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introducing pillars of data observability
Introducing Pillars of Data Observability

Data observability is an integral part of the DataOps process. It helps to reduce errors, the elimination of unplanned work, and the reduction of cycle time. It allows enterprises to see workloads, data sources, and user actions in order to keep operations predictable and cost-effective without limiting their technology choices.

Observability is defined as a holistic approach that involves monitoring, tracking, and triaging incidents to prevent system downtime. It is centered on three central pillars (metrics, logs, and traces), data engineers can refer to five pillars of data observability. These include,

Freshness:   Data pipelines can fail for a million different reasons, but one of the most common causes is a lack of freshness. Freshness is the notion of “is my data up to date? Are there gaps in time where my data has not been updated?

Distribution: What is the quality of my data at the field level? Is my data within expected ranges?

Volume: The amount of data in a database is one of the most critical measurements for whether your data intake meets expected thresholds. 

Schema: Fields are often added, removed, changed etc. So having a solid audit of your schema is an excellent way to think about the health of your data as part of this Data Observability framework.

Lineage:  Lineage gives the full picture of your data landscape, including upstream sources, downstream, and who interacts with your data at which stages.

Observability is a new practice and critical competency in an ever-changing big data world. i uses AI to use for various use cases around DataOps / Data Observability.

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mobile app development trends in 2021
Mobile App Development Trends in 2021



Mobile app technology continues to grow. To expand their offerings and consumer reach, businesses around the world are moving to mobile apps. Thanks to their great success and usefulness, they often represent a massive opportunity for companies and enterprises.

Let’s take a look at the best mobile app development trends:

| Machine Learning

The convergence of mobile app development and machine learning, and artificial intelligence has made our mobile environment increasingly popular.

Currently, AI and ML have dominated mobile app growth patterns and made our lives easier. Just give the machines your orders, and you can get many things done quickly.

Businesses can streamline and streamline various complex business processes.

They can quickly identify customer interests, provide user-specific feedback and simplify business online.

| Internet of Things

The most innovative technology that has taken the tech world by storm is the Internet of Things (IoT). This technology has provided users with a convenient environment to connect to various IoT devices in real-time.

| Cross-Platform Mobile Application Development

It is the best way to build applications that work well across all platforms. We are experts in cross-platform application development and have made most of our applications this way. Cross-platform app development costs about 40% less to develop and 25% less to maintain in the long run than native app development.

| Wearable devices

The wearable technology trend has been on the rise for years. Many organizations have incorporated this technology into their ecosystem to provide their consumers with an always seamless experience—this technology uses smartwatches, fitness bands, and tracking devices.

These IoT devices allow the application to monitor all the activities a person performs during the day.

Users can monitor their heart rate, oxygen levels, blood pressure, and the number of kilometers walked per day, among other things.

According to Statista, there will be 1.1 billion wearable devices by 2022. In addition, there will be a gold rush in the creation of mobile applications for the Internet of Things in the coming years.

| Gamification of applications

Want to attract more customers and improve app purchases? Then gamification is the answer. Yu-Kai Chou uses the term “human-centric approach” to describe how to incorporate the enjoyable experiences of games into digital products. Gaming encourages people to do different things, from downloading images to performing repetitive tasks, by making things desirable to individuals.

In mobile applications, gamification is helpful because the elements of games create a playful environment for users. There are several reasons why this strategy should consider, but the main one is that gamification is a good choice when the goal is to balance user acquisition and retention. Essentially, you can use gamification to build a mobile app that delivers sustainable growth for your customers.

| Cloud-based applications

Smartphone users have recently created demands and desires for cloud-based mobile applications. As a result, all mobile app designs have become complex package designs that require a lot of attention. Mobile apps needed more space on the mobile phone at that time, and working with a mobile app became partially sluggish without the cloud.

| AI 

When we talked about trends in mobile app development, artificial intelligence (AI) was the topic that came up most often last year. From enriching the customer experience to replacing human assistants (e.g., Google Assistant on mobile phones), AI leads the way in almost every market.

Could machine learning be far behind and AI ahead? Together, all these tools improve solutions, spot trends, and make business processes 100 times faster and simpler for stakeholders.

| Low code

Low-code is a visual approach to app development. To enable rapid delivery of different software solutions, low-code abstracts and automates every application life cycle. It breaks down the traditional silos of business and IT to foster continuous collaboration.

The adoption of low-code development platforms has been driven by increased market demand for technology solutions and a shortage of professional developers.

| No code

A no-code framework is a development platform that uses a visual development environment that allows laypeople to build applications by adding application components to create a complete application using methods such as drag and drop. With the no-code framework, users do not need previous coding experience to build applications.

Too good to be true, it seems. Non-technical business users are designing full-fledged applications themselves! Great marketing, but it doesn’t work, does it? To build an app that even comes close to working, you need talented coders.

But low-code is not the only natural way. It happens. It’s changing the industry, and it’s leading to publicity.

| Enterprise management

As technology and its functions evolve, businesses are changing at the same time. They seek to modernize their current way of working and embrace the enterprise’s versatility to improve processes, workflows, employee morale, productivity, performance, and other parameters.

