on these Transformer variants is still missing.

Transformers have achieved great success in many artificial intelligence fields, such as natural language processing, computer vision, and audio processing. Therefore, it is natural to attract lots of interest from academic and industry researchers. Up to the present, a great variety of Transformer variants (a.k.a. X-formers) have been proposed, however, a systematic and comprehensive literature review on these Transformer variants is still missing. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of various X-formers. We first briefly introduce the vanilla Transformer and then propose a new taxonomy of X-formers. Next, we introduce the various X-formers from three perspectives: architectural modification, pre-training, and applications. Finally, we outline some potential directions for future research.

GANs N’ Roses: Stable, Controllable, Diverse Image to Image Translation (works for videos too!)

A map that takes a content code, derived from a face, and a randomly chosen style code to an anime image. The map is not just diverse, but also correctly represents the probability of an anime, conditioned on an input face.

We show how to learn a map that takes a content code, derived from a face image, and a randomly chosen style code to an anime image. We derive an adversarial loss from our simple and effective definitions of style and content. This adversarial loss guarantees the map is diverse — a very wide range of anime can be produced from a single content code. Under plausible assumptions, the map is not just diverse, but also correctly represents the probability of an anime, conditioned on an input face. In contrast, current multimodal generation procedures cannot capture the complex styles that appear in anime. Extensive quantitative experiments support the idea the map is correct. Extensive qualitative results show that the method can generate a much more diverse range of styles than SOTA comparisons. Finally, we show that our formalization of content and style allows us to perform video to video translation without ever training on videos.

Tabular Data: Deep Learning is Not All You Need

Several deep learning models for tabular data have been proposed. They claim to outperform XGBoost for some use-cases. We show that an ensemble of the deep models and X GBoost performs better on these datasets.

A key element of AutoML systems is setting the types of models that will be used for each type of task. For classification and regression problems with tabular data, the use of tree ensemble models (like XGBoost) is usually recommended. However, several deep learning models for tabular data have recently been proposed, claiming to outperform XGBoost for some use-cases. In this paper, we explore whether these deep models should be a recommended option for tabular data, by rigorously comparing the new deep models to XGBoost on a variety of datasets. In addition to systematically comparing their accuracy, we consider the tuning and computation they require. Our study shows that XGBoost outperforms these deep models across the datasets, including datasets used in the papers that proposed the deep models. We also demonstrate that XGBoost requires much less tuning. On the positive side, we show that an ensemble of the deep models and XGBoost performs better on these datasets than XGBoost alone.

Applications of Deep Neural Networks

Deep learning is a group of exciting new technologies for neural networks. It is now possible to create neural networks that can handle tabular data, images, text, and audio as both input and output. Readers will use the Python programming language to implement deep learning using Google TensorFlow and Keras

Deep learning is a group of exciting new technologies for neural networks. Through a combination of advanced training techniques and neural network architectural components, it is now possible to create neural networks that can handle tabular data, images, text, and audio as both input and output. Deep learning allows a neural network to learn hierarchies of information in a way that is like the function of the human brain. This course will introduce the student to classic neural network structures, Convolution Neural Networks (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Gated Recurrent Neural Networks (GRU), General Adversarial Networks (GAN), and reinforcement learning. Application of these architectures to computer vision, time series, security, natural language processing (NLP), and data generation will be covered. High-Performance Computing (HPC) aspects will demonstrate how deep learning can be leveraged both on graphical processing units (GPUs), as well as grids. Focus is primarily upon the application of deep learning to problems, with some introduction to mathematical foundations. Readers will use the Python programming language to implement deep learning using Google TensorFlow and Keras. It is not necessary to know Python prior to this book; however, familiarity with at least one programming language is assumed.

Geometric Deep Learning: Grids, Groups, Graphs, Geodesics, and Gauges

Deep learning can be used to solve complex problems. It can be applied to complex problems such as learning to fold a ball into a square. It is also a way to study the structure of the human brain.