As a result, companies are increasingly turning to enterprise applications for growth. Companies are focusing on creating robust and scalable enterprise software for enterprises and their subsidiaries worldwide through React Native app development or Ionic app development.

| Conclusion

These are the best mobile app development trends that enterprises will be happy to follow in 2021. They will surely help them enjoy positive growth. Contact top app development companies in India and get the best results for your work within the timeframe. 

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iptv and video statistics
IPTV and Video Statistics

100 million people view some form of online video…every single day.

Is this really a surprising statistic? Whether you’re killing time watching videos of Bichon Frise puppies, catching up on last night’s NBA highlights, or binging your new favorite Netflix show, people have more reasons and more platforms than ever to engage with videos over an internet connection. It’s not just something people do at the end of the day—thanks to the rise in mobile video consumption, we watch videos waiting in the coffee line, on the subway, while watching TV (a growing trend called “two-screening” that is popular amongst millennials), and, of course, while sitting on the porcelain throne (don’t lie, we know you’re guilty of this—we’re guilty of it, too).

Video, whether it’s accompanied by audio or not, is an incredibly digestible and accessible form of media on a variety of platforms. Plus, there’s nothing like watching a live video to transport you to anywhere you want to go on the planet.

There are approximately 123 million IPTV subscribers around the world.

Nearly 47 million people subscribe to Netflix in the US alone, with over 47 percent of those subscribers coming from outside the States. This is just a fraction of the entire IPTV picture, with more and more people all over the world turning to IPTV solutions for video on demand content, breaking news coverage, and live entertainment and sporting events.

IPTV subscribership is rising at a rate of 12 percent per year.

With many traditional TV companies offering new IPTV platforms (i.e. HBO NOW, FOX NOW, The ESPN app), IPTV subscribership is growing at a healthy rate because it meets one single requirement of consumers today: it gives people the content they want, when and where they want it, on any desktop or mobile device.

This increase in IPTV subscribership has naturally led to a steep decline in traditional TV subscriptions. Overall, satellite and cable subscriptions are declining at a rate of nearly 2 percent per fiscal quarter, and the decline is much more drastic for some individual cable channels than others — in November of 2016 alone, ESPN lost a whopping 621,000 cable subscribers, and are on pace to lose 15 million total subscribers between 2012 and 2017.

In a world where the internet is king, consumers don’t sit around at home to wait for their favorite cable show at 8 p.m. anymore—they stream it through IPTV platforms anytime, any place they desire.

Originally published at

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rewards and recognition 2 0 what does it comprise of
Rewards and recognition 2.0: What does it comprise of?

Employee recognition occurs when a manager or a peer recognizes a person’s efforts and/or achievements inside an organization. According to Bersin by Deloitte, 83 percent of organizations suffer from a lack of [employee] “recognition,” while just 17 percent of employees think their managers know how to recognize them properly.

While employee expectations of appreciation and recognition are nothing new, the manner in which recognition is offered must adapt to match the demands of the incoming workforce. By 2020, Millennials made up half of the global workforce, as they are more accustomed to receiving fast, frequent, and personalized feedback.

Communication between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. is blurring as digital media allows for real-time communication to occur anywhere, at any time, and Millenials demand an ‘always-on’ communication loop. This generation’s usage of technology and connection with the digital environment clearly distinguishes them from earlier generations of employees. Managers have increased pressure to communicate and recognize success as a result of their drive to continued learning, ambition, and desire to rise quickly ahead within an organization.

Millennials have transformed the face of the workforce and will continue to do so, bringing new expectations to organizations. As a result, managers will need to broaden the range of recognition options accessible to them in order to come up with new methods to show their appreciation for their staff. While managers will be responsible for setting the bar for employee appreciation, it is HR’s responsibility to offer the systems that enable and support this process. 

The Value of Rewards to Humans

Rewarding someone for a job well done is not a novel notion. Whether it’s mythical stories about God’s blessings or historical ones about the role of olive branches in the Olympics, if you think about it, they were all begun in order to appreciate something that exceeded expectations. The industrial revolution, however, legitimized the approach to employee incentives and recognition programs. When and where did workplace recognition begin? What was early workplace recognition like back then? Giving gifts and tokens of appreciation were the basis of recognition. Managers are guilty of piling on unwanted presents such as showpieces to employees as rewards. 

Top Obstacles to Your Reward and Recognition Efforts

  • By manually awarding and recognizing employees, there is a lack of
  • A generic incentives scheme that does not meet the demands of your firm.
  • Rewards and recognition are not given out on a regular and timely basis.
  • Appreciation is restricted to a subset of the workforce.
  • Ignoring the importance of a suitable reward and recognition platform

Why are traditional practices making the process boring and pushing it towards a slow death?

  • A command-and-control strategy compelled all employees, whether they wanted to or not, to engage in programs.
  • Because they were organizationally motivated, supervisors who were typically in charge of rewarding people had no idea what the employee was up to most of the time.
  • Individuals who were not part of a bigger group were not inspired or motivated by impersonal communications.
  • Generic incentives were not appealing to everyone. At the end of the day, one size does not fit all.
  • Programs frequently felt inauthentic and dull due to the system’s repetitious nature.

Rewards and Recognition 2.0 – What Should it Comprise Of?

  • Know Your Employee Needs: A rewards and recognition program’s primary goal is to make employees happy. So, the first thing you should think about is determining what makes your staff happy.

Every developing R&R program will need to do a preliminary study. It will aid in the development of a personalized program to meet the interests and needs of employees, increasing the program’s chances of success.

  • Determine The Eligibility Criteria, And Award Frequency

Once your workers understand what might lead to awards and recognition, it’s time to inform them about who is qualified for it.

At the same time, you must ensure that the frequency of the incentives is defined, for example, weekly, monthly, or annual, etc. According to research, 71% of highly engaged employees work in firms that acknowledge the staff at least once a month. 

Here are some things to think about while deciding on the frequency of awards for a department.

  • Do you have adequate departmental finances to meet the awards’ costs?
  • Are the number of employees engaging in the program insufficient to make the program viable?
  • Is it possible for your staff to share an award title at the same time? Or will it devalue the honor?
  • Is the department running any other ongoing recognition programs?
  • Fix The Criteria Of Winning

You can deal with it in two steps. First, select how the candidates will be brought into the spotlight. Who will make the decision? Will you implement a nomination system? If yes, decide who can and when they can nominate. Consider filling out a nomination form here.

Second, you must decide how you will choose a winner from the pool of nominated individuals. Combining manager and peer-to-peer recognition can be the most successful. 

  • Building a culture of Peer-to-Peer Recognition program:

A peer-to-peer appreciation program provides an ideal chance to foster a culture of enhanced communication in the workplace. Overall, it assists a corporation in valuing everyone’s input.

A good peer recognition program may be advantageous in a variety of ways:

Improved working connections.

Enhances overall team morale.

Increases self-esteem and confidence. 

  • Personalized Rewards:

The “one-size-fits-all” approach to personalized rewards is no longer effective for your staff these days. A custom-made award has a long-lasting effect on the receiver’s psyche. When you go out of your way to personalize your award, it establishes a bond between the receiver and the giver. 

  • Make it user engaging:

The user interface of the R&R software should be straightforward, fluid, and easy to use. Because the application will be used by everyone in the firm, there should be no complex processes.

The application should be enjoyable and simple to use. Gamification in the R&R module can increase involvement by allowing workers to trade incentives or appreciation, establish an internal scoreboard, allocate points, and so on.


Here are a few ideas for employee appreciation that will make them feel all warm and joyful on the inside. Check these ideas out:

Gift of Gratitude: Everyone wants to be appreciated, and the effect of a spoken or digital “thank you” is unrivaled by any other form.

Anniversaries and Birthdays: On their day, you must make them feel special. And a cake and a digital “Happy Birthday” wish never fail to make your staff feel appreciated.

Personalized Note: Digital badges with a note are a very personal kind of acknowledgment that any employee would appreciate.

Hall Of Fame: Having a wall of fame in the office, or digitally showcased on a portal, where successes or achievements are exhibited for the entire workforce to view is the perfect way to top off the employee appreciation cake.

Celebrate Work Anniversaries: Employee milestones, like work anniversaries, are a terrific opportunity to show your appreciation.

Performance-based Recognition: Performance-based awards have their allure, and they have long proven to be a fascinating source of recognition.

Acknowledge Non-Work Achievements: You must constantly make an effort to recognize employees’ outside-work-related accomplishments. 

The Rewards & Recognition programs should constantly be updated to keep up with the time and employee expectations. Rewards are perceived differently by different people and so it is important to explore and execute what works.

Go up and beyond the conventional reward systems and experiment with new technologies and tools to drive appreciation at the workplace.

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5 ways how vr will impact education process soon
5 Ways How VR Will Impact Education Process Soon

The rapid development of technology could not pass the educational process. And, while virtual reality (VR) technologies are not new to most people, they have only recently been used in the educational sector. What do you know about the impact of virtual reality on education?

People’s attention has been drawn to online education and interactive tools that can make learning more accessible, visible, and efficient due to the pandemic. Due to a lack of research data, many students who were self-educating were forced to seek writing assistance or buy dissertation online.

Virtual reality (VR) has evolved into an effective tool, allowing millions of students to better educate themselves even during a lockdown.

VR technologies have long been a part of daily life as well as professional human activity. Their integration into education is still negligible. Nonetheless, everything could change very soon. There are several significant reasons for this:

  • Lowering the cost of technical equipment. Prices for modern VR devices designed for home and professional use have dropped significantly in recent years, making them more affordable.
  • Increased investment in VR. In 2020, the global VR market was estimated to be worth USD 15.81 billion. From 2021 to 2028, it is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 18%.
  • Increased competition. In the European market, there are already over 300 VR companies, including market giants HTC, Microsoft, Samsung, Sony, and Oculus, which create fierce competition and produce useful VR products.
  • Application fields expansion. Although virtual reality has long since ceased to be just a game story, it is now being used in many industries, including the oil and gas industry, education, mechanical engineering, energy, etc.