The last decade has witnessed an experimental revolution in data science and machine learning, epitomised by deep learning methods. Indeed, many high-dimensional learning tasks previously thought to be beyond reach — such as computer vision, playing Go, or protein folding — are in fact feasible with appropriate computational scale. Remarkably, the essence of deep learning is built from two simple algorithmic principles: first, the notion of representation or feature learning, whereby adapted, often hierarchical, features capture the appropriate notion of regularity for each task, and second, learning by local gradient-descent type methods, typically implemented as backpropagation. While learning generic functions in high dimensions is a cursed estimation problem, most tasks of interest are not generic, and come with essential pre-defined regularities arising from the underlying low-dimensionality and structure of the physical world. This text is concerned with exposing these regularities through unified geometric principles that can be applied throughout a wide spectrum of applications. Such a ‘geometric unification’ endeavour, in the spirit of Felix Klein’s Erlangen Program, serves a dual purpose: on one hand, it provides a common mathematical framework to study the most successful neural network architectures, such as CNNs, RNNs, GNNs, and Transformers. On the other hand, it gives a constructive procedure to incorporate prior physical knowledge into neural architectures and provide principled way to build future architectures yet to be invented.

Efficient Deep Learning: A Survey on Making Deep Learning Models Smaller, Faster, and Better

Deep Learning has revolutionized the fields of computer vision, natural language understanding, speech recognition, information retrieval and more. We believe this is the first comprehensive survey in the efficient deep learning space that covers the landscape of model efficiency from modeling techniques to hardware support.

Deep Learning has revolutionized the fields of computer vision, natural language understanding, speech recognition, information retrieval and more. However, with the progressive improvements in deep learning models, their number of parameters, latency, resources required to train, etc. have all have increased significantly. Consequently, it has become important to pay attention to these footprint metrics of a model as well, not just its quality. We present and motivate the problem of efficiency in deep learning, followed by a thorough survey of the five core areas of model efficiency (spanning modeling techniques, infrastructure, and hardware) and the seminal work there. We also present an experiment-based guide along with code, for practitioners to optimize their model training and deployment. We believe this is the first comprehensive survey in the efficient deep learning space that covers the landscape of model efficiency from modeling techniques to hardware support. Our hope is that this survey would provide the reader with the mental model and the necessary understanding of the field to apply generic efficiency techniques to immediately get significant improvements, and also equip them with ideas for further research and experimentation to achieve additional gains.

Descending through a Crowded Valley — Benchmarking Deep Learning Optimizers

Analyze over 50,000 runs with different optimizers. Optimizer performance varies across tasks. Adam remains strong.

Choosing the optimizer is considered to be among the most crucial design decisions in deep learning, and it is not an easy one. The growing literature now lists hundreds of optimization methods. In the absence of clear theoretical guidance and conclusive empirical evidence, the decision is often made based on anecdotes. In this work, we aim to replace these anecdotes, if not with a conclusive ranking, then at least with evidence-backed heuristics. To do so, we perform an extensive, standardized benchmark of fifteen particularly popular deep learning optimizers while giving a concise overview of the wide range of possible choices. Analyzing more than $50,000$ individual runs, we contribute the following three points: (i) Optimizer performance varies greatly across tasks. (ii) We observe that evaluating multiple optimizers with default parameters works approximately as well as tuning the hyperparameters of a single, fixed optimizer. (iii) While we cannot discern an optimization method clearly dominating across all tested tasks, we identify a significantly reduced subset of specific optimizers and parameter choices that generally lead to competitive results in our experiments: Adam remains a strong contender, with newer methods failing to significantly and consistently outperform it. Our open-sourced results are available as challenging and well-tuned baselines for more meaningful evaluations of novel optimization methods without requiring any further computational efforts.

CLIPDraw: Exploring Text-to-Drawing Synthesis through Language-Image Encoders

CLIPDraw synthesizes novel drawings based on natural language input. The algorithm does not require any training. It operates over vector strokes rather than pixel images.