VR learning grounds on immersive technologies. It allow users to better perceive and understand a specific phenomenon, model situations, etc. That is, in a matter of minutes, these technologies immerse students in the required environment.

Here are the main advantages of VR use in education:


A student can use virtual reality to examine objects and processes that are impossible or extremely difficult to trace in the real world. For example, anatomical features of the human body and the operation of complex mechanisms such as space flights, trips to different epochs, etc.

You will no longer wonder, “Can I pay someone to do my homework?” because VR allows you to get the most detailed look at the subject under study, eliminating the need for additional assistance.


External factors have little impact on students in the virtual world. As a result, they can concentrate more on the cognitive process.


The training scenario can be precisely programmed and tracked. Students can conduct chemical experiments, view historical events, and solve problems in a more captivating and understandable game format.


Students can perform complex operations in virtual reality without risking their lives. No matter how dangerous the experiment is, the consequences will not harm him or his classmates.


Many people nowadays continue to ask themselves, “Who can write my paper for me?” Experiments revealed that the performance rate of VR technologies is significantly higher than that of traditional learning methods. It reduces the number of search queries by providing students with the most comprehensive data for their research papers.

Teachers use computer technology in the modern educational process, in addition to textbooks, because this format of submitting information is more interesting and understandable for today’s generation of schoolchildren.

Heavy books replacement

VR technology aids in the retention of information and reduces the need for it to be repeated. Information is presented in classrooms using special glasses or classroom technologies.

Provision of exhaustive information

VR will help students learn more about complex subjects. For example, the teacher will no longer need to explain how the lungs appear outside and inside. Students will be able to see everything with their own eyes.

New education programs

VR based education programs will help students and teachers achieve better results.

Appearance Of A Shared Content-Base

A content base will allow teachers to create their own lessons while also utilizing the work of other teachers.

Increase In-Home Use

VR technologies promote remote learning and make it more accessible to all. They significantly increase the level of immersion in the material, resulting in students wanting to use it more frequently at home.

The next big thing in education is not technology but rather a teacher’s decision to push ahead and incorporate VR technologies into the classroom. The global goal should be to make knowledge available, accessible, and affordable to all people on Earth.

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ml and causality why
ML and Causality – Why?

Machine learning is “Competence without Comprehension” as famously noted by Dan Dennett, the pre-eminent philosopher of our times. There are two aspects to Machine Learning (ML) “comprehension”.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) hopes to infuse ML with comprehension. The other less lofty aspect is that WE would like to “comprehend” how ML reaches its decisions and predictions! To accomplish the latter, we need “Explainable ML” – explanation is the evidence of comprehension . . .

Causation is the most important connection in the Universe – why? The cause-effect relationship among different entities alone provides the invariant basis for the explanation of the causal chain that leads to a decision or a prediction. ML may be able to pull together information using a deep neural network from, say, various vital signs of a patient and provide a decision (“move to ICU now”) or prediction (“oxygenation level will be below threshold in 2 hours”). But when ML cannot provide the explanations, physicians cannot perform “what-if” and counterfactual thought-experiments necessary to tease out the root causes.

The conundrum in ML is that if predictions based on correlations are accurate “enough” and applies to related cases (generalizable) “most of the time” for practical use, why bother about WHY ML worked? The problem is “enough” and “most of the time”; because they are probabilistic statements, was ML’s effectiveness a “chance event” or was there an enduring basis for us to believe that it will work in other cases – in other words, what is the whole “solution space”?!

When ML is not explainable, it is hard nigh impossible to know the perimeter of the Solution Space; when we cannot surmise the extend of this space, we feel antsy! We need to comprehend the solution space coverage and reasons for it – Explanation is the evidence that we have comprehended the competence of our ML!

Explanation needs knowledge of cause-effect relationships . . .

CALLING on Data Scientists to incorporate Causality into your algorithms in your application domain! Here are my recent attempts to incorporate Causality into IoT –

(A)Evidence-based Prescriptive Analytics, CAUSAL Digital Twin and a Learning Estimation Algorithm”, April 2021 at

  • Causality & Causal Graph; Conditions for a DAG to be a Causal Graph; Causal Discovery & Causal Estimation – Causal Graph in IoT use cases can be elicited from domain-experts
  • Non-traditional Neural Network algorithm; Causal Graph integrated into NN; Full derivation in the appendix

(B) “Stochastic Formulation of Causal Digital Twin – Kalman Filter Algorithm”, May 2021 at

  • Stochastic formulation; SVAR model recast as State-space model
  • Kalman Filter & Smoother algorithm to estimate causal factors

Dr. PG Madhavan

Seattle, WA

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property management contributions of ai
Property Management: Contributions of AI

Artificial intelligence is decidedly among the most prevalent and sought-after technologies in the modern-day and age. This popularity is not without reason though — after all, this technology stands to empower businesses and countless other entities with myriad benefits. Starting from significantly cutting down the time taken to accomplish a task to offering unparalleled insights about risks, trends, etc. — there’s a lot of artificial intelligence can do for your business. Now, given all that it stands to be able to do for us, it ought to come as no surprise that more and more industries and sectors have taken a shining to it and are now rushing to integrate it within their businesses as well. One such industry is a property management and real estate.

You see, property management is an extensive undertaking, where one is responsible for a wide variety of tasks and duties, including tenant management, security, plumbing, and countless other such tasks. Understandably, it is not quite an easy job, but it can be made substantially easier with help from artificial intelligence. How? For starters, it can be used to help address customers’ queries or direct them to the right people, who can best tackle these tasks. Oh, and given the advent of other technologies such as mixed reality, it is now also possible to give virtual tours to people who may be interested in the property. What else can it do, you ask? Well, here are some other things AI can do for a property management business.

  1. Automate tasks: As noted above, property management is an extensive undertaking, one that involves countless tasks. Artificial intelligence can help in this regard via AI-powered chatbots, personal assistants, etc. They can automate email replies, schedule tasks for other service providers, schedule meetings, and so much more. This also helps staff save precious time that can be, then, devoted to other more important aspects of their jobs.
  2. Surveillance: Modern-day cameras, integrated with artificial intelligence, can be used in the context of property management to help set up virtual boundaries, monitor people entering and exiting the property, etc. Combine this with remote guards and you can also use them to detect and prevent crimes, etc.
  3. Operations and accounts: Of course, running a property management endeavor and managing the accounts is easily among the most complex tasks, owing to the variety of factors involved. They must deal with security deposits, rent payments, maintenance payments, and countless other such financial responsibilities. With AI, this can be made much easier and more streamlined. How? Different ways; it ensures seamless communication between tenants and the property management office. It also helps channel all the requisite details under one platform, thus making their management that much easier to deal with.

It is clear as day to see that artificial intelligence stands to bring a world of benefits to the table when it comes to property management as well as the real estate sector in general. Sure enough, there are still some roadblocks, but none that stand to impede the ability of artificial intelligence to deliver excellent value in property management software development. So, go ahead and get started on integrating this novel technology in your business as well. And if you are just starting, you now know why it must be a part of the development plans from scratch.

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fun math problems for machine learning practitioners
Fun Math Problems for Machine Learning Practitioners

This is part of a series featuring the following aspects of machine learning:

This issue focuses on cool math problems that come with data sets, source code, and algorithms. Many have a statistical, probabilistic or experimental flavor, and some are dealing with dynamical systems. They can be used to extend your math knowledge, practice your machine learning skills on original problems, or for curiosity. My articles, posted on Data Science Central, are always written in simple English and accessible to professionals with typically one year of calculus or statistical training, at the undergraduate level. They are geared towards people who use data but are interesting in gaining more practical analytical experience. The style is compact, geared towards people who do not have a lot of free time. 

Despite these restrictions, state-of-the-art, of-the-beaten-path results as well as machine learning trade secrets and research material are frequently shared. References to more advanced literature (from myself and other authors) is provided for those who want to dig deeper in the interested topics discussed. 

1. Fun Math Problems for Machine Learning Practitioners

These articles focus on techniques that have wide applications or that are otherwise fundamental or seminal in nature.

  1. Fascinating Facts About Complex Random Variables and the Riemann Hy…
  2. More Surprising Math Images
  3. Beautiful Mathematical Images
  4. Deep visualizations to Help Solve Riemann’s Conjecture
  5. Spectacular Visualization: The Eye of the Riemann Zeta Function
  6. New Probabilistic Approach to Factoring Big Numbers
  7. Simple Trick to Dramatically Improve Speed of Convergence
  8. State-of-the-Art Statistical Science to Tackle Famous Number Theory…
  9. New Perspective on Fermat’s Last Theorem
  10. Fun Math: Infinite Nested Radicals of Random Variables – Connection with Fractals and Brownian Motions
  11. Surprising Uses of Synthetic Random Data Sets
  12. Two New Deep Conjectures in Probabilistic Number Theory
  13. Extreme Events Modeling Using Continued Fractions
  14. A Strange Family of Statistical Distributions
  15. Some Fun with Gentle Chaos, the Golden Ratio, and Stochastic Number…
  16. Fascinating New Results in the Theory of Randomness
  17. From Infinite Matrices to New Integration Formula

2. Free books

  • Statistics: New Foundations, Toolbox, and Machine Learning Recipes

    Available here. In about 300 pages and 28 chapters it covers many new topics, offering a fresh perspective on the subject, including rules of thumb and recipes that are easy to automate or integrate in black-box systems, as well as new model-free, data-driven foundations to statistical science and predictive analytics. The approach focuses on robust techniques; it is bottom-up (from applications to theory), in contrast to the traditional top-down approach.