This work presents CLIPDraw, an algorithm that synthesizes novel drawings based on natural language input. CLIPDraw does not require any training; rather a pre-trained CLIP language-image encoder is used as a metric for maximizing similarity between the given description and a generated drawing. Crucially, CLIPDraw operates over vector strokes rather than pixel images, a constraint that biases drawings towards simpler human-recognizable shapes. Results compare between CLIPDraw and other synthesis-through-optimization methods, as well as highlight various interesting behaviors of CLIPDraw, such as satisfying ambiguous text in multiple ways, reliably producing drawings in diverse artistic styles, and scaling from simple to complex visual representations as stroke count is increased. Code for experimenting with the method is available at:…

Thinking Like Transformers

Transformers have no such familiar parallel. We propose a computational model for the transformer-encoder in the form of a programming language. We show how RASP can be used to program solutions to tasks that could conceivably be learned by a Transformer.

What is the computational model behind a Transformer? Where recurrent neural networks have direct parallels in finite state machines, allowing clear discussion and thought around architecture variants or trained models, Transformers have no such familiar parallel. In this paper we aim to change that, proposing a computational model for the transformer-encoder in the form of a programming language. We map the basic components of a transformer-encoder — attention and feed-forward computation — into simple primitives, around which we form a programming language: the Restricted Access Sequence Processing Language (RASP). We show how RASP can be used to program solutions to tasks that could conceivably be learned by a Transformer, and how a Transformer can be trained to mimic a RASP solution. In particular, we provide RASP programs for histograms, sorting, and Dyck-languages. We further use our model to relate their difficulty in terms of the number of required layers and attention heads: analyzing a RASP program implies a maximum number of heads and layers necessary to encode a task in a transformer. Finally, we see how insights gained from our abstraction might be used to explain phenomena seen in recent works.

Self-Attention Between Datapoints: Going Beyond Individual Input-Output Pairs in Deep Learning

We challenge a common assumption underlying most supervised deep learning. Our approach uses self-attention to reason about relationships between datapoints explicitly. Empirically, our models solve cross-datapoint lookup and complex reasoning tasks unsolvable by traditional deep learning models.

We challenge a common assumption underlying most supervised deep learning: that a model makes a prediction depending only on its parameters and the features of a single input. To this end, we introduce a general-purpose deep learning architecture that takes as input the entire dataset instead of processing one datapoint at a time. Our approach uses self-attention to reason about relationships between datapoints explicitly, which can be seen as realizing non-parametric models using parametric attention mechanisms. However, unlike conventional non-parametric models, we let the model learn end-to-end from the data how to make use of other datapoints for prediction. Empirically, our models solve cross-datapoint lookup and complex reasoning tasks unsolvable by traditional deep learning models. We show highly competitive results on tabular data, early results on CIFAR-10, and give insight into how the model makes use of the interactions between points.

Distributed Deep Learning in Open Collaborations

Large corporations and institutions use dedicated High-Performance Computing clusters. Grid- or volunteer computing has seen successful applications in scientific areas. Using this approach for machine learning is difficult due to high latency, asymmetric bandwidth, and other challenges.

Modern deep learning applications require increasingly more compute to train state-of-the-art models. To address this demand, large corporations and institutions use dedicated High-Performance Computing clusters, whose construction and maintenance are both environmentally costly and well beyond the budget of most organizations. As a result, some research directions become the exclusive domain of a few large industrial and even fewer academic actors. To alleviate this disparity, smaller groups may pool their computational resources and run collaborative experiments that benefit all participants. This paradigm, known as grid- or volunteer computing, has seen successful applications in numerous scientific areas. However, using this approach for machine learning is difficult due to high latency, asymmetric bandwidth, and several challenges unique to volunteer computing. In this work, we carefully analyze these constraints and propose a novel algorithmic framework designed specifically for collaborative training. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for SwAV and ALBERT pretraining in realistic conditions and achieve performance comparable to traditional setups at a fraction of the cost. Finally, we provide a detailed report of successful collaborative language model pretraining with 40 participants.