    The material is accessible to practitioners with a one-year college-level exposure to statistics and probability. The compact and tutorial style, featuring many applications with numerous illustrations, is aimed at practitioners, researchers, and executives in various quantitative fields.

  • Applied Stochastic Processes

    Available here. Full title: Applied Stochastic Processes, Chaos Modeling, and Probabilistic Properties of Numeration Systems (104 pages, 16 chapters.) This book is intended for professionals in data science, computer science, operations research, statistics, machine learning, big data, and mathematics. In 100 pages, it covers many new topics, offering a fresh perspective on the subject.

    It is accessible to practitioners with a two-year college-level exposure to statistics and probability. The compact and tutorial style, featuring many applications (Blockchain, quantum algorithms, HPC, random number generation, cryptography, Fintech, web crawling, statistical testing) with numerous illustrations, is aimed at practitioners, researchers and executives in various quantitative fields.

To receive a weekly digest of our new articles, subscribe to our newsletter, here.

About the author:  Vincent Granville is a data science pioneer, mathematician, book author (Wiley), patent owner, former post-doc at Cambridge University, former VC-funded executive, with 20+ years of corporate experience including CNET, NBC, Visa, Wells Fargo, Microsoft, eBay. Vincent is also self-publisher at, and founded and co-founded a few start-ups, including one with a successful exit (Data Science Central acquired by Tech Target). He recently opened Paris Restaurant, in Anacortes. You can access Vincent’s articles and books, here.

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what are residential proxies
What Are Residential Proxies?

As more of our lives are being lived online, the need for tools to manage what information we spread and to protect our anonymity while browsing is becoming increasingly important. Proxies have been with us for some time and are commonly used tools to keep web scrapers and users’ browsing activities private.

While there is a wide class of different proxy tools, residential proxies are some of the most powerful. This type of proxy can deliver higher levels of reliability and security for web scrapers looking to extract data from difficult to scrape sites.

However, not everyone is familiar with this type of proxy and its many benefits. In this article, we’ll explain what a residential proxy is and answer some of the most important questions about using this technology.

What Is a Residential Proxy?

To understand exactly what a residential proxy is, you first need to grasp what a residential IP is. An IP address is a unique identifier assigned to an individual device when it connects to a network. This allows devices or endpoints to communicate with each other directly and without crossing wires.

A residential IP refers to the IP assigned to a specific device, such as a computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc. This IP is associated with information about the device, its owner ISP, and its approximate physical location.

Internet Services Providers (ISPs) own residential IP addresses and store them in public databases. They assign an IP to each device that connects to their network. Residential IPs are associated with a single device and, by extension, its user.

As residential IP addresses are associated with individuals, they are treated as real people by online services. In contrast, database proxies are usually linked with spam and may be blocked on the spot.

How do Residential Proxies Work?

Like most other types of proxies, a residential proxy routes your internet traffic through an intermediary server and forwards the requests to the target site using this IP address to make the request look like it is coming from someone browsing the internet from home. This effectively replaces your servers IP address with a new one that cannot be used to track your physical device.

The main difference between residential proxies and database proxies is that the former assigns real devices’ residential IPs to your requests, whereas database proxies assign an IP from a server residing in a data center making them easier to detect.

Because residential proxies are actually using someones more highly trusted, they are more reliable and effective than database proxies.

Why Should I Use A Residential Proxy?

There are many possible reasons to use any type of proxy, however, residential proxies are especially useful in certain circumstances:

The main benefits of using a proxy is that they are harder to detect for anti-scraping solutions and residential proxy providers generally have better city and state level geographic coverage that datacenter proxies allow, making them ideal when you need to make your requests look like they are coming from a specific city or state. However, there are also more specific cases in which a proxy can be useful.

Increasing Your Scraping Success Rates

Residential proxies are generally much harder to detect for anti-scraping solutions than data center proxies because it is very hard for them to distinguish if the request is coming from a real user or a bot using their IP address. Most websites don’t want to lose business so their threshold for banning or throttling requests from a residential IP is much higher than the threshold they use for data center proxies. Making residential proxies are great option for websites who are very aggressive when blocking scrapers.

Enhanced Geotargeting Capabilities

Another major benefit to residential proxies over data center proxies is the fact that the large providers have much better geotargeting capabilities than data center providers especially when trying to geotarget down to the city and state level. making them ideal when you need to make your requests look like they are coming from a specific city or state

Automation Use Cases

Residential proxies are also great options for use cases that require you to log into a site to scrape data or to automate some processes, like Instagram automation, sneaker or ticket purchasing, etc. This is because to log when logging into a account it is much easier for anti-bot systems to detect if you are bot or a real user.

Another reason is if you need to run a large number of requests, such as scraping websites or search engine data, that might be deemed suspicious activity. Similarly, proxies can help you conduct market, SEO, and competitor research as well as ad verification.

What are Residential Rotating Proxies?

Residential rotating proxies are also sometimes known as backconnect proxies. They are used to address the main weakness of a typical, individual residential proxy. That is, even though they are harder to detect than datacenter proxies, if you make hundreds or thousands of requests to the same website with that IP address the target website will quickly ban the IP as it becomes pretty obvious to them that there must be an automated system making the requests.

In contrast, when you use a rotating residential proxy pool, you get access to an entire pool of residential IPs. Where the provider will automatically spread your requests across all the proxies in its pool so it looks to the website that there are thousands of individual users visiting the site instead of one user.

The larger the pool of IPs is, the more reliable and effective it will be. Every time an IP gets blocked (as a result of too many requests, for example), it will simply reroute the request to a different proxy and continue what you were doing with a clean slate.

Residential Proxies Are Very Expensive, Do I Really Need to Use Them?

Its true, residential proxies tend to cost significantly more than normal data center proxies. Even from the same provider, residential packages can cost 10 times more than their data center proxy packages.

That being said, for some of the difficult to scrape sites using standard data center proxies simply won’t cut it unless you use an advanced proxy rotator.

In 99% of cases, you can use data center proxies to reliably scrape a website if you make use of more sophisticated header and cookie management techniques to disguise the fact that you are actually a scraper. However, if you don’t want to take the time to learn how to do this or you’ve tried and failed to do this in the past then residential proxies are a good fallback option.

The one type of use case that generally requires residential proxies is when you want to log into a site and scrape data from behind the login or do automated actions like post a Tweet or like one of your follower’s posts.

Where Do Residential Proxy Providers Get Their Proxies?

This is where residential proxies can get a bit murky. As mentioned previously, residential IPs are associated with real devices and real people so these addresses are owned by and assigned to users by ISPs. For that reason, they are more difficult to obtain than datacenter or server-based proxies, which partly explains the higher cost of residential proxy services.

The typical way for residential providers to get these proxies is via offering free or low cost VPN solutions where the user in their terms and conditions agrees to allow the VPN provider to let them use the users IP address as a proxy for other providers. This is a bit murky as technically these VPN providers say in their terms and conditions that they are going to do this, however, most users never read the T&Cs and have no idea that this is happening.

Some VPN providers are more upfront in this or compensate the user for the traffic they put through their IP address, however, some don’t.

Legitimate proxy services take the anonymity and data privacy of individuals very seriously. For that reason, they are unlikely to disclose any exact details regarding the individuals or methods involved in obtaining their pool of IPs. So it is always better to go with the more established and reputable residential providers.

Are Residential Proxies Illegal?

Provided that the residential proxy provider acquired their residential Ips legally, and the users have agreed to their use as proxy solutions then they are perfectly legal. Although they might be against the T&Cs of certain online services, there is nothing illegal, in itself, about using a residential proxy.

How Can I Use Residential Proxies?

Getting started with a proxy and setting it up on your device is usually a relatively straightforward process. The steps may vary slightly depending on the proxy provider you choose, however, in most cases they will provide you with a proxy port or an API endpoint that you can send your HTTP requests too and they will then route your requests to the appropriate residential proxy in their proxy pools.

Sometimes, they will provide you with individual residential IP addresses for you to use, but this isn’t standard practice and isn’t used by the bigger residential proxy providers.

Source Prolead brokers usa

blockchain strengthening mobile app development is this even possible
Blockchain Strengthening Mobile App Development: Is This Even Possible?

Blockchain will be one of the most used technologies in the coming times. The reason is simple. You can integrate highly complex and encrypted data into a secure mesh to provide a secure online transaction. BFSI’s thriving industry can take full advantage of this disruptive technology and deliver more reliability and security to its customers.

Mobile app development services are embracing blockchain technology advancements these days. As a result, we find robust mobile application solutions for global companies. Biggies like LG, Microsoft, and Facebook have also integrated Blockchain technology into their system.

Blockchain technology is being integrated into the corporate world through the development of blockchain applications. 

You may be wondering how Blockchain technology can affect the application development process.

Here are ten exclusive ways mentioned through which the mobile app development company can take advantage of the benefits of blockchain technology.

  • Benefit 1: Blockchain offers security

The initial benefit of the revolutionary blockchain technology is that it makes applications more secure. The technology can use the most advanced cryptography. 

This technology concept is somehow designed in such a way that it can offer the highest level of security with strong encryption.

Here I’ll give you a glimpse of how blockchain technology works:

The technology offers a regular chain of series or some series of interconnected blocks. Each block has the transaction data and the timestamp of another block. The data is encoded and stored in a cryptographic hash that alters any impossible blocks. Now each neighborhood has a cryptographic form for the previous block.

  • Benefit 2: Blockchain increases reliability

In addition to increasing data security, technology can significantly increase the reliability of a mobile application. It is mainly due to the fact that the blockchain structure itself is robust and reliable. 

Blockchain construction makes the whole system against any collapse or crash. It also has many blocks that own the data in more than one place, which makes the Blockchain more reliable.

Blockchain servers and other relevant hardware have a distributed nature that prevents any unauthorized data tampering attempts. 