Provably efficient machine learning for quantum many-body problems

Classical machine learning (ML) provides a potentially powerful approach to solving challenging quantum many-body problems. We prove that classical ML algorithms can efficiently predict ground state properties of gapped Hamiltonians in finite spatial dimensions.

Classical machine learning (ML) provides a potentially powerful approach to solving challenging quantum many-body problems in physics and chemistry. However, the advantages of ML over more traditional methods have not been firmly established. In this work, we prove that classical ML algorithms can efficiently predict ground state properties of gapped Hamiltonians in finite spatial dimensions, after learning from data obtained by measuring other Hamiltonians in the same quantum phase of matter. In contrast, under widely accepted complexity theory assumptions, classical algorithms that do not learn from data cannot achieve the same guarantee. We also prove that classical ML algorithms can efficiently classify a wide range of quantum phases of matter. Our arguments are based on the concept of a classical shadow, a succinct classical description of a many-body quantum state that can be constructed in feasible quantum experiments and be used to predict many properties of the state. Extensive numerical experiments corroborate our theoretical results in a variety of scenarios, including Rydberg atom systems, 2D random Heisenberg models, symmetry-protected topological phases, and topologically ordered phases.

Calliar: An Online Handwritten Dataset for Arabic Calligraphy

Calligraphy is an essential part of the Arabic heritage and culture. It has been used in the past for the decoration of houses and mosques. In the past few years, there has been a considerable effort to digitize such type of art.

Calligraphy is an essential part of the Arabic heritage and culture. It has been used in the past for the decoration of houses and mosques. Usually, such calligraphy is designed manually by experts with aesthetic insights. In the past few years, there has been a considerable effort to digitize such type of art by either taking a photo of decorated buildings or drawing them using digital devices. The latter is considered an online form where the drawing is tracked by recording the apparatus movement, an electronic pen for instance, on a screen. In the literature, there are many offline datasets collected with a diversity of Arabic styles for calligraphy. However, there is no available online dataset for Arabic calligraphy. In this paper, we illustrate our approach for the collection and annotation of an online dataset for Arabic calligraphy called Calliar that consists of 2,500 sentences. Calliar is annotated for stroke, character, word and sentence level prediction.

Regularization is all you Need: Simple Neural Nets can Excel on Tabular Data

Tabular datasets are the last “unconquered castle” for deep learning. Traditional ML methods like Gradient-Boosted Decision Trees still perform strongly against specialized neural architectures. We propose regularizing plain MLPs by searching for the optimalcombination of 13 regularization techniques for each dataset.

Tabular datasets are the last “unconquered castle” for deep learning, with traditional ML methods like Gradient-Boosted Decision Trees still performing strongly even against recent specialized neural architectures. In this paper, we hypothesize that the key to boosting the performance of neural networks lies in rethinking the joint and simultaneous application of a large set of modern regularization techniques. As a result, we propose regularizing plain Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) networks by searching for the optimal combination/cocktail of 13 regularization techniques for each dataset using a joint optimization over the decision on which regularizers to apply and their subsidiary hyperparameters. We empirically assess the impact of these regularization cocktails for MLPs on a large-scale empirical study comprising 40 tabular datasets and demonstrate that (i) well-regularized plain MLPs significantly outperform recent state-of-the-art specialized neural network architectures, and (ii) they even outperform strong traditional ML methods, such as XGBoost.

Revisiting Deep Learning Models for Tabular Data

The choice between GBDT and DL models highly depends on data and there is still no universally superior solution. We demonstrate that a simple ResNet-like architecture is a surprisingly effective baseline, which outperforms most of the sophisticated models.

The necessity of deep learning for tabular data is still an unanswered question addressed by a large number of research efforts. The recent literature on tabular DL proposes several deep architectures reported to be superior to traditional “shallow” models like Gradient Boosted Decision Trees. However, since existing works often use different benchmarks and tuning protocols, it is unclear if the proposed models universally outperform GBDT. Moreover, the models are often not compared to each other, therefore, it is challenging to identify the best deep model for practitioners. In this work, we start from a thorough review of the main families of DL models recently developed for tabular data. We carefully tune and evaluate them on a wide range of datasets and reveal two significant findings. First, we show that the choice between GBDT and DL models highly depends on data and there is still no universally superior solution. Second, we demonstrate that a simple ResNet-like architecture is a surprisingly effective baseline, which outperforms most of the sophisticated models from the DL literature. Finally, we design a simple adaptation of the Transformer architecture for tabular data that becomes a new strong DL baseline and reduces the gap between GBDT and DL models on datasets where GBDT dominates.

Source Prolead brokers usa

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Augmented Reality Trends: Check to Make a Smart Choice for Your Business!

Technology trends are keeping pace with allowing to emerge among the market competition with serving customer requirements excellently. The initial prototyping phase has passed, and it is now time that augmented reality is put into use practically. There will be 1 billion users around the world putting augmented reality in daily use by 2020, and hence, newer ways and increased user experience are guaranteed with this new technology working at its best.

Augmented reality has been in the market for years as the current market value of augmented reality has reached 3.5 billion dollars. The journey started in 1965 and is still evolving with the changing times of industries. It was used for head-mounted display systems for the first and now is gradually setting its foot in every significant industry you have ever known. As Gearbrain conducts from their research, nearly half of the U.S.A. citizens use augmented reality without realizing that they are using it.

Moreover, building an AR (Augmented Reality) project with experts reduces the time taken for development by a significant amount and provides better output than before. Therefore, bringing in evolution in every industry known, some of the amazing augmented reality trends are able to blow our minds and can prove that technology is truly everything we ever need.

Teaching and Training Exercises

The education sector has been benefitting from the use of augmented reality in their operations, where the knowledge can be transferred in real-time. And because of that, 70% of learners believe that augmented reality can help them learn and develop new personal and professional skills easily. Well, looking at the programs that augmented reality supports, this is very much true as AR has introduced many turnkey programs and solutions for the education industry that emphasizes developing skills practically rather than forcing only theoretical knowledge down their throats.

Augmented reality has been put into use by combining the concepts of it with different other technology trends that enhance the user experience and also enable them to provide enhanced usability. There are many industries where augmented reality and artificial intelligence work parallel to deliver excellent results.

Automobile Industry

Self-driven cars are still in their initial phase. However, there are certain areas in the automobile industry that encourage the use of AR (augmented reality) and AI (artificial intelligence) combined and put them to extreme tests where they still deliver the best results. For example, augmented reality is currently being used for experimenting in providing complete footage of the outer surroundings of the car through the camera to reduce the accident rates and improve security measures.

Also, there are various measures with which augmented reality can work perfectly by implementing artificial intelligence measures along it. The experiments, including augmented reality, are primarily focused on providing better navigation facilities, improving driver safety, increasing passenger convenience, and many more. The strategies include the possibilities where drivers can perform multiple tasks along with keeping their focus intact on the road while driving and also ensure the safety of the vehicle while parking or driving through tight spots.

AR with VR: Extended Usability Explained

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality have always been discussed together. The concepts, when implemented together, turn out to be exceptional by promising excellent results. While augmented reality plays its part in connecting persons, virtual reality bonds them together to form a social culture with visuals. The biggest example of this is “conference calls,” where people can see each other and interact with each other. 

Sales of VR and AR headsets have been booming in the market by promising real-world experience while connecting the persons from farther distances and scores 22.8 million pieces sold (of AR headsets) by 2022. Mobile apps are being developed, including the AR and VR concepts, to guarantee users’ excellent smartphones.

Augmented Reality with Mobile Apps

Mobile applications are the current trend of the software industry. The number of smartphone users has hiked to 5.11 billion, and mobile applications are developed to offer an excellent user experience. However, augmented reality hikes the user experience to a new height by delivering excellent outputs. Many businesses choose to create an app that delivers such an experience, but most of the augmented reality apps are games.