Thanks to the multiple data centers in different locations, even a small notification is regularly visible. All these features make the blockchain approach reliable for a mobile application development solution for businesses.

You can always hire app developers to help you make full use of this reliability of blockchain. 

  • Benefit 3: Blockchain promotes simplicity

Another major benefit of blockchain technology is its simplicity. When it comes to simplicity, Blockchain has an advantage over relative concepts that perform similar functions. 

The simplicity makes it an easy-to-develop and cost-effective approach for ethereum app development company

If the technology is sophisticated, it takes more effort, time, and money to integrate, maintain, and modify it. 

Simply put, complex techniques contribute to increased costs related to application development and maintenance. The Blockchain can help entrepreneurs get rid of higher prices while offering them a feature-rich mobile app.

  • Benefit 4: Blockchain keeps applications up to date

Blockchain technology is evolving at breakneck speed. The process that is growing these days, we can expect it to bring the maximum updates shortly. 

As a result, the complete business mobile application will be ready to address future requirements, and finally, you will be able to offer better customer services with such an up-to-date mobile application.

The technology behind Blockchain is also available as open-source technology. Blockchain application developers can easily share and use advancements to make the application more powerful and secure. 

In a way, blockchain technology can help reduce application development time and cost while creating advanced mobile application solutions.

  • Benefit 5: Blockchain increases transparency

Security improves transparency. Blockchain technology records every transaction in such a way that users can simply track them whenever they want. The technology ruled out the possibility of any fraudulent transactions or fabricated information.

The Blockchain makes the application and the entire system tamper-proof and resistant to any fraudulent activity.The blockchain application can also help entrepreneurs to gain customer trust. Users can safely transact through such applications and be sure of the protection of their valuable data. Furthermore, the concept is scalable to manage multiple users at the same time.

The application of blockchain technology is not restricted to any sector. With core features like secure data exchange and transaction, any industry sector can take advantage of Blockchain technology. 

Healthcare, logistics, and real estate may emerge as the most significant advantages of blockchain application development in the future.

  • Benefit 6: Blockchain frees you from passwords

Regardless of how strong the password you set for your devices, there is always a fear that it will leak. Blockchain technology helps us get rid of this fear.

With Blockchain, the password is hardly necessary to verify any transaction or device. The two parties included in the offers usually make payments by SSL certificate. 

In addition to this, the blockchain network reviews everything while making it visible and accessible to everyone, thus eliminating the chances of being fake.

  • Benefit 7: Identity Protection

One of the essential advantages of Blockchain technology is security.

It is quite impossible for any hacker to shut down the entire system, as the data storage is not on any server but on each block. Blockchain offers the user working in crypto with secret key encryption.

The blockchain working mechanism ensures that no one can misuse the data.

  • Benefit 8: Protect digital information that requires multiple users

Encryption is very complex with blockchain technology. It is so complicated that it makes it absolutely impossible for someone without a decryption key to fooling the system. 

This lends itself to any system that needs to offer access to different users but at the same time requires verification of the information that fits.

For example, it is very common in the legal and financial sector to have multiple signatures on a document or some contract. 

Through the Blockchain, different parties can access and edit this information at the same time without the need to interact with each other. The only verification required would be to check the Blockchain and see the adjustments made.

  • Benefit 9: Blockchain is developing regularly

The speed at which blockchain technology advances is very high compared to other techniques. 

Choosing Blockchain, therefore, is the best decision. Since in the future, this technology will have many software updates and more improved services for your mobile application. The process and tools used to design blockchain technology are readily available and can be quickly accessed by users. 

Technology also enables its users to make suggestions that can lead to the future success of the organization. With all the emerging technologies, you better keep up-to-date, as we see many changes as we migrate to a more digital world.

  • Benefit 10: Blockchain adds a complex digital accounting system

It is easy to understand how blockchain development works when you consider it a ledger. The Blockchain is just a digital ledger that works with an extensive computer network, which analyzes and sends data collaboratively.

When some information is modified, that change is transmitted to the rest of the machines in the system that have the same general ledger, and the values ​​are adjusted at the same time.

Mobile technology also has a requirement for this kind of systematic approach. In their current form, most systems, not just mobile networks, are used as both server and client-side systems. 

The mobile application and the phone act as a client, and a central server forks the data when requested. Mobile networks are stressed, with many channels trying to get data wirelessly. 

This can cause certain information to be lost. With more developed data storage and transmission coming with blockchain technology, this could be improved.


Since blockchain technology has increased substantially in mobile app development in recent years, the technology itself needs to be thoroughly explored. We can expect many of its innovations and applications to be released in the coming years as mobile application developers will make it part of the global application development process.

You can hire blockchain developers in India who have the art of integrating Blockchain features to take advantage of its benefits. We can see the immense opportunities and possibilities in blockchain technology mainly when combining emerging technologies such as AR, VR, IoT, and AI. 

Therefore, it is always important to verify that your blockchain application improves over time with some valuable analytical feedback related to performance failures, memory failures, storage, latency issues, and regular crashes.

Source Prolead brokers usa

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