Pokemon Go played a major role in introducing most of the audiences to augmented reality, and its popularity increased by leaps and bounds as many other gaming apps followed the same path. However, there is more that it can deliver than just gaming. Augmented reality can be implemented in various other categories where it promises excellent results and can bring any untouched market up.

Artificial Intelligence in Music Sector

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has broadly achieved popularity in the music industry in recent years. The primary reason behind it is an evolution that took place in the streaming sector in recent years. Another reason is core music streaming app development. Most artists and streaming app companies are investing in streaming app like Pandora, Spotify, and many others. It helps them to analyze everything starting from users’ preferences of the listeners and deliver work accordingly. They can use an AI-based recommendation engine in streaming apps to study the existing history of the listeners and new songs’ recommendations as well.

Event Management by AI-based Tools

AI-based tools create efficiency of money and time; hence integrating AI technology can help event planners to manage everything efficiently. An AI-based open-source PHP ticket system can help event planners manage and plan their next live event in a systematic manner that’s also without hassle. Most event planners and organizers are using AI technology to streamline and enhance their event management processes. AI-based tools and apps help event planners to:

  • Sort vast amounts of data in no time
  • Discover an excellent place for venues
  • Locate perfect vendor as per their event needs
  • Develop efficiencies with quicker decision-making

Augmented Reality for Advertising

Advertising and digital marketing approaches are evolving with changing demands of clients and the market. While augmented reality plays a vital role in connecting people with providing natural experience, advertising proceeds to make emotional connections with the group of audiences. Providing a real-like experience, the customers can easily be connected with the brand, and also it is cost-effective. Increasing sales and reducing the overall spend augmented reality is updating the digital marketing approaches and is delivering excellent outputs.

Though augmented reality is performing excellently in every field and sector it is put to use; there are still various steps to take to improve efficiency and increase productivity. The tools and gears used for AR have still not reached the stage when the manufacturers and scientists can claim them to be error-free and productive enough to deliver an excellent experience. The gap of a few milliseconds is enough to worsen the user experience, which is being minimized by the experts to improve the experience.

Investing your time and funds in a valuable and future-promising technology is advisable. While the journey of augmented reality has just begun, there is still a lot to discover and overcome in the near future, and the fully-fledged use of this technology leads you to a better world where every single application can drive productive and effective results.

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is facebooks prophet the time series messiah or just a very naughty boy
Is Facebook’s “Prophet” the Time-Series Messiah, or Just a Very Naughty Boy?

A debate rages on page one of Hacker News about the merits of the world’s most downloaded time-series library. Facebook’s Prophet package aims to provide a simple, automated approach to the prediction of a large number of different time series. The package employs an easily interpreted, three-component additive model whose Bayesian posterior is sampled using STAN. In contrast to some other approaches, the user of Prophet might hope for good performance without tweaking a lot of parameters. Instead, hyper-parameters control how likely those parameters are a priori, and the Bayesian sampling tries to sort things out when data arrives.

The funny thing is though, that if you poke around a little you’ll quickly come to the conclusion that few people who have taken the trouble to assess Prophet’s accuracy are gushing about its performance. The article by Hideaki Hayashi is somewhat typical, insofar as it tries to say nice things but struggles. Yahashi notes that out-of-the-box, “Prophet is showing a reasonable seasonal trend unlike auto.arima, even though the absolute values are kind of off from the actual 2007 data.” However, in the same breath, the author observes that telling ARIMA to include a yearly cycle turns the tables. With that hint, ARIMA easily beats prophet in accuracy — at least on the one example he looked at.

I began writing this post because I was working on integrating Prophet into a Python package I call time machines, which is my attempt to remove some ceremony from the use of forecasting packages. These power some bots that the prediction network (explained at if you are interested). How could I not include the most popular time series package?

  • We call after each and every data point arrives, where m is a previously instantiated Prophet model. There is no alternative, as there is no notion of “advancing” a Prophet model without refit.
  • We make a “future dataframe” called forecast say, that has k extra rows, holding the times when we want predictions to be made and also known-in-advance exogenous variables.
  • We call m.predict(forecast) to populate the term structure of predictions and confidence intervals.
  • We call m.plot(forecast) and voila!

Perhaps we start by looking at some of the more bold Prophet predictions.

Now, having shown you in-sample data, let’s look at some examples with the truth revealed. You’ll see that some of those wagers made by Prophet do pay out. For example, here’s Prophet predicting the daily cycle of activity in bike sharing stations close to New York City hospitals. It does a nice job of anticipating the dropoff, don’t you think?

  1. Construct an upper bound by adding m standard deviations to the highest data point, plus a constant. Similarly for a lower bound.
  2. If Prophet’s prediction is outside these bounds, use an average of the last three data points instead.

I have begun a more systematic assessment of Prophet, as well as tweaks to the same. As with this post, I’m using a number of different real world time series and analyzing different forecast horizons. The Elo ratings seem to be indicative of Prophet’s poor performance — though I’ll give them more time to bake. However, unless things change my conclusions are:

  • In keeping with some of the cited work, I find that Prophet is beaten by exponential moving averages at every horizon thus far (ranging from 1 step ahead to 34 steps ahead when trained on 400 historical data points). More worrying, the moving average models don’t calibrate. I simply hard wired two choices of parameter.

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what is data literacy and how is it playing a vital role in todays world
What is Data Literacy and How is it Playing a Vital Role in Today’s World?

What literacy was for the past century is what data literacy is for the twenty-first century. Most employers now prefer people with demonstrated data abilities over those with higher education, even data science degrees. According to the report, only 21% of businesses in the United States consider a degree when hiring for any position, compared to 64% who look for applicants who can demonstrate their data skills. When data is viewed as a company’s backbone, it’s critical that corporations assist their staff in properly utilizing data.

What is Data Literacy?
The capacity to understand, work with, analyze, and communicate with data is known as data literacy. It’s a talent that requires workers at all levels to ask the right questions of data and machines, creates knowledge, make decisions, and communicate meaning to others. It isn’t only about comprehending data. To be educated, you must also have the confidence to challenge evidence that isn’t performing as it should. Literacy aids the analysis process by allowing for the human element of critique to be considered. Not only for data and analytics professions, but in all occupations, organizations are looking for data literacy. Companies that rigorously invest in data literacy programs will outdo those that don’t.

Why is it Important?
There are various components to achieving data literacy. Tools and technology are important, but employees must also learn how to think about data to understand when it is valuable and when it is not. When employees interact with data, they should be able to view it, manipulate it, and share the results with their colleagues. Many people go to Excel because it is a familiar tool, but confining data to a desktop application is restrictive and leads to inconsistencies. Employees receive conflicting results even though they are looking at the same statistics because information becomes outdated. It’s beneficial to have a single platform for viewing, analyzing, and sharing data. It provides a single source of truth, ensuring that everyone has access to the most up-to-date information. When data is kept and managed centrally, it is also much easier to implement security and governance regulations. Another vital aspect of data culture is having excellent analytical, statistical, and data visualization capabilities. Complex data may be made easy using data visualization, and simple humans can drill through data to find answers to queries.

Should Everyone be Data Literate?
A prevalent misconception regarding data literacy is that only data scientists should devote time to it; instead, these skills should be developed by all employees. According to a Gartner Annual Chief Data Officer (CDO) Survey, poor data literacy is one of the main roadblocks to the CDO’s success and a company’s ability to grow. To combat this, 80% of organizations will have specific initiatives to overcome their employees’ data deficiencies by 2020, Gartner predicts. Companies with teams that are literate in data and its methodologies can keep up with new trends and technologies, stay relevant, and leverage this skill as a competitive advantage, in addition to financial benefits.

How to Build Data Literacy
1. Determine your company’s existing data literacy level.
Determine your organization’s current data literacy. Is it possible for your managers to propose new projects based on data? How many individuals nowadays genuinely make decisions based on data?

2. Identify data speakers who are fluent in the language and data gaps.
You’ll need “translators” who can bridge the gap and mediate between data analysts and business groups, in addition to data analysts who can speak naturally about data. Identify any communication barriers that are preventing data from being used to its full potential in the business.

3. Explain why data literacy is so important.
Those who grasp the “why” behind efforts are more willing to support the necessary data literacy training. Make sure to explain why data literacy is so important to your company’s success.

4. Ensure data accessibility.
It’s critical to have a system in place that allows everyone to access, manipulate, analyze, and exchange data. This stage may entail locating technology, such as a data visualization or management dashboard, that will make this process easier.

5. Begin small when developing a data literacy program.
Don’t go overboard by conducting a data literacy program for everyone at the same time. Begin with one business unit at a time, using data to identify “lost opportunities.” What you learn from your pilot program can be used to improve the program in the future. Make your data literacy workshop enjoyable and engaging. Also, don’t forget that data training doesn’t have to be tedious!

6. Set a good example.
Leaders in your organization should make data insights a priority in their own work to demonstrate to the rest of the organization how important it is for your team to use data to make decisions and support everyday operations. Insist that any new product or service proposals be accompanied by relevant data and analytics to back up their claims. This reliance on data will eventually result in a data-first culture.

So, how is your organization approaching data literacy? Is it one of the strategic priorities? Is there a plan to get a Chief Data Officer? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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how ai benefits ehr systems
How AI Benefits EHR Systems

As AI continues to make waves across the medical ecosystem, its foray into the world of EHR has been interesting. This is obviously because of the countless benefits both systems offer. Now, imagine you use a basic EHR for patients. One patient is administered an MRI contrast agent before the scan. What you may not know is that they are prone to an allergy or conditions that could cause the dye to negatively affect the patient. Perhaps the data was in the patient’s EHR but was buried so deep that it would have been impossible to look for it specifically.

An AI-enabled EMR, on the other hand, would have been able to analyze all records and determine if there was a possibility of any conditions that may render the patient susceptible to adverse reactions and alert the lab before any such dyes are administered.

Here are other benefits of AI-based EHR to help you understand how they contribute to the sector.

  1. Better diagnosis: Maintaining extensive records is extremely helpful for making a better, more informed diagnosis. However, with AI in the mix, the solution can then identify even the most nominal changes in health stats to help doctors confirm or disprove it. Furthermore, such systems can also alert doctors about any anomalies and straight away link them to reports and conclusions submitted by doctors, ER staff, etc.
  2. Predictive analytics: Some of the most important benefits of AI-enabled EHRs is that they can analyze health conditions, flag any risk factors and automatically schedule appointments. Such solutions are also able to help doctors corroborate and correlate test results and help set up treatment plans or further medical investigations to deliver better and more robust conclusions about patients’ well-being.
  3. Condition mapping: Countless pre-existing conditions may impede medical diagnosis and procedures challenging or even dangerous. This can be easily tended to by AI-enabled EHRs that can help doctors rule out any such possibilities based on factual information.

Now, let’s look at some of its challenges.

  1. Real-time access: For data to be accessible by AI, the vast amounts of data generated by a hospital daily are stored in proper data centers.
  2. Data sharing: Of course, the entire point of EHRs is to make data accessible. Unfortunately, that isn’t exactly possible until you have taken care of the storage and that it is in the requisite formats. Unprocessed data is not impossible for AI to sift through but it does count up as a completely different task — one that takes a toll on the time taken to execute AI’s other, more important objectives in this context.
  3. Interoperability of data: It is not enough to just be able to store data; the said data must be also readable across a variety of devices and formats.

Artificial intelligence has a lot to offer when it comes to electronic health records and the healthcare sector in general. If you too want to put this technology to work for you, we recommend looking up a trusted custom EHR system development service provider right away and get started on the development project ASAP.

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